Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 306 Miaomu Mountain

In the ninja world, there are three unknown and mysterious holy places, namely Mt. Miaomu, where toads live, Ryūchi Cave, where snakes live, and Shigu Forest, where slugs live.

When Jiraiya was young, he had ordinary talent, impulsiveness and no plan, and occupied a place among the crane tail of the past.

One day, he took a different path and used counter-spiritual magic, and accidentally came to Miaomu Mountain, which is inaccessible to ordinary people on foot, which is one of the three mysterious holy places.

This wonderful opportunity changed his life and gave him the opportunity to become stronger.

After paying homage to the Great Toad Sage, the young Jiraiya began to practice in Mount Miaomu. Through unremitting efforts, he became stronger and stronger, growing from a crane tail to the prestigious Sannin of Konoha. One is closely related to this opportunity.

Somehow, he would come to Miaomu Mountain, maybe it was fate. After the big toad immortal's prophecy, he determined that Minato was the son of the prophecy.

Seeing Minato grow up step by step and eventually become the Hokage of his ideal, I was relieved and at the same time wanted to watch Minato accomplish his lofty goals.

In the end, he took Minato to Mt. Miaomu as a matter of course, in order to let Minato come into contact with a higher level of power. This power is the cornerstone that supports everything.

The entrance to Mt. Myouki is located in a place called Maze Mountain. It takes a month to walk from Konoha, but no one can enter without mastering a special method.

Therefore, there are no humans here, far away from cruel disputes, and everything here forms a normal food chain.

On the huge lotus leaves, many toads are lying comfortably on them. The sky and lake look like they have been rendered in orange and have not been ravaged by war, causing life to flourish, making this place feel like a paradise.

In front of a small waterfall, the roaring sound is endless, the water falls down, and layers of yellow water splash gradually rise. What flows is not water, but the secret toad oil of Miaomu Mountain, which can be used to assist in practice. Magic.

On the shore, there are many giant toad stone statues piled neatly.

That is not a sculptured stone statue, but a toad from Mt. Miaomu that has been turned into a stone statue after failing to practice magic. It is placed here to remind those who come after you of the risks of practicing magic.

Jiraiya brought Minato to Mt. Myoboku just to let him learn senjutsu.

For the toads of Mt. Miaomu, the senjutsu system has existed for a long time. From the beginning, there was a high risk of turning into a stone statue, but now, any risk has been eliminated.

The only thing that can reduce the risk to nothing is a black stick, which can drive the natural energy required to form magic energy out of the body and eliminate the risk.


In front of the waterfall, Minato, who was meditating with his eyes closed, let out a low sigh, touched his head, and said with a look of helplessness, I failed again.

Jiraiya crossed his arms, holding a stick in his hand and swinging it up and down. He looked at Minato and said with a bad smile: Don't worry, senjutsu is not so easy to master. I think it took me a lot of time in the beginning. Only then have I probably mastered the magic of immortality.”

He shook the stick, feeling secretly happy. It was Fukasaku Sennin who was supposed to be responsible for tapping out the natural energy in Minato's body, but he wanted to have a good time, so he took the initiative to take over.

Thinking back to the beginning, he had to put in a lot of effort to master the celestial arts. In the process, he had to eat many sticks from Fukasaku Sennin.

It took a lot of time for little Jiraiya to learn the senjutsu. In order to tap out the natural energy in his body, I almost dislocated my arm.

The petite Toad Sage Fukasaku squatted aside, holding a teacup and drinking comfortably.

Haha, is that so? Minato looked at Jiraiya and laughed.

Jiraiya's face turned slightly dark. It would be uncomfortable to have his past dark history revealed, especially in front of his apprentice. He smiled awkwardly and said, Go on, don't worry about such trivial matters.

Minato suppressed his smile and continued to meditate. It is very simple to balance the physical energy and mental energy, that is the chakra required for ninjutsu.

However, with the addition of natural energy, it is very difficult to maintain the balance between the three and create chakra.

If you have less natural energy, you will not be able to create magic chakra. If you have too much natural energy, you will turn into a toad, and you will get a stick from Jiraiya at this time.

Minato closed his eyes and tried hard to maintain a balance between the three. However, despite his efforts to control it, natural energy would still exceed physical energy and mental energy.


A slight voice sounded, and Minato's handsome face suddenly swelled up, showing obvious signs of turning into a toad.


Jiraiya landed the stick on Minato's head without hesitation.

Failed again.

Minato touched his head, feeling a little frustrated, feeling that the talent he had been so proud of since he was a child was all gone to the dogs.

Go on, Jiraiya said.

After hearing this, Minato silently adjusted his sitting posture, sat cross-legged, clasped his hands, closed his eyes, and felt the natural energy outside.

On the side, Fukasaku put down his teacup and looked at this scene with a smile.

Lord Fukasaku, Toad Sennin wants to call Jiraiya and Minato to come over.

A small green toad, very cute and innocent, jumped over and said something.

Fukasaku was surprised when he heard this. The old man would call Jiraiya and Minato over at this time. Could it be that he was dreaming about the future again?

Little Jiraiya, little Minato, stop, come with me to see the old man. Fukasaku stood up and said to the two of them.

Jiraiya didn't respond, but looked at Minato calmly. After the latter turned into a toad, he hit him with a stick again. After Minato recovered, he turned to look at Fukasaku.

Toad this another prophecy?

Minato looked confused when he heard this. He didn't know who Toad Sennin was, and Jiraiya had never told him this.

It's possible. Fukasaku nodded slightly, looked at Minato, and said, Stop practicing and follow me.

After saying that, he jumped off the platform and headed down the steps.

Let's go, Minato. Jiraiya followed behind.

Minato followed, stood side by side with Jiraiya, and asked, Who is Toad Sennin?

Jiraiya tilted his head, thinking about how to answer this question. In his opinion, the Great Toad Sage is... the Toad Sage who has lived for a long time?

What's wrong, Jiraiya-sensei? Minato asked confused.


Jiraiya pondered and said seriously: The Great Toad Immortal is similar to the First Hokage in Mt. Miaomu.

Comparing Toad-Sennin with the First Hokage, it sounds very simple and easy to understand. In other words, Toad-Sennin is the founder of Miaomu Mountain.

However, this was wrong. Jiraiya didn't know much about Toad Sennin, so it was normal.

That's it. Minato looked stunned.

Zikai also laughed, covering up some embarrassment.

The two of them followed Fukasaku and headed towards the Immortal Palace in Mt. Miaomu.

Did the Great Immortal Toad suddenly summon him this time? Did he have any new prophecies? I brought Minato by name. Is it a prophecy related to Minato?

Jiraiya looked at the green road and frowned slightly. He is the leader of the Children of Prophecy. As his disciple, he will be the Son of Prophecy and will have a major impact on the reform of the ninja world in the future.

In his eyes, Minato was the child of prophecy.

In this ninja world where there are constant disputes and value is determined by how to die, he wanted to change everything, but he knew the truth about himself and knew that it was a luxury.

Therefore, he placed this thought on Minato.

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