Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 264 The next target

His stomach was not yet full, so Ye Zi went out by himself, hunted a deer in the forest, roasted it and ate it until he was almost full, and then returned to his base.

After sealing the four tails, there was no movement from Nagato's side. With White Zetsu's intelligence support, it shouldn't be difficult to find the time to capture the next Tailed Beast Jinchūriki. However, there has been no further movement, which makes Ye Zi quite puzzling. .

After returning to the stronghold, Ye Zi had nothing to do and went to the training ground.

This was the largest room specially built by Ye Zi when he established his stronghold. It is now used as a training ground. Around this training ground, there are various small training rooms.

The completion and improvement of the training ground was completed by Ye Zi and Orochimaru together, and it was no different from Konoha's training system.

The huge training ground was brightly lit, as if it were daytime.

Dozens of girls and boys aged around 11 or 12 years old are divided into two groups and are sparring. They do not hold kunai and only use physical skills to sparring. The fists and kicks are exchanged. Wherever they are implemented, there is a dull sound, but it is. Punch to the flesh.

Ye Zi walked in quietly, leaned against the wall next to the door, folded his arms, and quietly watched the lively scene in the training ground.

Located in the training ground, Uchiha Shin had a sullen face, like a mean and serious instructor, with no trace of childishness visible. As he stood aside, his eyes switched to Sharingan, and his gaze remained on the children in the field. Wandering.

Once he discovers that a member of a group has made a mistake in their sparring, he will point it out in a stern tone without any hesitation.

Although taijutsu is not his strong point and he lacks combat experience, under Ye Zi's guidance, he has enough theoretical knowledge and Sharingan to serve as an instructor for these children.

At present, what he lacks is the battle between life and death. Only through continuous experience can he be transformed.

The children who were scolded immediately corrected their mistakes without being sloppy, showing good training qualities.

After Ye Zi was by the door for about a minute, he was noticed by the children in the training ground.

The originally solemn atmosphere suddenly collapsed. No one knew who was taking the lead. A group of children came around excitedly.

When Uchiha Jin saw this, he didn't say anything, because the person who came was Ye Zi, that's all.

Suddenly surrounded by a group of children, Ye Zi had a slight smile on his face instead of the cold expression he always maintained.

"Master Ye Zi! The nature of my chakra is thunder. Can you teach me thunder escape?" A girl with neat short hair spoke softly and showed a pleading look. Her watery eyes were extremely cute. She Being able to get to the front immediately shows that the basic physical fitness is not bad.

The children surrounded Ye Zi in a semi-fan shape. In addition to the short-haired girl, there were several other children rushing to the front, while the children behind wanted to squeeze in. For a while, it was very noisy.

Next to the short-haired girl is a slightly muscular boy with a short hair and dark skin. He grinned and shouted excitedly: "I want to learn Thunder Escape too!"

"I think swordsmanship is the most handsome thing!" A young lady held her hands in vain and was about to demonstrate the movement of swinging a sword when she was bumped and her momentum was gone before she could even take the stance.

He smiled awkwardly, then raised his head and said seriously: "Master Ye Zi, teach me sword skills!"

"Your vision is too narrow." A young man who was a head taller than the other children snorted: "I have to learn the Thunder Dungeon Sword Technique. Only in this way can the value of the sword technique be fully utilized."

Hearing the young man's words, Ye Zi glanced at him, and his words were true.

There are a lot of chatter, you say something, I say something, there is a lot of noise.

"Next time." Ye Zi looked at everyone and said something, and then the noise stopped.

After a short silence, the children suddenly looked disappointed.

Ye Zi nodded towards Uchiha Jin, who was standing quietly outside the crowd, and then left the place with the teleportation technique.

The child who was originally pressed against Ye Zi suddenly threw himself against the wall.

"You got away like this again!" The short-haired Lolita who was the first to throw herself against the wall revealed her true colors and hammered the wall with a look of gritted teeth.

Young Shota, who wanted to learn how to use the sword, curled his lips and gave her a look of 'You're so hypocritical'.

After understanding the meaning of the eyes, the short-haired lolita directly punched the little shota.

"That's enough, let's continue training." At this time, Susumu Uchiha's cold voice came at the right time.

After hearing this, the children returned to the middle of the training field and continued to train. The difference was that the members of the two groups had completed the exchange.

The short-haired loli looked coldly at the little shota in front of her, and her two little hands squeezed each other, making a "click" sound.

Xiao Shota's eyelids trembled slightly, and he glanced resentfully at the short-haired boy not far to the right, blinding him to the body that was stronger than his own.

Dozens of children present began to practice physical skills again, while in the surrounding small rooms, the remaining children began various trainings, such as avoiding hidden weapons from all directions.

Ye Zi left the training ground and walked in the dimly lit corridor.

He just took a brief look at the situation at the training ground. These children were all taught by him at first. Although not every one of them had good talent and potential, the poorer children were trained relatively hard.

Under Ye Zi's influence, values ​​have become established and no one wants to fall behind.

Those who were displaced due to the war and lost their families due to the war will understand better after being exposed to power. Only by holding power in your hands can you control your own destiny.

This group of children will become a good fighting force if given enough time.

The only regret is that the fusion experiment between Orochimaru's curse seal and Hashirama's cells is not perfect enough. Although the success rate has increased, it is still far from enough.

At least the acceptable probability must be more than 50%...

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to collect war orphans, so every missing one cannot be replenished.

With a base of only a few hundred children, every one of them is a talent and cannot afford such a low chance.

Walking in the corridor, Ye Zi's eyes showed contemplation. Before Nagato's next mission to capture the tailed beast, he was planning to let Uchiha enter and participate in the fighting as much as possible, that is, looking for things to do, not necessarily executing the mission.

Coincidentally, just when his thoughts arose, he received the news from Nagato.

"Gather in ten minutes." The brief words reached the hearts of every core character wearing a ring.

Uchiha Shin, who was supervising the children's training, and Kotonoha, who was working hard in the kitchen to practice his cooking skills, both received the notification.

"Are you coming?" Ye Zi raised his eyebrows. After waiting for so long, he finally had the next task. Compared with the task of making money, he wanted to collect tailed beasts quickly, but if it was the task of collecting tailed beasts, There is no way for Jin to gain practical experience.

Ten minutes later, it was still the dark room with the lampstand.

Ten vague and trembling figures appeared here one after another. The one in the middle was Nagato, who revealed a pair of samsara eyes.

After everyone arrived, Nagato said calmly: "The next target is the one-tailed jinchuriki and the three-tailed jinchuriki."

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