Scourge of Naruto

A belated Chinese Valentine’s Day extra

I got off work at 12 o'clock and have been writing until now, a belated Chinese Valentine's Day extra.

This is a free extra, and I don’t want to post it related to the work, so my friends in Creation may need to pay for it.

So in order to avoid charges, you can come to the starting point to open it.

I actually wrote nearly 4,000 words. Oh my god, this is almost two chapters. I can be lazy for a day! ! !

Above, tired, I went to bed.


"Ye Zi, wait for me."

On the noisy middle street, a boy with a watermelon head was running down the street, waving his hands towards the black-haired boy more than a hundred meters away.

The black-haired boy looked calm and calm, with his hands in his trouser pockets and his head slightly raised. He was walking through the flow of people. He vaguely heard someone calling his name, so he looked back and saw the watermelon-headed boy. Then, he stopped silently.

"Bei Xingye, are you going to treat me to barbecue again?" Ye Zi tilted his head and looked at the watermelon-headed boy running up to him out of breath, and said something lightly.

This weightless sentence seemed to be tied with a lot of lead weights. When it fell on Bei Xingye, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

While panting, he raised his head and smiled awkwardly at Ye Zi. He subconsciously touched his wallet in his trouser pocket, and suddenly clasped his hands together and begged: "Ye Zi, tomorrow is a very important day, can you... help me make an appointment?" Kushina?"

"Important day? What day?" Ye Zimu looked confused. Hearing that Bei Xingye asked him to help date Kushina again, he felt helpless. He always relied on his help like this, how could he make Kushina like him? ?

"Ah?" Seeing Ye Zi's confusion, Bei Xingye suddenly looked at Ye Zi with a strange look.

"What?" Ye Zi raised his eyebrows inexplicably.

"No, it's nothing. Anyway, tomorrow is a very important day. I think..." Bei Xingye said coyly, "I want to ask out Kushina, but I can't muster up the courage to ask her out and I'm afraid she will refuse. So, can you pass it on for me?”

"Okay." Although he couldn't stand Bei Xingye's behavior, Ye Zi simply agreed.

When Bei Xingye heard this, his eyes lit up and he shouted excitedly: "Thank you, thank you so much, Ye Zi."

Looking at Bei Xingye who was so excited that he lost his temper, Ye Zi said lightly: "Have a barbecue."

The smile that appeared on Bei Xingye's face suddenly froze. He laughed dryly and discussed: "Well...can we delay the payment until next month?"

He doesn't have much money in his treasury and needs to use it as funds for tomorrow, so during this period, he has no ability to treat Ye Zi, a big eater, to a barbecue.

"Just remember, I'll go help you date her now."

Ye Zi walked directly forward, which was the direction of Kushina's home.

"Yeah." Bei Xingye nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and then looked at Ye Zi's leaving back with a look of anticipation, never thinking about what would happen after being rejected.

Walking through the lively streets, we came to a relatively remote corner of the village. Beyond that was the "Sakura Garden" that we must visit in spring. However, it is mid-summer now, and there are no cherry blossom petals visible on the cherry trees in the "Sakura Garden". .

I walked leisurely to the "Sakura Garden" and walked alone on the path between the cherry trees.

Although there is no pink scene in full bloom, it still has a lush green flavor.

The sun fell on the road, forming a dreamy ball of light with spots.

He stepped on the ball of light and headed towards the violent woman's home.

Passing through the 'Sakura Garden', we arrived at Kushina's house in a very familiar way.

The home she stayed in was located in a remote part of the village, and hers was basically the only household around.


Instead of knocking, he tapped the door with his palm several times.

After a while, before the door opened, Kushina's voice came.

"Ye Zi?"

Before he finished speaking, and before Ye Zilai had time to reply, the door suddenly opened, and Kushina poked her head out, tilting her head slightly, causing her long crimson hair to fall down.

"As expected, it's you, and you are the only one who would slap my door like this."

Kushina's mouth was slightly bulging, and she glared at Ye Zi gently, then opened the door completely, revealing that she was wearing an apron. She walked out, came to Ye Zi's side, and looked around.

"Where is Bei Xingye?" She thought Bei Xingye was hiding outside the yard again.

"He didn't come." Ye Zi looked at the bear apron hanging on Kushina in surprise.

"What kind of look are you looking at?!" Sensing Ye Zi's look, Kushina immediately put her hands on her hips and stared at him fiercely.

Ye Zi quickly looked away.

Kushina snorted, touched her chin, and asked doubtfully: "That guy from Bei Xingye didn't come. It's really rare. You come to the door alone. What's the matter?"

"It's something about tomorrow." Ye Zi nodded slightly and said calmly.

"Tomorrow?" Upon hearing this, Kushina looked at Ye Zi with a very strange expression and said, "You came to me just for tomorrow?"

Looking at Kushina's expression, Ye Zi raised his eyebrows slightly, nodded and said, "Yes."

"Do you know what day tomorrow is?" The weirdness on Kushina's face became even more intense.

Bei Xingye is like this, and even Kushina is like this. Is tomorrow really an important day?

Ye Zi did not answer immediately, but was thinking about what tomorrow would bring. Suddenly...his mouth twitched slightly.

Tomorrow's date is July 7th. Could it be that...

"Do you also have a Chinese Valentine's Day here?" Ye Zi asked blankly.

Kushina immediately rolled her eyes, not noticing the weirdness in Ye Zi's words, and said angrily: "Nonsense."

That guy from Bei Xingye...

Ye Zi rubbed his forehead speechlessly and said straight to the point: "Tomorrow is the Qixi Festival, Bei Xingye wants to date you."

"Huh? It's not you...Oh, it turns out to be Bei Xingye." Kushina quickly changed the subject mid-sentence, with a few black lines hanging from her forehead, and said directly: "Tell him, I won't be free tomorrow."

Ye Zi said sincerely: "I think you should go, I don't want to lose the barbecue that Bei Xingye invited."

"Go to hell!"

Kushina had a cross on her forehead, walked quickly back into the house, and closed the door hard with a loud noise.

Looking at the closed door, Ye Zi thought to himself, could Beixing treat him to a barbecue at night?

"Forget it, after all, the news has reached him, and he can't ignore it even if he wants to."

Ye Zi turned around and prepared to leave.

At this time, the door suddenly opened halfway again.

"Hey." Kushina revealed her head and stared at Ye Zi's back.

Ye Zi heard the sound, turned back to look at Kushina, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Um...are you free tomorrow?" Kushina asked.

"Yes." Ye Zi replied directly. He didn't have any tasks tomorrow, so he was indeed free.

"Then, then you come to my house tomorrow night." As if she felt that what she said was a bit inappropriate, Kushina's tone became slightly flustered, and she quickly made up for it: "By the way, let Bei Xingye come too."

This time, it was Ye Zi who stared at Kushina with strange eyes.

Seeing Ye Zi's eyes, Kushina didn't know where she took out the pot and spoon and threw it at Ye Zi. The latter was startled and tilted his head to avoid the confusing pot and spoon.

"Violent woman, what are you doing?" Ye Zi looked at the pot and spoon that was thrown far away, his face darkened.

"It's nothing. Anyway, you just come over tomorrow night. I'll treat you to dinner." Kushina glared at Ye Zi fiercely, and then closed the door forcefully.

Invite me to dinner...?

Oh well.

Ye Zi glanced at the closed door and then left.

I found Bei Xingye and mentioned this matter.

Bei Xingye listened, feeling sad and happy at the same time. She was sad that she was rejected, but she was happy that she and Ye Zi could go to Kushina's house for dinner tomorrow.

The next night, Ye Zi and Bei Xingye came outside Kushina's house.

After knocking on the door, Kushina came to open the door.

"Here you are, come in." Kushina opened the door and welcomed the two of them into the room.

He led Ye Zi and Bei Xingye to the living room and said, "Sit here for a while. The food will be ready soon."

With that said, she walked into the kitchen. After a while, there was a knocking sound from inside, like a fight.

"Kushina looks so beautiful in her apron. I didn't expect to be able to eat rice cooked by her herself." Bei Xingye squinted his eyes slightly, with a happy look on his face.

Ye Zi held his chin with one hand. He was so hungry that he yawned helplessly. He glanced at the persimmon cakes on the plate on the table, picked up one with one hand, threw it into his mouth and started eating.

One after another, in a short time, all the persimmon cakes were eaten.

But Bei Xingye didn't touch any of them. He still wanted to eat the food prepared by Kushina on an empty stomach.

After a while, I could vaguely smell the aroma coming from the kitchen.

"Qiang Qiang! The food is here!"

Kushina came out with a plate of slightly dark dishes, placed it on the table, and quickly turned back to the kitchen. After going back and forth several times, there were four more dishes and one soup on the empty table.

"Wow." Bei Xingye opened his eyes wide, looked at the slightly inferior dishes, and swallowed secretly.

"Can we eat it?" Ye Zi glanced at the food. It looked really bad, but he was hungry, so he just had to make do with it.

"Of course, this is a meal cooked by me myself."

Kushina chuckled, took off her apron and put it on the chair aside, and also sat down.

"Let's get started."

She raised her head slightly proudly and said.

When Bei Xingye heard this, he picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of slightly burnt meat and threw it into his mouth. He just chewed it for a while and then he was stunned.

Ye Zi didn't notice Bei Xingye's expression. He picked up three or four pieces of meat and threw it into his mouth.

"Huh?" After chewing a few times quickly, Ye Zi's expression changed.

Kushina looked at the two of them expectantly. Seeing Ye Zi's frightened expression, she couldn't help but ask: "Ye Zi, how..."


Before he finished speaking, Ye Zi sprayed out the pieces of meat in his mouth, and one piece landed directly on Kushina's nose.

Bei Xingye swallowed the extremely salty piece of meat without chewing it, and then stared at the scene blankly.

The piece of meat stained with some saliva was pressed tightly against Kushina's nose. Her eyes slowly closed, with a look of silence on her face.

Ye Zi put down his chopsticks gently and then stood up slowly.

"Ye! Azusa!" Kushina shouted angrily.

Ye Zi got up and ran out decisively.

Kushina slapped the table and stood up, immediately chasing after her.

Seeing this, Bei Xingye followed him with a wry smile.

The three of them ran into the yard one after the other.

"Hey, can you blame me? It's such a salty thing, but I stuffed it with several slices at once."

Ye Zi ran to the yard and looked at Kushina warily. God knows when she took out a kitchen knife again.

The crimson hair defied the principle of gravity like a sky-high pepper and floated upward, like a witch's hair.

"Go to hell!" The kitchen knife in his hand was thrown towards Ye Zi, but it missed a lot.

Knowing that the trajectory of the kitchen knife was a lot crooked, Ye Zi did not dodge and said slightly angrily: "You should eat it yourself."

The kitchen knife passed him and stabbed into a tree in the yard.

Bei Xingye said weakly at this time: "I's not bad."

You just can't chew it, you have to swallow it directly, he thought silently in his heart.

"Can you eat something so salty?" Ye Zi glanced at Bei Xingye silently and said unceremoniously.

"Don't expect me to cook for you next time!" Kushina put her hands on her hips and her eyes seemed to be on fire.

"Who cares about something so salty?" Ye Zi looked away.

"I'm furious!"

Kushina's hair was flying, and she chased Ye Zi with her teeth and claws. Upon seeing this, the latter quickly started running in the yard.

The two of them walked in a circle, one behind the other, like a pair of fools.

Bei Xingye, who was standing on the corridor, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but there was a slight loss in his eyes. He was very envious, envied Ye Zi at this time, and also envied Kushina at this time.

The bright moon is in the sky, as bright as a jade plate. Wherever you see it, the night sky is clear and there is not a single cloud, making the full moon shine freely.

"This year's Chinese Valentine's Day is just like this. I really hope it can be like this next year." Bei Xingye's eyes slowly moved from the two chasing and running to the full moon in the night sky.

He chuckled softly.

It's great to be in the same class as Ye Zi and Kushina.

Then, he lowered his head and looked at Ye Zi and Kushina in the yard.

"Ah, Kushina...don't be so fierce!"

He just looked over and saw Kushina pulling out the kitchen knife stuck in the tree.

Seeing this, Ye Zi shouted angrily: "That's enough, you violent woman, the food is so salty, why don't you let people tell you?"

"You will never eat the food I cook again! I will never bring you a lunch box!" Kushina originally learned cooking just because she wanted to bring a lunch box, but she encountered Waterloo at the beginning.

On this unique day, under the bright moonlight, there was a kitchen knife between the boy and the girl.

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