Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 309: Opportunity

A cooperative relationship has been established, but there are still gaps in the actions, which stems from the identity of Konoha White Fang.

During the third Ninja War, Konoha's White Fang took away the lives of countless Suna Ninjas. In this operation, White Fang was the leader of Konoha's side. The Suna Ninjas would be more or less capable. Show a certain amount of alienation.

This is an inevitable phenomenon. Sakumo is aware of this, but he does not expect the Suna Ninja to put aside their temporary grudges. Even if the two sides cannot cooperate together, the Suna Ninja team is still very capable.

Even if each fights his own way, he can still share some of the burden when facing the enemy.

The leader of the Sand Ninja is Ye Cang. Her sense of Konoha Ninja is also poor, but she knows that the most important thing to do now is to join forces with Konoha to attack Akatsuki and even the Rain Ninja Village.

However, even if she knew what to do, she still had to take care of her subordinates' mood first.

There were more than twenty Sand Ninjas, leaping through the woods. Only in an environment like the Country of Fire, would there be so many forests. In the Country of Wind, they would have to travel on sand.

There was a sand ninja wearing a black turban, with a slightly pale face and a particularly obvious pair of triangular eyes. He looked very gloomy. He was closer to Ye Cang and looked ahead.

Captain Ye Cang, do you want to keep this up?

This person's name is Kurosawa Fazeya. Among the sand ninjas, his strength is at the upper end, and he is an elite who can survive a ninja battle.

Ye Cang knew that Fuya was referring to the fact that she and Konoha were fighting independently. If the situation allowed, she would like to cooperate well with Konoha to maximize the value of this operation.

However... she is willing, but her subordinates are not. Every member who can be selected for this operation is not weak, and their morale is naturally not low. As long as Konoha's team can show its due value, it is enough. No need to cooperate.

Don't you also have a prejudice against Konoha White Fang? Yagura pointed out this point without answering Yagura's question.

Hearing this, Feng Ya's eyes showed deep fear and coldness. He recalled the war a few years ago. The short sword emitting white light could always take away his friends one by one at a cunning angle and terrifying speed. .

He saw with his own eyes that all his teammates were brutally and mercilessly snatched away by a man with a short sword in just a short moment. If it weren't for his own skill in swordsmanship and the fact that it was a war, not a battle, Otherwise, you will not be able to escape.

His close companions all died at the hands of White Fang, so how could he not have any prejudice against him? However, he could distinguish the priorities. During the night of the Shukaku Rebellion, his relatives were unfortunately killed, so he was more prejudiced against White Fang than against him. Wants to kill the person who freed Shukaku.

Every code is a code, and I want to avenge my family. Feng Ya's tone was filled with cold murderous intent.

Listening to the killing intent in Feng Ya's tone, Ye Cang looked forward and said calmly: This is enough. It's okay if you can't cooperate with Konoha. At least... for this purpose, you only need to swing the sword with all your strength. That’s it.”

Feng Ya had no expression on his face and said solemnly: I have no intention of going back during this trip. Even if I shed the last drop of blood, I will not give up any opportunity to kill the enemy with my sword.

Ye Cang's eyes changed slightly. She could hear the determination in Feng Ya's words. This operation was indeed not a short-term mission, but a long-term mission. Try to take action against the ninjas in Yu Ninja Village as much as possible. If you encounter the core personnel, Nothing could be better.

From Kazaya's words, it can be understood that unless he dies, he will not return to the Suna Ninja Village, but will act with the intention of killing all the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village until his death.

There must be many Suna ninjas in this team who have such thoughts.

On the night of the Shukaku Rebellion, the person who released Shukaku was a ninja who wore a mask and used thunder escape. Combined with the intelligence shared by Konoha, it was determined that this person's identity was the Konoha traitor. Ren Yezi.

Rather than saying that Feng Ya came towards Yu Ninja Village, it was better to say that he came towards Ye Zi.

As long as they continue to hunt people from Yu Nin Village like this, Yu Ninja Village will definitely not sit idly by and do nothing, and will definitely respond, such as sending out a team to deal with it, and maybe Lian Xiao will also dispatch.

Thumb thump…

In the quiet forest, many figures passed quickly, making the sound of heavy objects falling on the tree trunks.

They would wander around the borders between the Kingdom of Rain and other countries, intercepting any Rain Ninja coming out of the Kingdom of Rain, and getting rid of any Rain Ninja returning home.

However, even if the land area of ​​the Rain Kingdom is small, there will probably be fish that slip through the net, but this is not important to the overall plan.

The Rain Ninja team led by Ye Zi has left the Country of Rain and is waiting for the arrival of the Suna Ninja and Konoha Ninja at the border with the Country of Fire.

Before the war started, Ye Zi's side had an absolute advantage in terms of intelligence control.

The place they were in was a vast forest common in the Land of Fire. The forest here, called the Forest of Birds, covers an extremely large area, but the density of trees is relatively sparse. The intervals between big trees are It is also more obvious.

This kind of environment is not suitable for an ambush, and even if it is suitable for an ambush, the other party will have Hinata's eyes, which will make the ambush meaningless.

You can't ambush, but you can set up some traps to seize the opportunity.

Before the two sides encounter each other head-on, the side that has the upper hand in intelligence can adopt a variety of methods such as ambushes and traps to establish a certain advantage for the subsequent battle.

Ye Zi himself was at a disadvantage, so how could he miss the opportunity to set up a trap?

On top of the thick and tall tree, more than thirty people spread out in a straight line.

Ye Zi stood in the middle, wearing a set of black ANBU uniforms. He did not wear the Akatsuki's signature robes, which would slightly affect his movements during the battle. Therefore, during this operation, he wore ANBU uniforms suitable for combat. apparel.

In the tree where he was, Akatsuki's core figures were also there.

Yanye and Jin, following the example of Ye Zi, did not wear black robes with red clouds, but wore standard Anbu clothing. Not only could they stretch their limbs neatly, but they also had more ninja tool bags on their clothes, which could hold more auxiliary equipment. Ninja type tool.

Except for the three of them, the rest of the Akatsuki members were still wearing robes, forming a clear contrast with the surrounding rain ninjas.

Bai Jue, how is the situation? Ye Zi looked ahead coldly.

Beside him, Bai Jue's lower body was integrated into the tree trunk. He used the Earth Mayfly Technique to become one with the earth, and could easily control the movements of any living thing within range.

This is the ability to take the lead in intelligence. With Bai Jue here, Ye Zi's side will always have the advantage when it comes to intelligence.

Once you figure out the trends, you can start to lay traps. You don't expect this to produce good results, but you can also have a slight advantage before the battle.

Seven kilometers ahead on the right, there are twenty-seven people. They are Suna Ninja's team. Five hundred meters away to the left, they are thirty-two people. They are Konoha's team. Their teams are separated. But the distance is only about five hundred meters. Judging from the direction of travel, if we want to set up a trap, we need to move eight hundred meters to the right. Bai Jue relied on this technique to accurately grasp the enemy's movements.

Are the teams on both sides five hundred meters apart?

Although I don’t know what the reason is, it’s just right and can be dealt with separately.

Ye Zi's eyes were cold.

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