Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 279 A confession that begins willfully and ends wantonly

There is a line drawn here, straight and clear, the color of blood.

The perseverance that I had been persevering finally opened up a corner, and then was ruthlessly crushed away.

The expectations he placed on him and the responses he received were cruel.

The scene that I least wanted to see unfolded as it really was, but it was a stage without lights.

"Ye Zi..."

The second time I called out this name that was deep in my heart.

"Ye Zi!"

The first sound was filled with uncontrollable emotions, so complex that it made the voice tremble a little, and there was also an urge to leave everything behind brewing in it.

The second sound was the awakening of reason, which gently suppressed the impulse, and then stretched out his hand to catch something. Although he tried hard to wave, he was only laughed at by the air.

The third sound was when he finally realized that the so-called persistence was undoubtedly ridiculous and naive. Just as Ye Zi said, there is really no going back.

"When I first met you, you were sitting by the window in the classroom, looking out the window, and you were incompatible with the surroundings. In my eyes at that time, you were like a brat who liked to pretend to be cold."

The words containing rich emotions leaked out from Kushina's heart bit by bit.

There seems to be a lot to say, right now.

The Kiri ninja didn't have the time to listen to Kushina saying something they thought was meaningless.

Therefore, they all immediately launched an attack on Obito and Kakashi who were standing in front of them.


The golden chain, like the prototype of Konoha's yellow flash, drew several bolts of lightning at this moment, crossing the bodies of Obito and Kakashi, and wrapped up Ao and the other three.


Ao, Kisame, and Terumi Mei's expressions tightened, and when they reacted, they were already restrained by golden chains.

The golden chain extended from behind Kushina like a snake, curling up Ao and the other three people like spring rolls, making their struggles meaningless.

After imprisoning the obstructive person, Kushina did not turn around, but looked at Ye Zi quietly.

Obito and Kakashi were stunned when they saw Kushina easily restraining the three Kiri ninjas as if she had exploded.

Ye Zi's eyes flashed slightly. He noticed that the speed of the golden chain just now was faster than last time.

Sure enough, everyone is moving forward. While he is getting stronger, others are also moving forward.

"You look really cold, as if you don't care about anything. It really makes me hate you."

"What I didn't expect was that I would be in a group with you..."

"Your tone and attitude are always so cold. It's really, really annoying."

"But after getting close to you, it turns out that you are just a brat who likes to pretend to be indifferent."

"You will also smile inadvertently, and you will also care about people without leaving any trace."

"But why did you risk your life to save me that day? Why did you enter my heart in this way?"

From gentle to rapid, rapid and then hoarse, there seemed to be continuous rain clouds shaking in the clear eyes.

Ye Zi's heart trembled slightly, and the eyes that fell on Kushina slowly moved away and looked at Yan Ye who was in a coma.

"And why...are you deliberately alienating me?"

Clean tears fell from the eyes, along the white cheeks, to the chin, and condensed into a crystal clear teardrop. After pausing for a moment, they fell vertically, fell on the grass blades, and rolled into the soil.

Ye Zi's eyes trembled for a while, and he could only sneer at himself in his heart.

Have all your persistence been finally shattered?

What he wanted to say stopped him.

Chasing that back figure, chasing that person’s eyes that don’t know where to look, chasing that puzzling answer, chasing that flickering heart.

In the memory, extremely clear pictures passed through my mind one after another.

It was in that dark night that he was covered in blood and bore all the figures, and he was stubborn and refused to fall until the end.

It was the person who told the cruel facts with coldness and ruthlessness in front of that tomb. The traces of deliberateness were so obvious.

It was in the heavy rain, and he resisted his entry with eyes that didn't know where to look.

It was the figure who faced the enemy alone in a dangerous situation, carried away all hope, and saved everyone.

It was the heartbreaking figure who was alone in the noisy middle street, isolated from all rumors.

Always when I feel like I can catch something, there is always a position that seems to be impossible to cross.

"You're so cunning."

When the news of his death came, it was difficult to breathe. The harsh rumors that still refused to stop made me even more disgusted.

In front of the deserted tombstone where few people came, I felt deeply unworthy of you, and I didn't want to believe that you would disappear so suddenly.

You just disappeared...

Then suddenly it appeared again.

Just like the first night, he saved me again.

"You don't ask me for my opinion, you come here arrogantly, and you leave resolutely."

There are a lot of things I want to say, but... it is no longer necessary. When a decision is made, those things I want to say can only be hidden in my heart again.

The image that echoed in my mind finally stayed at that moment that I can never forget.

That was about that time... From that moment on, I completely understood what I wanted.

I really have a lot to say, and I want to tell you word for word, trying to make everything turn into the picture I want.'ve gone too far, to a distance where I can't catch you no matter how hard I try.

So, let those things you want to say sink into your heart, just...

"I like you, very, very much."

Kushina wiped away her tears fiercely and wiped them with her sleeves, again and again, as if to prevent the tears from slipping out of her eyes.

"But, from now on, you are the enemy, right."

"So, I don't like you anymore."

A willful beginning and a wanton end, just like a plain joke.

But, this is what I have always meant, convey it, and then rest in peace.

Kushina's excitement began to calm down, she looked at Ye Zi quietly and said, "You are holding Lin hostage because you want me to treat her, right?"

Although the malicious intent is indeed obvious, one can also realize Ye Zi's motives.

Ye Zi's trembling heart also calmed down. He suddenly let out a deep laugh, which only lasted for a moment and then disappeared silently.

"That's good." The voice was so low that it seemed as if there was no emotion at all, speaking out every word.

"That's right."

He suddenly looked at Kushina, who had a calm expression but her eyes were still trembling slightly, and said coldly: "Help Yanye treat her, I can let you go."

Kushina took a deep breath, her eyes were slightly red, but tears no longer fell easily.

"Okay, I hope you will do what you say."

Kushina looked at Yanye who was in a very tragic situation, and suddenly remembered what Yanye said to her when they passed each other that night.

You never look back, but I stand still.

This is the difference...

They can only talk empty words but accomplish nothing.

The eyelids drooped slightly, then quickly rose again.


Obito and Kakashi couldn't help shouting.

"Lin will be fine. You are all very important people to me, so I will definitely protect you."

Kushina turned around and showed a beautiful smile to Obito and Kakashi, but the red eyes made the smile a little more flawed.

Important, unimportant.

What can be given up, what cannot be given up.

That scale will eventually fall to the heaviest one.

Seeing Kushina's smile, Kakashi and Obito immediately bit their lips and remained silent.

They all seemed to feel Kushina-sensei's determination.

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