Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 298 Contact

Will take a day off tomorrow to update.


The pattering raindrops fell on the shallow puddles, splashing out circles of ripples.

The rapid pace stepped on the puddle, and the water suddenly splashed, and the slightly clear water suddenly turned turbid.

One after another, figures moved quickly through the rain, stepping through puddles and heading forward.

This was a troop sent by Mist Ninja Village, a total of forty-three people. They were moving quickly, keeping enough distance between them, front, back, left and right, and controlling their moving speed at the same speed.

There are also four people, who are perceptive ninjas. They are some distance away from the main force and are located on both sides. They are responsible for detecting the possible movements of the enemy. If a situation is discovered, one person will be responsible for notifying them.

At the front of the team, Qing takes the lead and uses his white eyes to conduct ultra-long-distance straight-line detection. If an enemy is discovered, he will immediately change the marching formation with the purpose of destroying the enemy.

This time, in addition to finding out Mizukage's situation, this operation also wanted to retaliate against Akatsuki. This was secondary. The primary purpose was to target Mizukage.

However, every fog ninja in the team has already prepared for the worst.

Ao's gaze passed through the heavy rain and fell in the distance. As the Mizukage's bodyguard, he had seriously neglected his duty. Under the existing regulations, he, Kisame and Terumi Mei were not immune.

The meritorious service they committed was not enough to support the reason why the Mist Ninja Village let them go. In the final analysis, the three of them had good abilities, and after the war, for every village, ninjas with good abilities were important.

Furthermore, the reduction in funds allocated by the state is also one of the reasons, because it is not that simple to train a good ninja.

The team of Mist Ninjas were advancing in an orderly manner.

The main purpose is to explore the water shadow situation, and there are tentative plans.

Before arriving at the Rain Ninja Village, eliminate the Rain Ninjas encountered along the way. After approaching the Rain Ninja Village, the team split into three teams and entered the Rain Ninja Village head-on.

One team is responsible for luring the enemy, one team is responsible for harassing, and one team is responsible for searching for the whereabouts of Mizukage.

Although they are all elite players, if a team of this size enters the Rain Ninja Village head-on, there is a high possibility that they will all be wiped out.

Despite this, every Mist Ninja has already prepared for enlightenment.

However, the Mist Ninja extended the detection range far away and wiped out all the ninjas they encountered along the way, but they could not avoid the prying eyes from White Zetsu.

From the beginning of their movements, they have been under the surveillance of Bai Zetsu. After entering the Kingdom of Rain, Nagato has already taken action.

Qing, who was in front of the team, suddenly changed his expression. He clenched his hand into a fist and raised it to signal the team to stop.

Suddenly, all the mist ninjas who were running quickly stopped.

The location where they stopped was a flat land, and in front of them was a forest. Their route was to pass through this forest.

"There is a situation."

In Byakugan's field of vision, a person with a terrifying amount of chak was rushing towards this side at high speed.

"Could it... be Ye Zi? No." As soon as the speculation started, Qing immediately rejected it. This unknown person has a terrifying amount of chakra, more than Ye Zi. Who is it? Alone?

"A person is coming. He has a lot of chakra. Don't hold back and prepare to attack!"

Qing Leng shouted, this person is only strong or not weak, and the judgment is based on the amount of chakra. Originally, in order to implement the plan, there were not many people in the team, so the battle along the road would not kill anyone if possible.

As soon as the words fell, a total of forty-two Mist Ninjas suddenly dispersed, forming a semi-arc encirclement, ready to attack.

Each of the Mist Ninjas drew out their usual weapons, while the Mist Ninjas who had no weapons were all holding kunai.

Terumi Mei looked ahead solemnly, biting her red lips and getting ready to attack. Next to her, there was also a female ninja of similar age to her.

This person's name was Yukino Aoba. He had short light blue hair and a good appearance. She quietly glanced at Mei Terumi beside her.

Her strength is not weak at this age, she is already a Jonin, and she is also an admirer of Terumi Mei. It can be said that Terumi Mei is the target she follows.

"I must let Terumi Mei-sama notice me!"

On the other side, Kisame was holding the long sword indifferently, and his cold eyes fell on the edge of the forest. There were many Kirin ninja masters around him, and everyone was prepared.


In the field of vision, the man showed no intention of stopping. His blue eyes changed. With such a large amount of chakra, the possibility of shadow clones was ruled out. The enemy must be very strong. The first wave of encirclement attacks would inevitably hit the opponent hard first.

Hearing Qing's words, everyone reflexively prepared to escape and throw hidden weapons.


As soon as he finished speaking, a figure came out of the woods. While the figure was still in the air, escape techniques and hidden weapons came from behind!

"Melt Escape, the art of melting monsters!" Terumi Mei opened her red lips and sprayed the viscous liquid towards the figure.

"Water escape, water cannon technique!" Among them were members of the Ghost Lantern clan. The powerful water cannons were parallel to the thrown hidden weapons.

"Earth escape, random thrusts!"

"Thunder Escape, claws and teeth!"

"Water escape, water dragon bullet technique!"

That figure was naturally Nagato, emerging from the woods, carrying numerous hidden weapons and small water cannons with powerful impact. Then he came in an overwhelming manner.

In Samsara's eyes, the sharp hidden weapons flashing with sharp edges were reflected. His expression was as calm as water. He looked directly past these hidden weapons and looked at the various escape techniques in the middle, as well as the mist ninjas arrayed in formation.

Immediately, he spread his arms in mid-air and stretched out his hands.

After the hidden weapon, there are more than ten kinds of escape techniques with different attributes, including the extremely corrosive viscous liquid, the thunder escape that turns into a tooth blade, the water dragon with red eyes, and the constantly trembling half-moon water. Blades, sharp stone spears that thrust upward from the ground...

"Death!" Many Mist Ninjas saw this with murderous intent in their eyes.

Being attacked by so many escape techniques and hidden weapons, Nagato's eyes opened slightly.

Shinra Tianzheng!

Ding ding ding!

The hidden weapons that came first rebounded instantly as if they hit an invisible protective shield, and the hidden weapons collided with each other, making a lot of noise.

The rebounding kunai and shuriken flew backwards towards the mist ninja.

At the same time, various escape techniques that emitted brilliant and dangerous light, including the escape techniques of the Blood Succession Boundary, seemed to be blocked by an invisible shield.

It's just that unlike kunai and shuriken, it didn't bounce back... but was directly dispersed in the air.

The attack in such a formation was inexplicably dispersed, and the other party just raised his hand.


"what happened?"

"How can this be!?"

"What kind of ability is this?"

The Mist Ninja was shocked by this scene. Along with the messy words, part of the hidden weapon that rebounded came towards them.

Maintaining a shocked state of mind, each Mist Ninja made dodge movements. However, in a hurry, two Mist Ninjas accidentally hit the hidden weapon that rebounded at a faster speed and were killed directly.

After using the Shinra Tensei to blast away the escape techniques and hidden weapons, Nagato landed on the ground unharmed, staring indifferently at the fog ninjas ahead.

Outside the battle circle, Ye Zi and Bai Jue watched this scene without any surprise.

The two of them, before Nagato came into contact with the Mist ninja, took care of the four sentient Mist ninjas.

For the purpose of collecting corpses, even though these four ninjas didn't look very strong, they were still jonins and perceptive ninjas, so Ye Zi accepted them.

Then, the two of them came to a place suitable for watching the battle and saw this scene.

This is one of Nagato's abilities. Ye Zi has seen it before, so he is not too surprised. It's just that at that time, Nagato only shook away the hidden weapon, but now he not only shook away the escape technique, but also was able to rebound the hidden weapon and hit it. The fog ninja was caught off guard.

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