Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 262 Nightmare

The assertion is unreasonable. Ye Zi's goal itself is delusional, at least that's what he thinks.

Ye Zi glanced at him lightly, then turned his head to look at the desolate loess land without saying a word.

The possibility of going back is zero. He has never thought about this problem. Since he can come to this world, there must be a way to go back.

Even if you can't go back, even if what you hope for may not come true, if you don't always have expectations for what you should do, then it will stagnate.

If you don't give up, you will have opportunities, but once you give up, any expectations or hopes will be real delusions.

After learning about Ye Zi's decision, he simply stopped being secretive. If he couldn't go to the Ninja World, he would lose all possibilities, but he would not be anxious or desperate because of it.

"In the end, you will still beg me for help." His expression at this time was ferocious and terrifying, very different from usual, as if he had returned to the time when he first saw him.

"Before then, don't die. I don't want to be buried with you."

One of the rules of the soul contract is to live and die together.

Hearing this, Ye Zi turned his head, his eyes suddenly as sharp as sharp needles, staring at him, and said in a cold voice: "In that case, tell me how to terminate the contract."

Nao snorted coldly and said, "You thought you found a way to go back and enjoyed the benefits I brought you, but now you want to kick me away?"

Having said this, he smiled disdainfully and said lightly: "It's a pity. If it had been before, I would have had a way. Don't think about it now. As for the reason, I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense to you."

Ye Zi nodded slowly and said coldly: "I don't expect to get a way to terminate the contract from you. You can just wait here to die."

Nao's eyes turned cold and he remained silent, but his heart felt like a volcano about to erupt. If it weren't for the rigid restraint of the soul contract, he even had the thought of dying with Ye Zi for a moment.

However, even without this rigid restraint, he could only maintain this idea for a while.

Better to die than to live in vain. With such a great status like him, dying together with a mere human being would make him laugh out loud.

“Hopefully won’t come here again.”

After Ye Zi finished speaking, he formed a seal and disappeared in a burst of white smoke.

Nao silently stared at the white smoke, from its formation to its dissipation. He suddenly raised his long-armed thug and slapped it on the ground where Ye Zi was before. There was a loud bang, dust flew up, and a big crater was made.

Looking at the large pit that was twice the size of his body, his one eye was filled with anger. This should not be his strength.

"Power, power...!"

He clenched his fists bitterly and whispered to himself, full of unwillingness.

After returning to the original world, Ye Zi climbed up the rock wall. The matter was resolved, and he also felt tired. After all, he was not an iron man, so he had to rest.

Soon after returning to the stronghold, Ye Zi went straight back to the room, walked to the bed, and had a free fall.

He was really tired, but he was used to holding on.

After becoming a ninja, I began to practice hard day and night. Depending on the body's special characteristics, I only need a few hours of sleep a day. Sometimes, even if I don't sleep for several days, my mental weakness will not be too obvious.

It took three days to complete the nine seals of the Phantom Dragon. After that, he headed towards the stronghold without stopping. In order to let Kotonoha and Uchiha rest, he was responsible for keeping vigil, and he was not able to get a good sleep.

As soon as he returned to the stronghold, he asked Yanye and Uchiha to go in and rest first, while he first had to solve the matter of the psychic beast. By now, after the matter was solved, he was completely exhausted.

It was the tiredness of the body and mind synchronized when relaxing. There was no soreness, but no strength, and a deep sleepiness. Before, it seemed as if it was suppressed desperately. When it was time to release, it rushed to Ye Zi's eyelids. .

It feels like you will fall asleep as soon as you close your eyes.

Slowly closing my eyelids, I felt a wonderful feeling of relaxation after tense nerves. It was slightly comfortable, and it felt like I had gritted my teeth and carried a heavy object for a long distance, and wanted to put it down secretly to rest, and then I really let it go.

It seemed that the hard wooden bed suddenly turned into a soft mattress, just like...the familiar touch day after day.

In the room, the light was bright, but it couldn't shine into the corner where Ye Zi was.

The deep darkness swallows the light and covers the consciousness.

In the darkness, Ye Zi slowly opened his eyes. His whole body, like a feather, swayed from side to side and slowly fell.

Blurred and without subjective consciousness, the expression became confused. I tried to adjust my body posture, but I couldn't do it no matter how hard I tried. I could only lie down on my back and look at the darkness above.

With the vague consciousness, the thought of adjusting the posture slowly disappeared.

So tired…

I don’t know how long it took to fall.


From behind below, light surged in and embraced him.

The dazzling light covered everything in the field of vision. After the light faded, a black pattern appeared in front of him.


The vague consciousness gradually became clear.

Ye Zi opened his eyes and saw a small room with a table covered with black cloth, with various paper objects on it, and an incense burner with three sticks of incense stuck in it.

On the left and right sides of the table, a solitary wreath stood quietly. On the wall above the table, there is a rectangular photo frame hanging. The photo in the photo frame is obscured by an unknown darkness.

It was as if someone had erased it with an eraser, and there was a strange dissonance.

Ye Zi couldn't help but frown, looking at the erased part, which made him want to find out.

Why do you have this idea?

Like a sentence from the narrator, it sounded in my head, but my body still kept staring at the photo frame with all its strength.

call out…

It was like the sound of a sharp arrow breaking through the air.

The dark photo frame suddenly revealed its prototype.

Ye Zi stared blankly at the photo in the frame, and his body suddenly collapsed into countless blood clots.


The sudden and violent movement of getting up startled Yan Ye who was sitting beside the bed.

Ye Zi's eyes widened, his chest heaved violently, and sweat soaked his whole body, as if he was frightened by something terrible.

"Ye Zi, what's wrong with you?" Yan Ye's eyes were filled with doubts. Ye Zi looked like he had a nightmare. This was the first time she had seen Ye Zi look so scared.

What made her even more curious was the name Ye Zi called out in his dream.

Ignoring Yan Ye's concern and inquiry, Ye Zi bent his upper body slightly, covered his face tightly with one hand, closed his eyes, and then suddenly opened them. As soon as he closed his eyes, the scene he didn't want to see would appear.

The wet black hair was dripping with sweat along the slightly trembling palms.

Realizing that everything was just a nightmare, Ye Zi gradually calmed down his breathing.

Was it the dream caused by the conversation with Ghoul?

"How long have I been asleep?"

Ye Zi lowered his head weakly and asked.

"Three days..."

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