Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 171 Who is sad?

A figure jumped up in the dark forest, and the thumping sound came from far to near. The figure was Ye Zi who had just come out of Konoha. He killed Kato Dan with his own hands, but the expression under the mask was calm.

At this time, Bai Jue suddenly emerged from a tree and walked side by side with Ye Zi.

Ye Zi thinks that his perception is pretty good, but he can't feel the elusive Bai Jue every time.

Although I have seen many ninjas defecting from the village after killing their close friends, I am still curious about your mood now. Bai Jue turned his head to look at Ye Zi and chuckled, with obvious schadenfreude.

Ye Zi glanced at him through the mask and asked, Have you always been here?

Bai Jue said: Yes, you don't want to blame me for not showing up to help you, do you?

Ye Zi withdrew his gaze and remained silent.

If Bai Zetsu had taken action at that time, he could have easily escaped Kato Dan's pursuit. The moment he stopped, he made a decision.

He was well aware of the terrifying nature of the Spiritual Transformation Technique. Facing Kato Dan, who could also use the Spiritual Transformation Technique, holding back was the most stupid behavior.

But killing is killing. At least there will be one less threat in the future. Moreover, Kato Dan's ability to lead one side is no less than Orochimaru. Now that Konoha has lost such a talent, in the next war, It's equivalent to losing several fingers, which is also the result Ye Zi is happy to see.

According to the intelligence collected by Bai Zetsu, among the major ninja villages, the Konoha family is the dominant one. As expected, they will definitely win the war.

Ye Zi did not have the ability to control the Ninja World War, but it was not a bad thing to use this to consume the strength of the Ninja Village. He left the scroll recording the defense and supply routes of the Iwa Ninja without much thought, but if he could consume the Iwa Ninja's Strength is the best.

Oh, aren't you angry anymore? Bai Jue looked at Ye Zi who was silent.

Ye Zi directly put aside this question and asked: Have you succeeded in the forbidden scroll?

Bai Jue spread his hands and said regretfully: I got it originally, but when I met a powerful guy, it was snatched away.

Hearing this, Ye Zi frowned slightly and said, With your ability, who can keep you?

Bai Zetsu was slightly embarrassed. If he wasn't too confident, escaping wouldn't be a problem, but he wouldn't say this. He just replied: It's Namikaze Minato. This guy may become famous in the ninja world in the future.


Ye Zi silently thought about it. It was a small regret that he didn't get the forbidden technique scroll. This time his goal of returning to Konoha ended in failure, but it didn't matter. When the war broke out, or after the war, he would have many opportunities to return to Konoha. One trip to Konoha.

Although the desire for the Forbidden Technique Scroll is not as strong as before, there is nothing wrong with getting a glimpse of its appearance.

When it came to Minato, Bai Jue directly told Ye Zi his judgment on Minato's ability, so that Ye Zi would not be caught off guard when he met Minato in the future.

Hearing Bai Zetsu's narration, if it were Ye Zi in the past, he would probably be extremely excited, because the ability Minato used may be related to time and space ninjutsu. However, after receiving Madara's baptism, he didn't care so much, just in his heart Keep it in mind so that when you meet Minato in the future, you won't know nothing.

The two of them gradually moved away from the Leaf Village and headed towards Kyoto, the Country of Fire.

Xiao's first step is to make money. In this period, it is very unrealistic to make war fortune. If you want to make money quickly in a short time, in addition to accepting high rewards from the black market, there is another way, and that is the wealth of the Yunhe family. .

He once told Yunhe Muzi in his heart that he would never see her again, and he didn't want to need Yunhe Muzi's help one day.

The Daimyo of the Land of Fire is currently the head wife and the head of the Yunhe family. These are not important. What is important is that the Yunhe family has a lot of wealth.

It's a pity that because of your death, the black market reward has been cancelled. Otherwise, I would have exchanged you for a large sum of money, so why bother going around like this. During the boring journey, Bai Jue habitually said some useless words.

Ye Zi usually chooses to ignore this, although Bai Jue still enjoys it...


Kato died and the funeral was held as scheduled.

The black color stretches continuously from the tombstone to the outside of the garden, forming a strong contrast with the scene after Ye Zi's death.

Kato Dan has always been very popular in Konoha, and because of his outstanding abilities, he is one of the candidates competing for the position of Hokage. Naturally, many people will attend the funeral after his death.

Tsunade seemed to have lost her soul, silently staring at Kato Dan's tombstone, while Kyukina was accompanying her.

Anyone with a strong heart will have moments of vulnerability as long as they have weaknesses.

Sarutobi was also dressed in black and stood in the front row of the queue.

The wartime atmosphere became increasingly urgent, and Kato Dan's sudden death was a substantial loss to Konoha.

According to the subsequent investigation, Kato Dan's body surface did not suffer any actual fatal injuries. This method of death usually occurs in enemies who fight Kato Dan, which is the result of being attacked by spiritual transformation.

It is undeniable that there are other ninjutsu that can achieve this kind of enemy-killing effect, and the speculation that it is mainly related to the spiritual technique is incredible.

The only thing affected by the battle was a severed tree root. In addition, the scrolls deliberately left by the enemy and the human-shaped trees left after the on-site battle were what Sarutobi cared about most.

That was not an ordinary tree trunk commonly used in the Substitution Technique, but a wooden clone... that is, the wooden clone of the Wood Release!

That scroll is not a trap scroll, but a scroll that records the Iwa Ninja's defense and supply routes, but its authenticity needs to be investigated.

Compared to the scroll, Sarutobi was more concerned about the product of Namu's clone.

Wood escape...the signature escape technique of the first Hokage.

The Konoha Village had previously conducted an experiment in which extracted and cultivated Hashirama cells were injected into the human body in the hope of creating ninjas who could use Wood Release, but it failed.

All those who volunteered to be test subjects died due to the explosion of Hashirama cells in their bodies, causing their bodies to be exploded by trees, without exception.

At this point, the experiment was sealed, and the idea of ​​using human power to create a ninja who could use wood escape became a delusion.

But now, Wood Release appeared without any warning. Sarutobi had no clue about this person. The key points involved were Kato Dan's death method, Wood Release, the scroll, and the dress with red clouds on a black background.

(Correction here: The dress with red clouds on black background was only available after Ye Zi joined. Before that, it should have been just black clothes.)

It can't be the result of that experiment. Sarutobi looked at the tombstone surrounded by flowers and rejected this guess.

So, who is it? Being able to use Wood Release must be related to Konoha. This can also explain why the other party can sneak in quietly.

Faintly, Sarutobi felt a little uneasy.

After the ceremony to pay homage to the dead, the dark current in the cemetery dispersed.

Tsunade still stayed here, and she was accompanied by others, including Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Kyukina, and Namikaze Minato.

A group of people, dressed in black, just stayed here.

Kushina looked at Tsunade and sighed quietly in her heart, as if she had thought of something, her eyes couldn't help but look in the direction of Ye Zi's tombstone.

How much a person weighs in the hearts of others may be seen through a funeral.

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