Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 181 The battle front is tight

I am also very confused. If I want to write about the Third Ninja World War, it will definitely be a long chapter, but I don’t want to write too much. I can only end the Third War as briefly as possible.


On the high ground in the distance, looking towards the battlefield, Iwa Ninja and Konoha Ninja looked like a bunch of ants fighting. However, it was foreseeable that that land would be littered with corpses after today.

Ye Zi only came to see the strength that Ninja Village could show, and was not very interested in this initial battle. After watching it for a while, he had a general understanding of it, and then he was ready to leave.

If you want to collect all the tailed beasts, you must overcome the obstacles of the major ninja villages. Therefore, this war is the key to the foundation plan. Only by weakening the combat power of the major ninja villages will the collection of tail beasts be possible. The beast's obstacles become smaller.

Weaken the strength of the ninja village, recruit people, collect tailed beasts, start plans...

If this war did not start spontaneously from the Ninja world, Ye Zi would also find ways to trigger a war in order to weaken the Ninja Village.

Let's go.

Ye Zi tossed his robe, turned around and left.

What, don't you want to read it? Bai Jue was stunned for a moment and followed.

Almost everything you should know is known. Ye Zi looked ahead and said calmly.

Bai Jue thought for a moment and asked, You traveled thousands of miles to come here, wouldn't you just come here to see Namikaze Minato?

That's right. Ye Zi nodded and said calmly: That person... will be one of my obstacles in the future.

In this case, then look for opportunities to get rid of him in this war. This person's moves are indeed terrifying. If he continues to grow, he will definitely be a difficult character in the future. Bai Jue suggested.

Ye Zi did not reject the suggestion immediately, but thought about its possibility.

After he joined Root, he spent all his time performing tasks in order to obtain more resources and stronger power. During his spare time, he would also pay a little attention to the trends in the village.

In the eyes of many people, he is the most outstanding being of the younger generation, but in the eyes of more people, Minato is the well-deserved leader of the younger generation.

Ye Zi or Minato, who is stronger between these two people?

Doubts like this have passed through the minds of many people, but the two have never fought before, so no one dares to easily determine the outcome between the two.

Before seeing Minato's technique, Ye Zi was confident that he could defeat Minato, but now, even he was not completely sure that he could defeat Minato.

Ye Zi already had a premonition that one of the obstacles he would encounter in the future was Namikaze Minato.

During this war, taking advantage of the chaos to attack Watergate?

Once this thought comes to mind, it becomes out of control.

Getting rid of him will make the plan less difficult in the future. It is this thought that confuses Ye Zi.

After thinking silently for a moment, weighing the pros and cons, and even considering the success rate, Ye Zi stopped thinking about this idea.

The success rate is too low. Unless he leads a small team and performs secret missions, I will have a chance to get rid of him.

Ye Zi explained. When he finished speaking, he was slightly stunned, and his eyelids subconsciously lowered slowly to cover up the slight surprise in his eyes.

Was it the reason why Kato Dan was killed that time? Why...when I say such words, I can be so calm, without even a trace of emotion in my heart.

Is it because the other party is truly positioned as an enemy? Has the friendship that existed before that been torn into pieces?

He frowned slightly, yes... Looking back on what he has done so far, isn't it just indifference and selfishness? This is oneself, this should be oneself, this is oneself.

The frown quickly relaxed, and Ye Zi raised his head with an indifferent expression, looking at the slightly hazy sky, his eyes flickering.

I still think that going to the Ninja Village to take advantage of the fire is the best choice at this time. Even if you don't capture the tailed beast, setting a fire in the Ninja Village or going on a killing spree is also a good idea. Bai Jue did not notice Ye Zi's words. Strangely, he once again brought up the suggestion of taking advantage of the situation. His eyes showed a cold light, but his face still looked like he was smiling.

Wait a little longer...wait until this war intensifies. Ye Zi retracted his gaze to the sky and did not refute Bai Jue's suggestion.

Bai Jue grinned silently. Although he didn't know what Ye Zi was thinking, he could still see Ye Zi's attitude.

Persistence, ruthlessness, cruelty, indifference...these are things he likes to see.

After a while, the two left here.


The first battle between Iwa Ninja and Konoha Ninja begins.

Afterwards, the defense lines against the Kumo Ninja, Sand Ninja, and Mist Ninja were put in place one by one.

Different from the rough behavior of the Iwa Ninja, the other three parties did not rush to start the battle, but first began to evaluate the differences between the two sides.

There are many ways for ninjas to fight, such as bypassing and sabotaging, infiltrating for reconnaissance, dividing forces, defeating each one, and cutting off their escape routes, instead of just facing them head-on.

The Mist Ninja Village, known for its assassination capabilities, launched the second wave of fighting.

Konoha is the defense line, and the Mist Ninja is the attacking party. The initiative is in the hands of the Mist Ninja.

Although they were stationed on one side, the troops divided by Konoha were not enough to cover the entire defense line of the Land of Fire and the Land of Water. In response to this, the Mist Ninja dispatched a large number of troops and divided them into countless forces, like mist. Infiltrated into Konoha's defense line from many aspects.

Jiraiya is not an idiot. The stationed defense line is as far away from the geographical environment with too much water as possible. This arrangement is to prevent the fog ninja from creating an advantageous location independently. However, when the number reaches a certain level, although this arrangement can work The effect is not very obvious.

Heavy fogs emerged at the same time in the border areas close to the Land of Fire, covering Konoha's ninjas and stations.

The mist ninjas began to show their methods. The mist obscures the vision, and launching assassinations in the fog is the specialty of the fog ninja.

Because Konoha wants to prevent the Mist Ninja from invading, the defense line cannot be stretched too short, and naturally it is impossible to surround it with iron barrels. Therefore, when the Mist Ninja used this method of diverting attacks to launch the first wave of offensive, Konoha was completely trapped. Passively, in the bursts of dense fog, Konoha's ninjas fell one by one.

Jiraiya tried his best to direct the Konoha ninjas to deal with the Mist Ninja. Ninjas who were good at Wind Escape and Perception were dispatched to various places in the shortest possible time to deal with the Mist Ninja's assassination methods. However, Ninjas who were good at Wind Escape and Sensation There were not many perceptive ninjas, and they were not enough to deal with the almost overwhelming force of Mist ninjas. For a time, Konoha's war situation became tense.

With one against four, it will still feel difficult in the end, although it is also because Konoha has not yet given all its strength.

In the middle of a war, Jiraiya decisively asked for help from the village, asking for people from the Hyuga clan to be sent to the front.

Konoha struggled to withstand the first wave of the Mist Ninja's offensive, and there were interactions with each other, but Konoha suffered more heavy losses.

The front line was tight. This was the outcome that could be expected at the earliest, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon...

When Jiraiya's request for help was sent back to the village, Konoha immediately made a decision and sent personnel from the Hyuga clan and Uchiha clan to assist Jiraiya.

In the request for help, Jiraiya only asked for people from the Hyuga clan, because the Byakugan could see the fog ninja hiding in the mist. Unexpectedly, the village actually made the decision to send members of the Uchiha clan to the front line.

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