Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 168 Exposed

There was an omission in the previous chapter. I did not describe the story of Ye Zi’s different voice due to the mask, otherwise Orochimaru would have recognized Ye Zi’s identity by hearing the voice. After all, Ye Zi did not hurt his throat.


All along, White Zetsu's clones have fallen to various places, collecting any useful information. Although it is impossible to be comprehensive about the talent information of each Ninja Village, beings like Minato are paying attention to it. Because of this , Bai Jue looked at Minato in front of him, thinking that it would be a big loss to agree to Ye Zi's request.

Let's discuss it. I don't want the scroll, how about it? Bai Zeze looked at Minato and suggested.

Hei Jue, who had his eyes closed on the other side, suddenly opened his eyes. He couldn't stand Bai Jue's funny behavior anymore. He took over the conversation and said coldly: If you can't fight, then run away.

Seeing that the weird black and white man in front of him seemed to be having a conversation with two personalities, Minato didn't think much, a coldness flashed across his eyes, and without saying a word, he shot a kunai at Bai Zetsu.

It just so happens that the Flying Thunder God Style has been completely mastered and can be used to try this guy who invaded the village.

Hey, is it just such a simple kunai? Bai Jue casually caught the weird kunai. Since Minato had never used the Flying Thunder God outside, he didn't even know there was such a move. He desperately caught the kunai with the coordinates carved on it.

As soon as he spoke, Minato appeared in front of him without any warning, and kunai stabbed his forehead.

It was too sudden, as if it had spanned time, and it appeared so suddenly in front of him. Bai Jue couldn't react at all, and let the kunai stab his forehead.

At the critical moment, Black Zetsu took over body control, leaned back, and avoided Minato's stab. Then his black arm turned into a sharp cone shape and stabbed Minato's abdomen suddenly.

At this time, Minato's figure disappeared instantly, causing Black Zetsu's counterattack to fail.

Huh? Hei Jue's eyes narrowed.

Just as his thoughts changed, the disappeared Minato appeared in front of him again. It was extremely strange. This time, even Black Zetsu didn't react, so he was kicked into the air by Minato, and at the same time he grabbed the scroll of the forbidden technique.

Zetsu's body flew out backwards and hit a tree, turning into liquid and slowly blending in. At the same time, the kunai depicting the technique followed and was inserted into the trunk of the tree.

This time, Minato did not use Flying Thunder God again because the target escaped and he was not a perceptive ninja and could not detect Zetsu's aura at all.


Minato stared coldly at the big tree. This was the first time he saw this type of ninja. Not only did he look weird, but his moves were also very weird. It was also the first time he saw the black and red cloud costume.

Who is it? The new organization?

With such doubts, he flashed back to the top floor of the Hokage's office, where Sarutobi and two ANBU were already waiting.

Watching Minato take back the scroll of forbidden arts, Sarutobi nodded slightly, and then turned on the high alert mode. For a moment, Konoha immediately entered the alert state, searching for invading enemies.

Do you know who the other party is? Sarutobi turned around and looked at the village in the dark night, with a cold glint in his eyes.

I don't know, I'm not wearing a forehead protector, and the move is very strange. It can turn into liquid and blend into the trees. I guess the opponent can do it even if it's terrain, and after blending into the trees, the aura disappears immediately. This is the first time I've seen this He is wearing a black robe with red clouds. Minato raised his eyebrows slightly and replied.

Really... Sarutobi's eyes were cold. During the war, Konoha's alert level was higher than ever, but it was still invaded silently by the opponent. If the enemy hadn't happened to encounter Minato, I'm afraid the scroll of forbidden arts would have been taken out long ago. outside the village.

What went wrong? Sarutobi looked serious and cold. Being invaded like this was not good news for the village.

Naturally, he didn't know that the person who invaded the village would be Ye Zi, who had been dead for half a year. Konoha's defenses were difficult for enemies from outside the village to invade, but for Ye Zi, who had stayed in Genli for so many years, it was useless.

Jue ran away decisively, without even informing Ye Zi. He couldn't be blamed for this, because when Konoha entered a state of high alert, he could only leave the village first and then make plans.

Fortunately, after Ye Zi was discovered by Orochimaru, he ran away without hesitation, so before Konoha Village showed high alert, he had already reached the edge of the village and was ready to leave Konoha Village.

However, someone still came forward to try to intercept Ye Zi.

Several kunai flew with great force and landed on the ground in front of Ye Zi.

Several figures came forward, headed by a young man with long light blue hair. He had handsome features and looked very soft, but he was an acquaintance of Ye Zi, Kato Dan.

Is Konoha a place where you can come and leave whenever you want? Kato Dan stared at Ye Zi's back, his eyes lingering on the black robe with red clouds for a while.

Ye Zi tilted his head slightly and looked at Kato Dan for a moment through a hole in the mask, then jumped forward and escaped from Konoha Village.

Go and call for someone. Kato Dan left an order and chased after him without hesitation.

After leaving Konoha Village, two figures jumped up and down among the trees in the middle of the night. The thumping sound resounded through the night, covering up all the insects.

Ye Zi didn't use Thunder Escape, so he was lacking in speed and was bitten by Kato Duan.

After escaping for some distance, he suddenly stopped on the trunk of a tree, turned around and looked at Kato Dan, who also stopped.

The expression under the mask was slightly helpless. He looked at Kato Dan, who was on alert, and said in a dull voice through the mask: I advise you not to chase him anymore, otherwise I guarantee you will be filled with hatred on the spot.

Ye Zi didn't want to get entangled with Kato Dan at all. After all, Kato Dan was an acquaintance of his when it was not necessary. It would be best if he could avoid causing a fight. If it weren't for the Thunder Escape, which was his usual method. , he had already gotten rid of Kato Dan.

Hearing Ye Zi's confident speech, Kato Suan smiled slightly and said calmly: Don't worry, your worries are unnecessary. One-on-one, I am still very confident.

If Kato Dan knew that the person in front of him was Ye Zi, I'm afraid he wouldn't have said that.

The art of spiritualization itself is one of the invincible arts. In a one-on-one situation, a soul that is not afraid of physical and ninja damage can easily defeat anyone.

Therefore, Kato Dan had such confidence that when the unknown person invading Konoha stopped in front of him, he could already foresee the situation of capturing him.

He looked at the other party seriously, his hands already in the seal position.

A sigh suddenly came from under the mask.

Although this was not my intention...

Ye Zi stretched out his hand from under his robe, half-sleeved, exposing his pale wrist and palm, and drew out the blood with the red handle from behind...

But if this is your choice...then there's nothing I can do about it.

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