Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 201 Nine-Tails…Nine-Tails

Saying such words when the military strength is more than ten times different can easily be regarded as a joke, let alone coming from the mouth of a woman. Most of the Kumo ninja present had sarcastic expressions on their faces. In their opinion, their side was making great progress all the way, and these Konoha ninjas in front of them were just here to die.

"Although you are a woman, I admire you very much, yeah!" Kirabi said in a weird tone while drawing out the double swords behind him with a serious look on his face. He could see Kushina's determination.

"Do it!"

Ai glanced at Kirabi, whose strong body was surging with thunder. Instead of saying any more nonsense, he rushed towards Kushina. His action was like blowing a horn, and the Kumo ninja present were the ninjas who rushed towards Konoha.

"This is the same thunder escape as Ye Zi, so fast...!"

Kushina's expression changed slightly. Fortunately, the distance between the two parties was far away, giving her enough time to react. She raised her hand and punched the ground, controlling the burst of chakra for a moment. Suddenly, the ground in front of her violently The ground cracked open, and huge cracks spread rapidly in all directions. The rocks on the surface of the ground split into more than ten pieces, and the entire terrain became horrific.

The ground was destroyed, and rocks flew randomly and hit Ai's thunder escape coat, instantly turning it into pieces. Although it could not hurt him, the ground cracked and dented, greatly reducing the speed he could use with his thunder escape possession.

"You have a way, Kyuubi."

With a cold look in his eyes, Ai stepped on a piece of gravel and rose into the air. He stretched out his arm straight with four fingers together and stabbed Kushina's right arm. He intended to cut off Kushina's limbs first, aiming at the Kyuubi. Take Kyuubi back.

The moment the speed was hindered, Kushina noticed the trajectory of Ai's attack. She turned sideways to avoid Ai's lightning-fast attack and passed him by.

However, the thunder flow surging on Ai's body burned the clothes on Kushina's right shoulder with scorch marks when it passed by.

After dodging Ai's attack, a thick octopus tentacle rolled towards her.

"The Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki..."

Looking at the tentacle, Kushina recognized it immediately, and the index and middle fingers of her left and right hands came together to form a cross.

The art of multiple shadow clones!

After four streaks of white smoke, four people who looked exactly like Kushina appeared beside him. The two shadow clones turned around and headed towards Ai, trying to restrain Ai. The other two grabbed Kushina's arms and used their strength together to throw the main body towards Kirabi who stretched out the octopus tentacles behind him.

The eight-tailed tentacle flew away, then swept towards the two shadow clones, directly knocking them back to their original form.


Kirabi smiled, and another tentacle sprang out from behind him, curling towards Kushina who was flying in the air.

Kushina was not afraid at all. She put her palms together to form a knife, which was wrapped with wind-attribute chakra. In the airborne position, she easily split the Eight-Tails' tentacles with one palm.

"Strange strength, sharpness, terrifying woman, ugh!"

Kirabi screamed strangely, and lightning appeared on the knives in his hands.

The Eight-Tails in his body said helplessly: "That woman is the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki. Can you be more serious? At least during the battle, don't show off your off-key rap."

"That won't work, your tail will still grow, yeah!"

Kirabi jumped up vigorously, wrapped the long knife around Lei Si, and rose into the air to slash at Kushina who was in mid-air.

Kushina formed a seal again and separated two shadow clones in the air. She stepped on the shoulders of the shadow clone. When Kirabi came over with a knife, she exerted force on her feet and struck the shadow clone with a long knife. When he jumped up, he bent his upper body forward and pressed his right hand on Kirabi's back.

At this moment, the Eight-Tails' tentacle blocked Kirabi's back in time, causing Kushina's right hand to press on the tentacle, leaving a black sealing circle.

The two of them separated at the first touch and fell to the ground respectively.

When Kushina landed, Ai, who had dealt with the shadow clone, came with lightning all over his body, still aiming directly at Kushina's right arm.

Facing the Abby team alone, no one can help Kushina, because with a ten-fold strength gap, every Konoha ninja is in a hard fight.

King Kong blockade!

Kushina looked solemn, and nine golden chains made of chakra sprang out from behind her, crossing each other to form a net and fly towards Ai.

"This is?!"

Ai was stunned, and his body that could not stop rushed into the chakra chain without hesitation. The chain was instantly tightened to the extreme, and his forward momentum slowed down. His arm passed through the grid, and the palm with four fingers together was astonishing. It was only a palm away from Kushina, and it was difficult to make any further progress.

Looking at the palm that was very close to her but very threatening, Kushina gasped slightly and forced the chain to shrink, imprisoning Ai's body, and at the same time began to form seals with her hands.

"I underestimated you, Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki..." Ai used all his strength to swing his body and struggled, but was tightly restrained by the unknown chain. Unable to move, Ai's expression became solemn.

When Ai was struggling fiercely, Kushina's brows furrowed slightly in pain. The feedback from the chakra chain would cause her to suffer intuitive pain. She gritted her teeth and continued to form the seal.

Not far away, Kirabi saw his elder brother imprisoned by golden chains, and immediately wanted to rescue Ai. However, as soon as he took a step, he was shocked to find that he could not use chakra.


There seemed to be a question mark printed on his forehead, and his instinct to rap turned into silence.

"Cut off the tail, be careful, that woman's sealing technique is very powerful." Eight-Tails reminded with some pain.

Hearing this, Kirabi looked at the eight-tailed tentacle emerging from behind, with black spells engraved on it, and he immediately understood.

"That's when it was!"

Kirabi thought, and cut off the tentacle with a knife, and he could feel the chakra reaction in an instant.

"Those chains are also seals! Yo! Very strong!"

With a heartfelt admiration, Kirabi rushed towards Kushina. With a wave of his arm, the long knife wrapped with thunder attribute chakra flew towards Kushina.

Instantly sensing the chakra coming with malicious intent, Kushina had no choice but to remove the seal, giving up the opportunity to take down an enemy first, and jumped back to avoid the long knife wrapped with thunder attribute chakra.

Seeing that he successfully restrained Kushina's seal, Kirabi smiled. When he realized Kushina's power, he no longer held back and directly entered the first stage of tailed beast transformation.

Dark red chakra emerged from the body, forming a coat visible to the naked eye covering Kirabi's body. In this form, his speed and strength increased significantly.

Kirabi held a single sword and rushed towards Kushina, intending to force the latter back and let Ai free himself from the chains.

The rich tailed beast chakra made Kushina slightly disgusted. She was not surprised that Kirabi could still use chakra, because at that time, her sealing technique was blocked by the eight tails in the opponent's body.

Seeing that Kirabi could easily transform into a tailed beast, and his emotions seemed unaffected, Kushina realized that this eight-tailed jinchuriki could actually perfectly control the eight-tails, or in other words, he could make the eight-tails recognize him and fight alongside him.

"Incredible people."

Kushina gritted her teeth slightly, not wanting to remove the diamond chain. Although her movements would be affected by it, it was less stressful than facing two people at the same time.

Kirabi came forward, and while running, he pulled out the knife stuck on the ground with one hand, and thunder surged all over his body, merging with the dark red chakra.

Seeing this shocking gesture, Kushina's eyes narrowed and her head turned rapidly, thinking about how to deal with it.

"Supersonic Thunder Escape Sword!"

Kirabi screamed strangely, and a large amount of chakra was injected into the long knife, triggering a high-frequency shock wave. With the dark red tailed beast chakra, he did not attack Kushina, but stopped his body forcibly, and suddenly He slashed at the chain that stretched as Kushina retreated.


The chain broke with a sound, and Kushina flew out.

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