Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 194 Liberating Shukaku

Liberate Shukaku!

The thought of its possibility flashed through Luo Sha's mind, and his eyes surrounded by black lines froze for an instant. Regardless of whether the conjecture that this unknown person appeared here was true or not, he must not be allowed to approach the altar where Shukaku was sealed!

Magnetic escape, sand gold.

A stream of dark golden sand sprang up from the ground, divided into several strands, and attacked Ye Zi very quickly, trying to imprison him.

The speed of the sand is very fast, but because it arrives late, the opportunity has been missed. Sometimes, missing one second, or even less than one second, may have consequences that no one wants to see.

Ye Zi didn't pay attention to the sand coming from behind, jumped up the stairs, and pointed directly at the tea cauldron above the altar.

The placer gold flew out of the air and hit the ground, splashing to the highest few grains of placer gold. They were only about a millimeter apart from Ye Zi's shoes, but he could only helplessly let Ye Zi rush towards the tea cauldron.

The scattered gold dust fell slowly, just like Luo Sha's heart slowly sank.

Stop him quickly!

A bad premonition suddenly emerged in her heart, and Luo Sha shouted loudly at Ye Zi's back, her voice was rapid, causing her voice to tremble slightly.

This sentence was not spoken to the sand ninja who was chasing Ye Zi, but...

Around the tea cauldron, four figures suddenly appeared and attacked Ye Zi.

They were four middle-aged men wearing brown robes. Each middle-aged man had a white turban on his head, with simple brown patterns painted on his face.

This is the sand ninja guarding the altar, who appeared in time when Ye Zi approached.

Don't even think about it!

The four sand ninjas guarding the altar stretched out their arms with black spells painted on them and faced Ye Zi from different directions. They seemed to be one of the branches of the sealing technique.

Want to get closer?

Ye Zi's movement trajectory did not change. His eyes moved left and right up and down very quickly. After capturing the figures of the four people, they returned to the center point. With his free hand, he fired out four slender lightning beams. It accurately penetrated the hearts of the four sand ninjas.

His heart was penetrated by the thunder beam, and the sand ninja guarding the altar fell from the air with a look of astonishment.

how come!?

The sand ninjas behind Ye Zi, including Luo Sha, looked shocked and frightened as they watched Ye Zi slash towards the tea cauldron with the 'blood' entangled in the thunder.

That person is indeed...

Luo Sha's heart seemed to pause, and she felt suffocated for a moment. In this short moment, thinking of the terrible consequences later, a ferocious look appeared on her face.

Not only Luo Sha, but also the Sand ninja present could already foresee the horrific scene that would follow.

In the village... only 20% of the troops are left due to the war!


The sword flashed.

On the surface of the tea cauldron, a thin black line suddenly appeared, from the upper right to the lower left.

Really feeling the feeling of the blade cutting the tea cauldron in half, Ye Zi formed a seal and left this place with the teleportation technique.

The Suna ninja present were no longer in the mood to pursue, because... the upper part of the tea cauldron was falling diagonally.


Luo Sha raised her head and let out an angry roar, which then stopped abruptly.


A huge burst of white smoke sprayed out from the tea cauldron in all directions like water vapor. Seeing this scene, Luo Sha immediately retreated, suppressing the anger surging in his heart, and shouted: Back off quickly, the jounin stays behind. Here, others are responsible for guiding civilians to shelters, quick!”

As soon as the order was issued, the chuunin and genin who stayed here took the order to leave, while the jounin stayed here with Rasa.

Inform Chiyo as quickly as possible. Luo Sha turned her head and looked at a personal guard.

But, now... The guard's eyebrows trembled.

Luo Sha glared at him sharply and said coldly: Quick!


The bodyguard trembled, then turned around and left quickly.

Watching the guards leave, Luo Sha looked solemnly at the tea cauldron that was constantly emitting white smoke, and no longer had the energy to think about who the man in black robes and masks was.

It just happened to be this time...!


Amidst the white smoke, there was suddenly a loud explosion, and the strong wind caused by it violently pushed the white smoke out. At a very fast speed, it passed by the Suna Ninja present and headed towards the buildings and buildings in the Suna Ninja Village. The streets between surged.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared from the exploded tea cauldron, crashed into the altar in the process of growing from small to large, and appeared here out of thin air.

Ah haha! Great, it's finally out!

Sharp laughter rang out from the huge body and spread directly to the entire Sand Ninja Village.

Hearing this excited and uncontrollable laughter, everyone's eyes, including the ninjas and civilians in the Sand Ninja Village, were focused on the huge yellow monster.

Black irregular side patterns are spread all over the bloated yellow body. On the huge head, there is a pair of pointed black ears. The huge mouth that looks extremely scary due to laughter is full of sharp rhombuses. Compared with the big mouth, the teeth are pitifully small. Because of their huge size, people nearby can clearly see the pupils in the small eyes that look like copper coins.

This is...Shukaku?!

Under the real pressure, many people in the village couldn't help but kneel to the ground.

Ah ha ha!

Shukaku swung his huge tail full of spikes, and in one sweep, the building behind him was destroyed into rubble.

How dare you imprison me in such a small space...!

The sharp laughter slowly subsided, and a cold murderous intent appeared on Shukaku's tanuki-like face.

To show my gratitude, I will kill you all!

The bloated abdomen suddenly bulged.

Seeing this, Luo Sha's expression suddenly changed. He waved his arm and shouted loudly: Block Shukaku's attack. The people will not be evacuated so quickly. Don't let its attack spread to the village!

Before he finished speaking, Shukaku's bulging belly suddenly shrank, and three wind balls filled with rich chakra were sprayed out from his big mouth, flying towards the distant buildings, along with a large number of people. During the evacuation process, there is a part located in that area.

Focusing on this direction is enough to show Shukaku's clear purpose of killing people.

Magnetic escape, sand gold wall!


Luo Sha, with a solemn expression, clasped his hands with five fingers, and a wall made of placer gold instantly rose up, blocking the path of the wind mass.


The copper coins in Shukaku's eyes were like eyes, bent into the shape of sausages.

The wind group in the middle suddenly collided with the two wind groups on the left and right sides. As a result, the two wind groups flew a distance to the left and right, just avoiding the huge wall made of sand gold.


Luo Sha's heart skipped a beat, and she turned to look at the wind group flying towards the village at an extremely fast speed, her eyes trembling rapidly.


The first wind group hit the sand gold wall first and was perfectly defended. However, the other two wind groups were so fast that the Jonin present had no time to deal with them.

Not bad. What a pity, hahaha! Shukaku laughed loudly, and then happily looked at the buildings in the distance, ready to admire its handiwork.


Its thick hands stretched out to the left and right, and it shouted out explosive syllables in a childlike manner.


The two wind masses landed in two places respectively. After the huge wind pressure exploded, it was like a hurricane that had been strengthened ten times. The buildings and people were involved, and they were instantly torn into countless tiny pieces.

Blood, stone and sand were mixed together, and there were only two loud bangs that resounded under the night sky. The wind group came and dissipated quickly, blasting out two pieces of flat land in the village. The ones that were still there a second ago People, at this moment, have turned into broken limbs and fragments all over the ground.

The civilians and ninjas who were not affected were deeply shocked when they saw this hell-like scene, and many people had dull expressions on their faces.

Yo yo, this power!

On the rocky mountain that protected the Sand Ninja Village, Bai Jue looked at the ordinary people and Sand Ninja who were caught in the wind and let out a sigh of admiration.

A conservative estimate would be that about three hundred of them were killed in an instant. Bai Jue turned his head to look at Ye Zi and said with a smile, Just a slight stab caused such consequences.


The mask covering the face erected a wall between the heart and the surface, and the eyes in the holes were buried in darkness.

Ye Zi watched this scene silently.

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