Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 243 Wings of the Future

At the same time, different people, different thoughts, different emotions.

The Hatake clan is very thin, and now there are only two people, Hatake Sakumo and Hatake Kakashi. This can no longer be called a clan. However, because of the existence of Hatake Sakumo, the name of the Hatake clan is still there. Among the Leaf Village.

As the son of Hatake Sakumo, Kakashi's performance from childhood to adulthood perfectly overwhelmed everyone at the same time. He became a Jonin at the age of only twelve.

He has always wanted to surpass his respected father, but now, his goal has changed. Before he can surpass his father, he must first surpass that man.

After returning that night, Kakashi's mentality completely changed. Metkai's unparalleled diligence and clinging performance never affected him, let alone wanting to keep Metkai far away. Get rid of it and train as hard as he does.

However, the man named Ye Zi grabbed him lightly and completely tore his pride to pieces.

"Are you in a competitive mood..."

The high-intensity training made his body and limbs sore, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted, letting the sweat soak his clothes and turn them into water clothes.

In his mind, the image of Akai often challenging him appeared. His repeated defeats did not hinder Akai's fighting spirit, nor did it affect his desperate training.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the guy who was only the last in the Ninja School was getting stronger and stronger, which put more and more pressure on him. He always had the illusion that he would be surpassed if he didn't work harder.

So, under Akai's influence, he worked harder than before, but he could still feel Akai biting him tightly, but he just thought, forget it if he can't get rid of it, it would be fine if he could hold it down.

But now, that lazy thought has been completely abandoned.

From now on...he will have to work ten times or even a hundred times harder than before.

Whether it's Akai or Kakashi, some potential things in Ye Zi have gradually changed, and Kakashi's changes will also lead to other changes, such as Obito, who is desperately chasing him.

After training until midnight, Kakashi's over-exerted limbs went limp, and the lifted training boulder that was ten times larger than his body fell vertically onto his back.


Kakashi's expression changed, and driven by his thoughts, his limbs became unresponsive.

At this moment, a hand stretched out and easily held the boulder, while Kakashi fell directly to the ground. He thought he was going to be finished, but he did not feel the pain of being crushed by the boulder.

He breathed a sigh of relief first, raised his head slightly, and looked at his father who had arrived in the courtyard at some unknown time.

"Father, you are back."

Sakumo gently and slowly placed the boulder on the ground to avoid being too rough and making noise that would disturb the nearby neighbors. Even when the boulder was placed on the ground, there was no sound at all. It can be seen that the power he possesses is very strong. This is also A manifestation of chakra control.

"What makes you work so hard?"

There was a slight trace of fatigue remaining on Sakumo's face. Like Ye Zi, he was a task-oriented talent with the ability to efficiently complete difficult tasks. He had always been someone that Konoha paid close attention to, especially at this time, he was even more important. I was so busy that it was hard to get away. I had just completed an S-level mission when I came back this time, but I didn't expect that the timing of my return would be such a coincidence.

He was surprised. Kakashi's talent was very good, and his performance had always been much better than that of his peers, but he still didn't work hard enough.

This concept was actually influenced by Metkai. Kakashi usually worked very hard, but compared to Metkai, he was still far behind.

He helped Kakashi up, who was too tired to move, and sat on the wooden floor in the corridor. Then, he sat next to Kakashi.

"I want to become stronger." Kakashi lowered his head weakly, looking at his feet, his voice weak.

"Did something happen?" Sakumo turned his head and looked at Kakashi's hair that was exactly the same as his. He had been away from the village for more than ten days on this mission and only came back now. He was concerned about Orochimaru's defection and Ye Zi's involvement. He didn't know what happened in the meantime, and of course, it was impossible to know that his son almost died in Ye Zi's hands.

Kakashi was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then told Sakumo everything about that night, and even detailed the situation when Ye Zi completely crushed him.

After listening to Kakashi's narration, Sakumo's expression remained unmoved, but a glimmer of light flashed deep in his eyes.

"Is this why you want to become stronger?"

"Yeah." Kakashi clenched his fists as he regained some strength.

Sakumo looked at Kakashi's clenched fist, smiled slightly, and said: "I'm very pleased that you have such an idea, but it's not that easy for you to surpass Ye Zi. Although you have never fought against him, I know very well that I am not very sure that I can win against him. He is a very powerful ninja, there is no doubt about it."

Kakashi was stunned. This was the second time he heard his father's evaluation of Ye Zi, powerful.

In his eyes, his father is very strong. Even Teacher Minato may not be as strong as his father.

"Sorry, Kakashi, I have been busy with tasks and never taught you properly." Sakumo looked at the boulder in the courtyard with a serious expression, thinking about something.

There was a hint of disappointment in Kakashi's eyes, but it did not affect his tone as he said: "It doesn't matter, isn't the value of a ninja reflected in the mission? I have always been proud of my father's contribution to the village. place."


Sakumo looked at him and said seriously: "The value of a ninja is not only reflected in the mission. The value of a ninja lies in being able to protect the things that should be protected."

"But..." Kakashi pursed his lips, and the images of Lin and Obito suddenly flashed in his mind.

"One day, you will understand this. Starting from tomorrow, I will start teaching you." Sakumo seemed to have made a decision.

"Ah?" Kakashi was stunned, not believing that his father would say such a thing, and immediately asked: "What about the village's mission?"

Sakumo smiled at him and said: "Now, your growth is more important than these. I believe the fourth generation will understand this." He stretched out his hand and pressed it on Kakashi's head, "Kakashi, I look forward to it Until the day comes when you surpass me."


Kakashi looked at Sakumo's serious expression and suddenly showed a big smile.

A large part of his performance has always been attributed to his powerful father, but the fact is that his father has been busy with tasks and has very little time to teach him.

Ever since he was a child, he had always longed for his father to allocate part of his time to perform tasks for him. However, as he got older and climbed up the steps of ninja step by step, this desire became less and less.

Because he knew very well how important his father was to the village.

Therefore, what he expected has been hidden in his heart.

But now, my father took the initiative to propose this matter, and he was excited and happy from the bottom of his heart.

On the other side, in the forest of death, a young man wearing green tights was still training hard in the middle of the night. Who else could he be if he wasn't Akai?

His qualifications and talents are far inferior to Kakashi, so he needs to make unimaginable efforts to make up for this innate shortcoming.

Some people are lucky and some are unlucky.

Kakashi has a father, but he does not, but he also has the treasure left to him by his father.

Become stronger, become stronger again!

For something, for someone.

The two teenagers were walking in the same direction.

What impact will what you do have?


Three days later, Nagato's message arrived unexpectedly.

Using the magic of the lantern body, all the core characters wearing the rings will appear in a specific location as illusions.

Relying on this technique, people scattered in various places can be gathered together immediately.

Black shadows stand in a room. From the black shadows, some vague features can still be seen, such as eyes...

Looking at Nagato, who was in the middle and had the Samsara Eye, everyone was silent, waiting for Nagato to speak.

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