Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 296 Reincarnation of Yagura

Ye Zi didn't know enough about the reincarnation of the dirty earth. He already knew how to use it, but he couldn't master it without trying many times.

He only knew that the sacrifice would affect the strength of the reincarnated body, so he only kept the younger and more energetic Rain Ninja.

Although it is necessary to reincarnate Yagura and Lao Zi, there is no need to be too hasty, because even if they want to be reincarnated, they will still have to use White Zetsu clones in the end.

Now, there is only one sacrifice, so who will be resurrected?

After thinking for a while, thinking of the Mist Ninja approaching the Land of Rain, Ye Zi's choice leaned towards Yagura.

"Just reincarnate as the Mizukage."

It didn't take long for him to make a decision. Ye Zi casually summoned a wooden rain shelter, and then used his psychic skills to summon blank talisman paper for inscribing spells, as well as a special pen and inkstone.

He had a lot of things and weapons that had nothing to do with fighting, and they were piled in the storage space, and some of them were spotted.

The blank talisman paper is dark purple in color. It is different from the talisman paper dedicated to detonating talismans. The material used is more expensive than the detonating talisman. The price is also close to the talisman paper that can be used to depict sealing and enchantment techniques.

As a convenient prop, the price of the detonating talisman is not low. It would be difficult for ordinary genin and chuunin to buy a few of them. The material of the talisman paper accounts for 60% of the factor that determines the price.

Unlike the detonating talisman, there is no place to buy the talisman for the reincarnation of the dirty land. You have to make it by yourself. Therefore, if you want to collect the reincarnation, the sacrifice is not a problem. The most troublesome thing is the talisman to be carved.

Putting the props that needed to be used on the wooden table and laying out the blank purple talisman paper, Ye Zi picked up the pen and did not start writing immediately. Instead, he closed his eyes and wrote down the complex black spell in his head. The text was translated.

Talisman is equivalent to a luxury item among props. The spell that you want to make and engrave must not have any deviation. Every stroke and every painting needs to be injected with a thin trickle of chakra. This has great control over chakra. , there are certain requirements.

After a while, Ye Zi slowly opened his eyes, picked up the pen and soaked it with ink, and began to write on the blank talisman paper. The first place to write was in the middle of the talisman paper.

Ye Zi's expression was serious and focused, he tapped the tip of the pen lightly and took the time to put down the pen. The chakra in his body turned into a trickle, which was transferred from his arm to the specially made brush, and then transferred to the black incantation carved out.

swish swish...

The wind and rain outside passed over the trees, making a rhythmic sound, and the raindrops fell on the wooden roof, making a clicking sound.

Ye Zi's mind was not affected by the outside world, and he was immersed in the black mantra. He moved the pen at will, and kept on. The black mantra was gradually completed, approaching the appearance of the talisman in his mind.

Every stroke was 'engraved' carefully. When the last stroke was completed, Ye Zi picked up the pen neatly, declaring the completion of a piece of talisman paper.

Putting down the pen, Ye Zi picked up the talisman used for the reincarnation of the dirty land and examined it. Holding it in his hand, he could still feel the subtle chakra coming from the talisman paper, which meant that the talisman was successful.

"It looks like it's done."

Ye Zi was quite surprised that he could do it in one go. He thought he would have to try a few more times, but it turned out that he could do it in one go. Maybe he still had the talent to make spells.

There are many kinds of talismans. The detonating talisman is the representative of fire escape. In addition, there are also talismans with other attributes, and even sealing and barrier talismans.

The value of these spells is that they allow ninjas who are not good at other attribute escape techniques to use them as quickly as possible.

However, the power of the talisman is limited by the area of ​​the talisman paper. Compared with the one engraved on the scroll, the power gap is still quite large. The advantage is that it is easy to carry and use, and can be used at any time.

As for the scroll, it is limited by the conditions of use. The usual time of use is to replace the information scroll. It can be used as a trap to make the enemy open the scroll. However, experienced ninjas usually make preparations before opening such scrolls. , especially in the battle for intelligence, they will be very cautious.

Ye Zi rarely used tools such as talismans. What he trusted was the sharp thunder blade in his hand.

The spell is completed, and the next step is to prepare for the second step.

Before using the reincarnation of the dirty earth, you have to make a lot of preparations. In addition to sacrifices and a certain amount of flesh tissue of the reincarnation, there are also spells for suppressing personality and enhancing control, and scrolls for channeling.

Now that the spell is complete, next comes the scroll for channeling.

Ye Zi channeled a blank scroll. After pulling out a section, he dipped his pen in ink and began to write. On the blank scroll, stroke by stroke, he 'engraved' a spell formation for psychics.

After gaining experience, characterization becomes much easier. If you want to use the Reincarnation of the Earth on a large scale, you will have to spend time making these preparations in advance.

If a person who is not reincarnated from the dirty earth can be placed in a coffin and thrown into the psychic space, and can be summoned at any time when he wants to use it, then the disadvantages of this technique will be very obvious.

All the preparations that need to be done are done, and then you can get down to business.

Ye Zi put down the scroll and placed a hand seal on the ground. A black spell was formed on the ground in a blink of an eye. In a burst of white smoke, Yagura's body appeared on the ground.

The meat tissue that needs to be used does not need to be too much, but it cannot be too little.

Ye Zi drew out the 'blood', controlled the force, waved his arm, and the blade passed across Yagura's bloodless face, and a piece of flesh stained with dark red blood flew into the air.

The piece of meat flying in the air was caught in the palm of Ye Zi's hand.

After obtaining the flesh tissue, Ye Zi sealed Yagura's body back into the psychic space.


Sheathing the 'blood', Ye Zi held Yagura's flesh in one hand, picked up the scroll with the other and pulled it open, then kicked the unconscious young Yu Ninja in the corner to the center.

After that, Ye Zi pressed the meat into the middle of the spell array on the scroll and immediately placed it on the ground. Dark red blood flowed from the scroll into a sharp line and flowed towards the young Yu Nin who was lying on the ground.

Without Ye Zi's control, the blood quickly drew a large curse array. After it was completed, it turned black, and the young Yu Ren lay in the middle of the curse array.

This black curse circle is the same as the curse circle in which Orochimaru reincarnated into Kato Dan.

Ready to complete…

Ye Zi expressionlessly formed the Seal of Reincarnation from the Earth. After it was completed, a burst of white light lit up in the middle of the spell formation, and many white shreds appeared out of thin air, covering the body of the young Yu Ren. , and after a while, it became like a mummy.

call out…!

In an instant, the human figure wrapped in paper changed into Yagura's appearance.

Seeing this, Ye Zi picked up the charm used to suppress personality and stabbed it into the back of Yagura's head. After completing this step, the reincarnation of the dirty land was completed.


After regaining consciousness, Yagura opened his eyes. His immediate reaction was exactly the same as when Kato Dan was channeled, with a confused look on his face.

"Can't move?"

Soon, after recognizing the situation, Yagura frowned. Then, he saw Ye Zi, and murderous intent suddenly appeared on his face.

"It's you...Ye Zi!"

Suddenly, Yagura's angry expression froze, and he realized a problem. He was defeated by Ye Zi, and then the tailed beast was pulled out and died. So, how could he be here now? Moreover, he could no longer feel the touch in his body. .

What is going on?

"Are you surprised? But I don't have time to explain it to you." Ye Zi said calmly with no expression on his face: "Next, just be my tool and serve me."

After hearing Ye Zi's words, Yagura tried to break away from the control, but failed. Then, he looked at Ye Zi with piercing eyes and said angrily: "Ye Zi, I'm going to kill you!"

"You who are controlled by me, are you trying to kill me?" Ye Zi smiled coldly and said cruelly: "You should be able to feel the chakra flowing in your body. Although you cannot return to your heyday, as a tool, you can That’s enough.”

"Do you know what I want to do with you?"

With a cruel expression and a cold tone, it seemed that the next second, he was going to say words that were difficult for Yagura to accept.

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