Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 285 Suspicion


Kushina looked at Jiraiya who looked confused and smiled.

Jiraiya glanced at Kushina's hand quickly, but fortunately, he didn't hold it tightly. He raised his head, glanced around, and whistled softly, as if to resolve the embarrassment at this moment.

"I didn't expect Jiraiya-sama to be such a person." Lin whispered.

Obito lowered his voice and said to Lin, "Have you forgotten that he snatched my balls last time?"

Lin suddenly smiled helplessly after hearing this, while Kakashi ate the ramen silently, but there was also a look of helplessness in his eyes.

The soft conversation between the two could not be concealed in this small ramen shop.

Jiraiya heard it and whistled, thinking to himself, brats like you, how can you understand how hard it is for me to collect information?

Not only do you have to sell your lust and have close contact with beautiful little sisters, but you also have to pay the price of harming your body. You go to the pub to drink and drink, just to collect information.

Seeing Jiraiya like this, Kushina shook her head speechlessly, took back the golden chain, and said, "Jiraiya-sensei, you won't have no money again, will you?"

"Ha ha."

Jiraiya laughed a few times, and then said seriously: "No money."

Kushina covered her forehead and said helplessly: "I'll treat you to this meal."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiraiya suddenly turned around, sat in front of the counter very quickly, stretched out a finger, pointed at the hand behind the counter and said with a smile: "Give me another bowl."

Kakashi made a 'pop' sound and almost swallowed it.

Kushina, Obito, and Rin all had black lines on their faces.

After a while, after eating, Kushina asked Kakashi and the others to go back to rest, while she and Jiraiya headed to the Hokage's office building.

On the way, Jiraiya, who was clutching his stomach and looking satisfied, suddenly asked: "You are back, that means you have seen Ye Zi?"

Kushina was slightly startled when she heard this. After a moment of silence, she nodded and said, "I see."

Although her tone was as calm as possible, Jiraiya still heard a slight tremor.

Jiraiya asked calmly: "What was the result?"

His actions after leaving the village were all directed at Yu Xiao. On one side, he tried to pay attention to Tsunade's movements, and on the other side, he wandered around the Kingdom of Rain.

He wanted to know about Ye Zi's movements, the disappearing Orochimaru, the Akatsuki organization's stronghold in the Land of Rain, and the strength that built this organization.

He also knew a little bit about the actions of Team 7. The starting point of this mission was nothing more than Kushina's persistence in her heart. He neither praised nor opposed it because he could understand Kushina.

He has always been obsessed with Orochimaru's rebellion against the village, and like Kushina, he has the delusion of bringing Orochimaru back. Even though he knows it is basically impossible, he is unwilling to give up.

Facing Jiraiya's question, Kushina smiled slightly and said, "We met once and talked a lot, but..."

That smile is a bit far-fetched.

Jiraiya narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "But what?"

"He can't come back." Kushina stopped her smile, drooped her eyelids slightly, and said, "So, it's almost time for me to give up."

Jiraiya suddenly fell silent after hearing this. Yes, it's almost time to give up. There are already some people and things in the world that can't be changed no matter how hard they try.

"Ye Zi is now the rebel ninja of the village. You can choose not to participate." Jiraiya said.

Kushina knew what Jiraiya meant by saying this, which was simply to put Ye Zi in the enemy's position and to prevent her from participating. She was worried that she would not be able to treat Ye Zi as an enemy.

She understood it and couldn't refute it.

This is something that cannot be determined by imagination. Perhaps only in the next confrontation will we know whether we can succeed or not.

Jiraiya continued: "Kushina, maybe the place you are looking at right now is far away and out of reach. Sometimes you have to pay attention to other places, such as behind you."

"Jiraiya-sensei, I don't understand what you mean." Kushina pretended not to understand, but she actually understood. However, things like feelings were not something that she could force herself to do, and now she was asked to turn around and accept Minato. Can't do it.

She didn't know how long it would take for someone who had lived in her heart to be driven out.

Minato, I can only help you so much.

Jiraiya laughed, held out a thumbs up, and said seriously: "This is actually a line from a book I'm imagining. I plan to name it 'Intimate Paradise', and I'll give it to you for free when I finish it." How about a copy? Just think of it as repaying your kindness for treating me to ramen today."

"I don't want it." Kushina refused decisively. Just hearing the name, she felt that it was not a good book.

Seeing Kushina's decisive refusal, Jiraiya suddenly felt a little embarrassed. After laughing, he dismissed the topic.

The two of them came to the Hokage's office building together. Under the watchful eyes of the ANBU hiding in the dark, they came to the door of the office. Kushina reached out and knocked on the door a few times. Then, before Minato could respond, Jiraiya pushed the door open and entered.

In the office, Minato sat on a chair, looking up at Jiraiya and Kushina, his eyes bright.

At the desk, Shikaku, who was wearing Konoha ninja uniform, looked back at the door. After seeing Jiraiya and Kushina, he bowed slightly, said hello, and said: "Jiraiya-sama, Kushina. "

"Hey, Shikaku brat." Jiraiya greeted Shikaku carelessly, while Kushina smiled at Shikaku and responded to the greeting.

Hearing Jiraiya's address, Shikaku smiled slightly without any major reaction.

Nowadays, Shikaku is Minato's right-hand man, and Minato will discuss many things with him to share the workload.

Generally speaking, when it comes to matters that require decision-making brought up by Minato, if he remains silent, Minato will make the decision on his own; if he speaks, then Minato will follow his will.

Overall, Shikaku is now Minato's right-hand man. With him around, Minato can usually relax a lot.

"Jiraiya-sensei." Minato glanced at Jiraiya, then looked at Kushina, pursed his lips and smiled.

Jiraiya walked to the desk and said: "Kushina just happened to be back. Let's change the information about Akatsuki and Ye Zi."

Minato and Shikaku looked at each other, and the former nodded and said, "Jiraiya-sensei, Danzo gave me information about Ye Zi yesterday."

"Huh?" Jiraiya was slightly surprised.

Danzo would give Minato information about Ye Zi, but Kushina was not too surprised. Gen's intelligence channels were not weak, but Jiraiya was surprised because he did not expect that Danzo would be so kind to support Minato's intelligence.

"Ye Zi... can skillfully use Wood Release, and can even use the First Hokage's 'Descent from the Tree Realm'." Minato looked slightly serious.

Jiraiya's eyes slowly opened wide, he was shocked by the news, even Kushina was the same.

"Ye Zi, can actually use Wood Release... and can even use the moves of the First Hokage..." Jiraiya stretched out his thumb and bit it, frowning, Ye Zi mastered Wood Release to such an extent, he was really shocked, but this time What I was thinking about was whether to tell Tsunade this information.

After improving the village's medical system, Tsunade left the village in order to find the murderer of Duan. It was certain that the murderer was someone from the Akatsuki organization, and the initial suspect was Ye Zi.

At first, because I thought it was impossible for Ye Zi to use Wood Release, I just remained skeptical. But now, if Ye Zi can use Wood Release, then his suspicion becomes more obvious.

What Jiraiya could think of, Kushina could naturally think of, she bit her lip slightly and remained silent.

"Is the information reliable?" Jiraiya said in a deep voice. Because this information was given by Danzo, there was reason to question it.

When he came back to the village this time, the information he brought back was actually insignificant. On the one hand, he had no money and wanted to be shameless and wanted to get some funds. On the other hand, he wanted to take Minato to Mt. Myoboku.

What I didn't expect was that I would get this news...

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