Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 287: It’s just a matter of interest

The location of the two people was in the corner, and there was an open single-sided wooden door next to it.

In addition to a double-sided door, this huge training ground also has many single-sided wooden doors, which lead to different corridors.


Yan Ye and Jin shuddered almost at the same time, suddenly having a cold illusion that they were being watched.


At this time, a cold and low laughter sounded from their ears, causing the two of them to tremble and look towards the place where the sound came from.

Orochimaru stood at the door at some point, looking deeply at Ye Zi and the many children in the training ground, with the corners of his mouth raised high to the right, outlining a clear arc.

"Lord Orochimaru."

Seeing Orochimaru, the two of them realized that the inexplicable chill that shot up their spines came from here.

Orochimaru glanced sideways at Yanye and Jin, then withdrew his gaze, continued to look at Ye Zi, and said lightly: "Do we share the same disease?"

"What?" A look of confusion appeared on Yan Ye's face.

Orochimaru smiled lowly again, his voice was hoarse and magnetic. He said nothing more, turned and left. This road was the only way back to the room, and the open single-sided wooden door just allowed him to see this scene, so he Stopped to check it out.

After Orochimaru left, Yanye looked confused, while Shin suddenly relaxed. The moment Orochimaru appeared, his whole body tensed up spontaneously, which was attributed to the psychological shadow that he had not yet let go of.

The corridor is straight and smooth. On the wooden wall, a lamp is dotted several meters away. The light is not very bright. When it shines in the corridor, the color of the floor can be vaguely seen.

Orochimaru walked leisurely in the wooden corridor, with a look of interest on his pale and bloodless face.

Having gathered a lot of war orphans, he knew that Ye Zi had put a lot of effort into teaching, but he usually didn't pay much attention to it. The scene he accidentally caught a glimpse of made him interested.

The memory of many years ago was also affected by this. In the Rain Kingdom during the war, when I saw the skinny Ye Zi for the first time, my first thought was to kill him to save him from having such a hard life in the world.

If it weren't for Ye Zi's next behavior, I'm afraid Orochimaru wouldn't have had other thoughts at that time, let alone bring him back to Konoha.

Everything starts from here, outside the circle, quietly watching Ye Zi's growth, and gradually getting used to Ye Zi's existence. It was very interesting to watch him grow from a boy to a ninja in his own right.

Suddenly, Orochimaru stopped, turned around, and walked over.

There was the direction of the kitchen. He who rarely drank alcohol suddenly wanted to drink.

In the training ground, the four-hour collective training ended. Ye Zi turned around and left amid the reluctant cries of condolences from many children.

These children work as hard as Akai. The reason why they work so hard is because they want to control their power and then their own destiny.

Ye Zi had already noticed that Yan Ye and Jin were in the training ground. He even noticed it when Orochimaru stayed for a short time.

Being able to sit here and watch his boring teachings for four hours is really leisurely.

He walked to the one-sided wooden door and said unceremoniously: "You are obviously very weak, but you are wasting meaningless time here."

After saying that, the two people, who were left with dull faces, walked through the door and walked into the passage.

After the teaching, the children did not end the training, nor did they choose to rest. Instead, they consciously divided into two-person teams for actual combat training.

"I'm slacking off." Jin curled his lips and walked towards the children in the center of the training ground. After all, he was also responsible for the supervision.

Looking at Jin's back, Yan Ye smiled slightly. Ye Zi's reprimand just now had no weight at all. Besides, she didn't think it was a waste of time. On the contrary, such time was too valuable.

"Ye Zi is about to get hungry. This time, we must succeed!"

Yan Ye waved his fist slightly and ran towards the kitchen with great interest.

Ye Zi, who was walking in the corridor and about to go back to his room, suddenly stopped at the corner.

In the quiet passage outside the corner, there were rustling sounds and gentle footsteps.

In the perception, there is Orochimaru, and... a snake?

He stood quietly on the right side of the 'T' intersection, waiting for Orochimaru to reach the intersection.

After a while, Orochimaru walked out, holding a wine jar about half the size of his body in his hand. After walking out, he consciously turned his head to the right and looked at Ye Zi in front of him.

Looking at the wine jar in Orochimaru's hand, Ye Zi was a little surprised. Then, the rustling sound became more obvious, and he saw pythons with thick arms crawling out of the passage inside. Each snake carried a load against common sense. Serving dishes and wine barrel.

Ye Zi couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and at a glance, there were twelve snakes, carrying six tanks of wine and six large plates of... scrambled eggs?

"I just happened to be in the mood." Seeing Ye Zi's eyes falling on the wine and scrambled eggs, Orochimaru explained calmly.

"Did you finish drinking? Did you finish eating?" Ye Zi stared at Orochimaru with a strange look. He knew that Orochimaru rarely drank, not to mention so many bottles of wine, even if Orochimaru likes to eat eggs, so He knows how much food he can eat, but he can't finish it.

The plate containing scrambled eggs was a wooden plate with a diameter of more than one meter. God knows how these snakes crawled here carrying it.

"Isn't there you?" Orochimaru let out a habitual husky laugh, turned around and walked to the left. The snakes, carrying things on their backs, followed Orochimaru.

Ye Zi looked at Orochimaru's back and touched his stomach. He was indeed a little hungry, so he followed him.

As Orochimaru came to his room, the table was not big enough for these scrambled eggs.

So, Orochimaru looked at Ye Zi, who was speechless for a while, then made a large wooden table on the spot with wood escape, and placed six large plates of eggs on the table.

After everything was dropped, the two of them took their seats.

The position where Ye Zi was sitting was facing the 'egg' wall he had made, and he couldn't help but ask: "Didn't you say you wanted to destroy that wall?"

Orochimaru held the wine vat and poured wine into two large bowls. The clear wine dropped a line of water in the air. When it landed in the bowl, it exuded a mellow aroma of wine.

After hearing Ye Zi's words, he put down the wine jar after pouring the wine, and said calmly: "It's ugly, but it's not a problem if you leave it there."

"In the final analysis, it's because it looks like an egg." Ye Zi pulled the wine bowl, looked at the wine in the bowl, and said, "Both you and I don't like drinking, but it's hard to get drunk."

Orochimaru smiled sinisterly and said: "After all, it's the root..."

Ye Zi smiled faintly, moved his wrist slightly, and gently swayed the wine in the bowl. Thinking about his experience in the 'root' for several years, he said, "So you brought all the wine here?"

Drinking capacity is just one of the training skills of 'Gen'. It may not be important, but it is also a skill that must be mastered.

Ye Zi and Orochimaru are the same, they have no interest in wine, but in order to train their drinking ability, they both experienced drinking for a period of time. However, he did not become addicted to alcohol, but he had the ability to drink.

"I'm just in the mood." Orochimaru picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp without leaking a drop.

Ye Zi raised his eyebrows, raised the wine bowl, and drank the wine in one gulp.

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since this happened." Putting down the empty wine bowls, Ye Zi raised the wine vat at hand and filled the two empty wine bowls with wine.

Orochimaru calmly stared at the liquid in the wine bowl, and actually felt a little emotional.

"Everything has changed, hasn't it?"

Ye Zi was silent for a moment and replied: "Yes."

In the kitchen, Yan Ye stared blankly at the egg shells on the floor.

"Where are the eggs?"

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