Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 249 The passage of time

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The leaves fall and wither on their way home, and thin ice gradually rises and floats on the water. Time never stops for anyone. As time goes by, everything changes.

Autumn turns to winter, the last piece of thin ice melts into the water, and early spring arrives. The buds begin to revive in the spring breeze, and then the summer cicadas usher in.

Each year passes by, and it passes by in the blink of an eye when you don’t pay attention to it.

In Sand Ninja Village, which suffered heavy losses during the war, everything is back on track. However, it is already the weakest Ninja Village. Under the unanimous policy of reducing capital investment by major countries, it relies on the Fourth Kazekage to extract gold from sand gold. ability, barely maintaining the expenses.

Suna Ninja, who has always followed the path of elites, has always insisted on cultivating ninjas. Even if there are financial difficulties, he will never let go of this aspect.

At the same time, the culprit who caused all this is always in their hearts.

The unknown person who liberated Shukaku became a nail in Suna Ninja's heart, and he couldn't pull it out quickly. The turmoil of that night and the scene as miserable as hell were deeply etched in the hearts of those who saw it.


The mercenary organizations that have emerged in recent years, their distinctive costumes are the costumes of the people who liberated Shukaku that night. According to the information we have, the only people who are good at using thunder escape are the Konoha rebels. Ye Zi.

Although there is no complete evidence to prove that Shukaku was liberated by Ye Zi, but without the evidence, Fu Li Shi was the one who did it.

However, given the current situation, the Sand Ninja still has no energy left to seek revenge.

The moon is as dark as ink, and wherever you look, the yellow sand is hidden in the darkness.

The firelight fluctuated with the wind, and what was whistling by was the unique cold wind of the desert.

The Fourth Kazekage looked into the darkness in the distance, his eyes as deep as the desert shrouded in darkness. The meeting that had just ended made him feel a little irritable.

Hatred took root and sprouted, but the current harsh conditions could not support the framework of revenge, so they could only wait patiently.

Recovery after the war is what every ninja village lacks. When the next dispute comes, the competition will be the cultivation of combat power.

The losses suffered by Iwa Ninja due to the war were not low. However, when he learned that Ye Zi was still alive, Onoki rejected the opinions of many decision-makers with a strong attitude.

Although Iwa Ninja Village needs to recuperate and is also very short of manpower, Onoki has insisted on sending some manpower to collect information on Akatsuki in recent years. In a recent meeting, dissatisfaction with Onoki's squeeze broke out on the meeting table.

"Lord Tsuchikage, there is a shortage of manpower in the village. Now is the time when people are needed. We can no longer waste unnecessary manpower to collect information about Ye Zi."

"Whichever is greater between the two benefits, I can no longer agree with your approach."

“Even if hatred needs to be vented, it depends on the situation and the village must come first.”

The squeezed dissatisfaction turned into words and emerged from the mouths of everyone present.

Onoki crossed his arms, with a dark face, and said solemnly: "It's just a part of the manpower, it won't affect anything."

Everyone looked at each other and pointed out various disadvantages, and the key point is that the value created by this part of manpower in recent years has not been of any benefit to the village.

Their idea was the same and clear, which was to force Ohnoki to give up the meaningless behavior of wasting manpower.

How could the stubborn Onoki compromise? Even if everyone opposed it, he would not take back his idea. What's more, he didn't think that part of the manpower sent would bring much benefit to the village.

Compared with the benefits that can be created, in this peaceful period, the information collected cannot be used by oneself. You can even sell a favor to Konoha, or you can use Konoha's hands to get rid of Ye Zi.


Ohnoki controlled his strength and slapped the conference table, so as not to smash the table and make everyone lose face.

However, this sudden action of slapping the table also surprised everyone.

"I will not take back my order." Looking around at everyone, Onoki said stubbornly.


Yun Ninja Village was the village that gained the most from this war. Taking advantage of the advantages established by this war, Yun Ninja Village developed rapidly. Even if the funds were compressed, it would not have much impact.

More importantly, Yun Ninja Village took a fancy to the ability of Akatsuki's organization.

Being able to hire Akatsuki to complete the task at the minimum cost is a guaranteed profit. All that is required is a sum of money, and there is no need to let the ninjas who have been cultivated in the village lose their lives in dangerous tasks.

The land of thunder, Yunlei Gorge.

Rabbi Kiri, the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, was on a stone platform in the canyon, his limbs dancing wildly and humming an incoherent rap.

On the peak not far away, two people with very similar looks and figures were watching Kirabi down the canyon from a distance.

These two people are the Third Raikage and Ai.

"Although Bi can control the Eight-Tails, it's better to let him stay here as a precaution." Ai looked at Kirabi enjoying himself below, with a trace of guilt on his face.

The Third Raikage nodded slightly, turned his head to look at Ai, and said solemnly: "The war has just ended, but there are still some restless people. In order to avoid possible dangers, you made the right choice."

The Jinchuuriki has always been a double-edged sword. If used properly, it is equivalent to a nuclear weapon. If not used properly, it will hurt itself. At the same time, it is also very easy to be exploited.

During the three wars, Sand Ninja Village was a bloody example.

Finding a way to send the rampaging tailed beast into the enemy's village has always been the most ruthless and most effective method.

Although Kirabi can control the Eight-Tails, in this peaceful period, in order to eliminate all possible dangers, there is nothing wrong with letting Kirabi stay here.

Ultimately, it's because the tailed beast inside Kirabi is eight tails.

Once he goes berserk, even if he is as powerful as the Third Raikage, he will have to use all his strength to stop it.

The two stared at Kirabi for a while, then turned and left.

When the two of them left, Kirabi stopped and looked at where they had been.


After a moment, he spoke in a pleasant tone again.


The Kingdom of Water, Mist Ninja Village.

Like the Sand Ninja Village, the Mist Ninja Village also suffered heavy losses during the three wars. Most of the assassination masters in the village were lost at the hands of the Uchiha and Hyuga clans, which can be said to have severely damaged their vitality.

After the war ushered in a period of peace, many warring factions were dissatisfied with the village's decision-making and defected one after another, causing the village's strength to drop significantly.

Therefore, how to restore the previous strength was put on the table.

In the conference room, above the main seat, was a young boy with silver hair and purple eyes. He leaned on the back of the chair, crossed his arms, and looked at everyone present quietly.

This young-looking boy is the Fourth Mizukage Yagura, and he is also the Three-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

“Funding is the key.” Someone has been emphasizing this.

Too many assassins died in the war, and the finances shrank after the war, making it impossible to quickly cultivate another group of assassins.

If you want to earn money, you need manpower. Without funds, manpower will be insufficient. Without the strong support of big countries, the situation of Mist Ninja Village has become very embarrassing.

If we don't want to find a way to solve this embarrassment, we can only give up on military development.

Under the checks and balances of the truce treaty, the major powers will not pay too much attention to it within ten years, but the Ninja Village attaches great importance to it.

How to solve this problem, everyone present enthusiastically put forward their opinions.

Yagura just listened silently, unable to avoid funds, and any suggestions seemed so weak.

He was also thinking hard about how to restore the village's strength faster.

Should we secure funds first, train ninjas under difficult conditions, or catch both ends together.


Konoha Village, Hokage's office.

A tidy and clean desk indicates that tedious tasks have been taken care of.

Minato sat on the chair, stretched out his arms, and hung them on the desk. Above his palm, there was a high-speed rotating sphere made of condensed chakra.

This is the Rasengan, a technique he spent a lot of time developing, and it is also a technique that does not require sealing.

The starting point for developing this technique is to cooperate with the Flying Thunder God technique.

It is instant and powerful, so it can be combined with the Flying Thunder God Technique and enhance the effect of the Flying Thunder God Technique.

In itself, when moving instantaneously, depending on the speed, the attacks that can be launched immediately are generally only kunai and some weaker attacks.

The Rasengan was born for this purpose. It is instantaneous and contains a lot of destructive power. The only disadvantage is that it requires close proximity. This disadvantage is almost eliminated with the complementation of the flying thunder god's technique.

Looking at the chakra sphere quietly, Minato looked thoughtful. In this state, he could still maintain the Rasengan state, which showed that he had mastered this technique perfectly.


The door suddenly opened.

"Minato, did you really agree to Kushina's request?" Jiraiya walked into the office.

Minato came back from his thoughts, looked at Jiraiya who came in without knocking, and smiled slightly.

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