Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 228 The prototype has been formed

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When they heard Bai Jue's words, they knew that Ye Zi was using ninjutsu to build a stronghold. They felt the strong earthquake coming from the underground, as well as the bulging ground and shaking mountains in front of them. Is this kind of thing really possible?

"How many things have happened during this time that I don't know about." Nanako looked at the focused Ye Zi and thought silently.

Ye Zi's power, at this moment, gave Yu an intuitive feeling. The large amount of chakra that seemed to be touchable made her feel that the decision she had secretly made before was really terrifyingly arrogant.

Use wood escape to squeeze out the underground space, barely plan a reasonable structure, and the outline of an underground stronghold is roughly completed.

"Then just condense the solid form of the trunk."

Ye Zi controlled the tree trunks underground, condensing their materials, slowly becoming hollow, and strengthening their edges. This is not over yet. In order to enhance the load-bearing capacity of the wood, he added columns and beams in the rooms and passages, as well as unnoticeable ventilation openings.

"This should be fine."

He stopped the output of chakra and looked tired. He glanced at the messy environment around him and frowned slightly. He tried his best to control it, but he still couldn't prevent the ground from being affected.

"We'll deal with these later."

He thought to himself, and then said to Nanako and Yu who were in a dazed state: "Come in with me and have a look."

With that said, he walked towards the mountain first, and there was already a dark hole in the stone wall below.

When a group of people walked into the cave, the first texture that came to their feet was wood.

Ye Zi used Wood Release and Fire Release to make a few torches. After taking the three of them around, Nanako and Yu were immediately shocked. This large underground space was built by Ye Zi in a short time. from.

"This is the general outline. Is there enough space?" Ye Zi looked at the largest room and asked.

He can only roughly build the outline, and the perfection of the details requires professional personnel.

Nanako maintained the shocked expression on her face and replied: "That's enough."

"That's good. You guys wait here for me. Bai Jue comes with me and takes care of the traces outside." Ye Zi said and walked towards the exit.

Constructing this underground stronghold caused changes in the environment on the ground. In order to enhance the secrecy of the stronghold, he had to erase traces and use wood escape to make the surrounding woods more lush. He could hide the exit as much as possible, and the exit could not be If you only build one, it will be like a cunning rabbit having three burrows, let alone a human being.

Bai Jue looked at Ye Zi's back with great emotion.

Nanako and Yu only saw the surface of this extraordinary creativity, but did not see the deeper power.

In just a short time, he has mastered Wood Release to this extent, and his control is so strong. It seems that the fusion with Hashirama's cells is slowly increasing, and the integration is just around the corner.

"There is a reason why Madara would choose you." Bai Jue thought silently and followed Ye Zi.

The two went outside, used Wood Escape to restore the messy surrounding environment to its original state, and increased the density of the trees, and then returned to the underground stronghold again.

"Research requires a large number of Hashirama cells and equipment. You are responsible for assisting Nanako." Ye Zi said to Bai Jue.

Bai Jue glanced at Nanako, curled his lips and said, "No problem."

He agreed with the effect of the potion, but Nanako, who created the potion, could not make him feel good.

Nanako looked at Bai Zetsu, and she vaguely guessed that Bai Zetsu's body was closely related to Hashirama's cells.

"I will go to the Country of Fire to secure the funds. Fish will be responsible for the preparation of the equipment, and Bai Jue will be responsible for the transportation." Ye Zi assigned the work directly.

Once the decision was made, it was carried out vigorously and resolutely. The stronghold was completed, the funds were secured, and the equipment was in place. The first step was completed.

As long as you have funds, you can purchase equipment, and then order Bai Jue to prepare storage scrolls and transport all necessary items to the stronghold.

Ye Zi left the stronghold alone and headed to the Land of Fire. He came to Kyoto, the Land of Fire, which was still prosperous.

The war seems to have no impact on this most prosperous country. Whether before the war or after the war, Kyoto in the Country of Fire has always been undisturbed and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

After passing through the prosperous streets, I came to the Yunhe family's mansion and sneaked into Muzi's room with ease.

It was evening at this time, and Muzi was not in the room. He walked around the mansion and found no trace of Muzi.

"Aren't you here?" Ye Zi thought and stayed in Muzi's room.

After waiting for two days and two nights, Muzi returned to the room that night with a tired face. As usual, the bathroom was filled with hot water.

As soon as she closed the door, she quickly took off her coat.

At this time, Ye Zi jumped down from the beam, and the sound he made shocked Muzi's delicate body. He stopped what he was doing and subconsciously wanted to shout, but Ye Zi covered his mouth with his hand in time.

After seeing clearly that the person coming was Ye Zi, Muzi's accelerated heartbeat and panic expression gradually calmed down, and turned into an expression full of resentment.

Ye Zi let go of his hand and took two steps back.

Muzi glanced at Ye Zi's retreat, stared at Ye Zi with eyes full of resentment, and said slightly angrily: "Can you appear more normal?"

Ye Zi's eyes were calm and he nodded: "Okay."

He won't explain that the reason for your hasty appearance is because you took off your clothes too fast.

"This group of trash is really wasted." Muzi frowned, Ye Zineng appeared here silently, that is to say, the guards set up around him did not have the slightest effect. Since that time, Ye Zineng silently appeared. After the breath invaded, she worked hard in this area, but it still had no effect.

Knowing what Muzi said, Ye Zi couldn't deny it. The ninjas in the mansion were indeed not very good.

"Is Konoha's famous rebellious nin here for money again?" Muzi's tone was cold.

Ye Zi nodded and didn't care about Muzi's name.

Muzi suddenly felt unhappy, but he didn't show it on his face. Could it only be because of money that the man in front of him could appear in front of him?

"I gave you one billion last time, and all I got in return was killing a few people. Do you think this kind of unreasonable payment and reward can be done a second time? Aren't you afraid that I will leak your whereabouts to Konoha? "?" Muzi looked at Ye Zi coldly.

"If you really wanted to leak my whereabouts to Konoha, then you wouldn't tell me now." Ye Zi said calmly, "As for the reward, there are too few people you want to kill."

Muzi laughed angrily when she heard this. She really didn't think of leaking her whereabouts to Konoha because she didn't want to bear the revenge from Ye Zi. Putting this topic aside, she said coldly: "It's okay to ask for money, go and kill him." one person."

"Okay." Ye Zi said immediately.

There was a flash of ridicule in Muzi's eyes, and she said calmly: "Go and kill the name of the Fire Country."

Upon hearing Muzi's request, Ye Zi's expression did not change at all and asked: "Are you sure?"

If it were another person, Ye Zi would not confirm with Muzi a second time, and this person is a daimyo of the Fire Country. The identity of his daimyo is not the reason for the second confirmation. The real reason is the daimyo's other identity. , that is, Muzi’s husband.

Muzi saw Ye Zi's seriousness, frowned slightly, and said helplessly: "You are just a lunatic."

Ye Zi responded in silence.

"How much do you want this time?"

"One hundred million."

Muzi felt relieved when she heard this. She was afraid that Ye Zi would speak loudly again. That time, a total of one billion taels were mobilized, which aroused doubts and dissatisfaction among many people in the family. Although she suppressed them by force, she would do it a second time. , even if she gains a foothold in power, she will worry about too much backlash.

This time, if it is only 100 million, it is still acceptable. The Yunhe family's industrial chain itself is money begetting money. Although it will take some time to make up for the 100 million gap, it will not damage the fundamentals. The problem is that this is the second time, and of course there will be a third time. She can In no mood

"I give you 100 million, what can you give me? Don't mention murder to me again. The person I want to kill most right now is you!" Muzi glared at Ye Zi fiercely.

"Your guards are too weak. Give me some time and give you a group of qualified guards." Ye Zi's words directly hit Muzi's weak point.


She snorted coldly and said, "You finally made me feel that this money was spent meaningfully."

Ye Zi raised the corner of his mouth slightly and showed a faint smile. He didn't specify how long it would take. It could be a few months or a few years.

Muzi still had a certain understanding of Ye Zi, and thought that the little time Ye Zi said was just a little time, but she didn't expect that she was trapped.

After staying in Kyoto for a few days and receiving 100 million in funds, Ye Zi left Kyoto.

During this period of time, Nagato had no tasks to dispatch. After the funds were in place, and with the cooperation of Bai Zetsu and Yu, he quickly delivered all the materials needed for the equipment to the stronghold.

At this point, the prototype has been formed.

Potential combat power, coveted reincarnation eye.

This will be one of the trump cards against the plan and also Ye Zi's insurance.

After putting the idea into action, it was several days later.

Xie contacted Ye Zi and seemed to have suffered a dark loss in the Kingdom of Water.

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