Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 18 Neglect

That night, Ye Zi tossed and turned, unable to sleep, so he put on his clothes and went to the old tree in the yard, bathed in the bright white moonlight, looked up and stared at the full moon in the night sky, silent and speechless.

He couldn't tell the difference between that bright moon and the moon seen from the earth. He only felt that the two were very similar. They looked like the same moon, but the world they were in was completely different from the earth.

He is never someone who gets discouraged easily. He always looks ahead, never stopping or looking back. Even if there is no end in sight, he will grit his teeth and walk with all his strength. If his foot is broken, he will crawl with his hands. , with his hands and feet broken, he crawled forward. Therefore, he took his sister as a child in that never-ending slum, and not only survived, but even walked out of the slum.

However... this time, he had both hands and feet, but he stopped on this long road with no end in sight. Many questions sprung up, and he felt so worried that he could feel pain in his head all the time.

He never closed his eyes until the early morning mist filled the air. The night was not long, so he couldn't think about anything. He didn't know the probability of returning to Earth, and he couldn't imagine how to return. On Earth, perhaps you can only see opportunities when you stand at a certain height.

Ye Zi, who couldn't figure it out, set a goal at this moment - to have the same power as Orochimaru, and then surpass him. By then, he might be able to touch something...

Unless you die... you will never give up.

Same time, same place, same people.

Orochimaru looked at the three young and energetic students and said calmly: The village is short of manpower and has accumulated a lot of tasks, but there are not many tasks suitable for you, so I will only give you ten days, and I will teach you personally during these ten days. you.

Konoha Village is in dire straits at the moment. The ninjas that can be mobilized in the village need to perform tasks almost every day, and the tasks suitable for genin are just odd jobs. Orochimaru doesn't like this kind of tasks, so he applied to the Hokage for ten days. During the mission stagnation period, I want to use these ten days to make Ye Zi and the others stronger, and then accept more difficult missions.

As for whether there will be casualties during the mission, he doesn't take it very seriously. In his values, missions are accepted after measuring strength. If he dies unfortunately, he can only blame himself for being too weak.

It is precisely this kind of value that since Orochimaru began to lead the team, the death rate of students has been as high as a terrifying 100%. If it were not for the fact that he had led so few students, I am afraid that none of the adults in the village would want their children to become Orochimaru's students.

The three of them didn't know Orochimaru's plan, but they were excited when they heard that they could get Orochimaru's personal guidance.

Ye Zi thought that what he lacked was that he had learned too few ninjutsu, and immediately said: I want to learn ninjutsu!

He has bright eyes and expresses what he wants directly and roughly.

Katsuyuna and Bei Xingye were startled by Ye Zi's sudden opening. They looked carefully at Orochimaru, who had a cold expression, and remained silent. However, what they were thinking in their hearts was the same as Ye Zi's.

Orochimaru glanced at him coldly, not showing any preference because of three years of getting along with him, and said in a cold tone: I have the final say.

Ye Zi, who knew Orochimaru to some extent, closed his mouth knowingly. He opened his mouth so hastily just now because he had too few ninjutsu, only the basic three body jutsu, and he believed that he had chakra control and chakra amount. They have reached a good level. If these ten days are still for training, then he will definitely cry without tears.

Come with me.

Orochimaru turned and walked towards the woods. Ten days were not long, and he did not make a clear plan. He just wanted to follow the regular steps. The first step was to climb the tree, and then to master the technique of standing on the water.

If you want to master ninjutsu, you must first have the ability to control chakra.

Orochimaru chose a place with three large trees side by side, then carefully explained the theoretical knowledge to Ye Zi and the others, and then let the Ye Zi and the others start training on their own.

Ye Zi's face turned dark when he learned that he was going to train to climb a tree. He wanted Orochimaru to teach him ninjutsu directly, but after thinking of Orochimaru's indifferent words not long ago, he held back and climbed up the tree honestly. .

Ye Zi was very confident in his control over chakra. After condensing a small amount of chakra under his feet, he put his feet up against the tree trunk and walked on the tree trunk as if on flat ground. It didn't take long to reach the top easily. Point, the speed was twice as fast as Kushina, and Bei Xingye tragically fell down when he was halfway there. The reason was that the chakra lost control and trampled off the skin of the tree trunk.

The performances of the three of them were all noticed by Orochimaru. At the moment, Ye Zi seemed to have the best control over chakra, but this was not the case.

Kushina had never trained to climb a tree before, so she was a little unfamiliar the first time, which caused her speed to be too slow. However, after getting familiar with it several times, her tree climbing speed immediately surpassed that of Ye Zi.

Seeing how relaxed the two of them were, Bei Xingye gritted his teeth secretly and practiced silently.

When Ye Zi saw that Kushina was climbing the tree faster than him, he was immediately unconvinced and climbed the tree faster.


Hearing a crisp sound, Ye Zi stepped on the ground and was startled. He fell to the ground and fell on all fours.

Such an abruptness attracted the eyes of Katsuna and Bei Xingye.

Ye Zi ignored the two people's gazes and stared blankly at the bark of the tree where a small pit had been trampled, without saying a word.

At this moment, he realized that he did not have strong control over chakra.

Taijutsu, chakra volume, chakra control, and ninjutsu are all staged. No matter which type they are, they can only be continuously improved and enhanced. No one can guarantee that they can reach the ultimate level.

After realizing the problem, Ye Zi's desire to learn ninjutsu suddenly faded away. He looked back at Orochimaru, who still looked cold.

I'm a little impatient. Ye Zi gritted his teeth. He thought climbing a tree was easy, but after speeding up, his complacent chakra control turned out to be nothing.

In the past three years, he only thought about using his body to absorb objects, but never thought that he could use climbing trees to train his chakra control ability.

But also because of this, he has a solid and good foundation.

At this moment, he completely gave up on learning ninjutsu and concentrated on training to climb trees.

Unlike Bei Xingye, whose goal was to climb to the top safely, Ye Zi's goal was to be able to walk quickly on the tree trunk without causing chakra to fluctuate.

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