Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 173 Meeting again

The almost joking words did not stir up Ye Zi's mood. Although the other party was serious when he said this, he was so frivolous when he did not know the amount of funds.

He looked at Muzi calmly and said, I need one billion taels.

Muzi's cheerful expression gradually disappeared with this amount.

Yunhe did have a lot of wealth, but one billion taels was not a small amount for such a family, and it was enough to work hard. She thought that the large sum of money that Ye Zi asked for might go beyond the framework of task remuneration, and even reach ten or even a hundred times of this framework, but that didn't matter. However, this thought seemed ridiculous after Ye Zi reported the amount. Extremely.

Taking a deep breath, she looked seriously at Ye Zi, who always looked calm, and said, What do you think is the need for me now that can match this amount?

So, this will be a long-term transaction. Of course, you don't need to transfer the funds all at once. You can transfer them in batches in units of hundreds of millions. Ye Zi nodded. He knew that the Yunhe family was very rich, and he knew Muzi, so he has finalized this blackmail.

Muzi couldn't help but rub the sun, feeling helpless in her heart. The cheerful mood that she wanted to tease Ye Zi at first completely dissipated. She finally understood that from the moment Ye Zi arrived, it was destined that the other party would not be polite, because The other party's goal in coming here to find him was obvious from the beginning to the end, which was to cut off a large piece of flesh from the Yunhe family at a very small price, and she couldn't resist.

According to the accurate news, Konoha's Little White Tooth is indeed dead, but in fact, Ye Zi is not dead. Not only is she not dead, he also hides his identity and does not return to Konoha, and even approaches her to ask for a huge sum of money.

There are a lot of things that can be done in this matter. Even if she only needs to tell the leaf village this news, all the problems may be solved.

But there's no way she would do that, because that would be stupid.

Her thoughts were spinning rapidly, and she was able to pick it up and put it down. After figuring out the joints, she began to think about how to maximize the value of the one billion taels she was about to spend.

In her opinion, the one billion taels had to be thrown out after Ye Zi opened his mouth, and there was no room for negotiation.

It's not that easy to transfer large amounts of funds. I can only transfer 100 million to you at one time. Muzi raised his head slightly and looked at Ye Zi, who was more than a head taller than him.

Okay. A faint smile suddenly appeared on Ye Zi's expressionless face.

Seeing this smile, Muzi was slightly startled, as if... she had never seen Ye Zi smile before.

I agreed to give the money, so what can you do for me? Muzi asked calmly, suppressing the surprise in her heart.

Ye Zi suppressed his smile and said quietly: Of course... it's murder.

In order to maximize the value of this money, is there any other way besides killing people?

Judging from her inner thoughts, Muzi hoped that Ye Zi could stay and protect her personally rather than kill people. However, she knew that this request was impossible without having to say it out loud.

Killing people in exchange for such a large amount of reward is an unfair transaction in itself, but Muzi can only admit it.

We'll discuss how to transport the funds later. Since you can only kill people for me, then go and kill someone for me now. Muzi looked at Ye Zi with eyes that were as faint as ghost fire, and her sorrow quietly melted in the fire. .

Who? Ye Zi asked.

My dear father. Muzi replied.

Ye Zi agreed calmly.


The next day, Ye Zi left Kyoto after discussing the method of transporting funds. Everything that happened here last night was just a trivial matter.

The first fund was settled, and even if Nagato needed more funds, he would not waste time on such matters.

After meeting up with Bai Zetsu, they returned to the Rain Ninja Village in the Land of Rain.

After Hanzo's death, Nagato took full control of the Rain Ninja Village and began the first step of the transformation plan of the Rain Ninja Village.

Is this a barrier against other ninja villages in the future?

Ye Zi could only use this idea to match Nagato's first step.

The strength of the Rain Ninja Village, due to the collision with Akatsuki, is now so weak that it is not worth looking at at all. It will take a lot of energy and time to cultivate another batch of useful Rain Ninjas.

Therefore, instead of collecting money to build a ninja village, he felt that it was most important to recruit people first. If he wanted to collect tailed beasts, his personal strength was too weak, because he had to face major ninja villages.

Collecting tailed beasts is the top priority goal, so Ye Zi will use the easiest way to achieve the first goal that Nagato wants in order to speed up the process of collecting tailed beasts.

To put it bluntly, Nagato is not a chess piece that he controls, he only guides Nagato to help him speed up the process of collecting tailed beasts.

Afterwards, it is a relatively difficult method to recruit more people, but it is definitely much easier than spending time and energy to build Yuren Village.

Intimidation? Incentive? Or do you want to join voluntarily?

No matter what, it is simply a waste of time for Ye Zi to stay in the Country of Rain and watch the transformation process of a village.

Therefore, for the reason of going out to look for manpower, not long after Ye Zi returned to Yuren Village, he left again. This time, he did not let Bai Jue follow him.

According to the information about the tailed beasts given by White Zetsu, only the four-tailed jinchūriki are wandering around, and the rest are controlled by the major ninja villages.

He couldn't wait to collect the tailed beasts, but Nagato didn't start the process. Even if he was anxious, there was nothing he could do, because only Nagato could summon the heretic demons, so the plan to collect the tailed beasts could only follow Nagato's will. .

Since he couldn't collect the tailed beasts, he had no choice but to find people, and his first target was the black market, a place filled with bounty hunters.

If you want to acquire talents through inducements, then the black market is the best place to go.

He came to the bounty house in the black market alone, leaned in the corner, and quietly watched the people coming and going in the bounty house.

The costume of hiding all body information under the hat and black robe did not attract the attention of others, because this is a very common phenomenon in the underground world.

Silently observing the people in the bounty house, he found that no one liked him, and they were basically weak. He stayed there for most of the day, but this phenomenon did not improve at all.

Did you come to the wrong place?

He thought that people who had been active in the black market bounty house for many years would be strong, but the fact was beyond his expectation.

These weaklings are worse than the defectors from the major ninja villages.

It seems that there is no suitable person here. Next, let's go meet a slightly famous rebel ninja.

With this thought in mind, he was about to leave the bounty house. At this time, he saw a tall figure walking in from the door.

The person who came was like him, with his body covered in a black robe and a black mask on his face, revealing a pair of eyes without pupils, but it was Kakuzu.

One. Ye Zi looked at the angle and realized that this trip was not in vain.


I recommend a novel The Legend of Regedo by a colleague. What I want to say is that Ultraman was captured by a little monster! Do what you can to save.

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