Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 312: Miscellaneous Fish

Thanks to Doubi Luo Tianshen’s 10,000 reward, this book has its second master!

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Dozens of figures leaped across the forest, and the sound they gathered together silenced the chirping of some insects in the forest.

In the Konoha team, Hyuga Hizashi suddenly reminded: Captain Sakumo, there are three people nine hundred meters ahead. They are probably enemies.

Ambush? They were still far away, but Sakumo didn't let his teammates stop.

It's not an ambush. ​​Hinata shook his head and said, The other party was standing on the tree openly.

How is the strength? Sakumo asked.

Hinata Hizashi said solemnly: There is a lot of chakra, especially the one in the middle.

Sakumo's eyes flashed slightly and he confirmed again: Only three?

Yes. Hinata Hizashi said firmly.

Sakumo nodded, indicating that he understood, and then made no other orders. The Konoha group jumped forward in the forest.

After a while, when the distance narrowed to 500 meters, Sakumo said the word alert, attracting everyone's attention, and quickly made a few hand gestures.

Upon seeing this, all the ninjas in Konoha immediately entered the fighting state. Those with weapons drew their weapons, and those without weapons also held kunai in their hands. Then the formation of the queue changed, forming groups of three and three, forming a partial team shape.

Putting his teammates into a state of preparation for battle, Sakumo stretched his right hand to his back and pulled out the short sword White Fang that had killed countless enemies. His eyes gradually became colder, and when he looked forward, his expression changed drastically.

For a moment... it was as if the face was covered with a ghost mask.

When he was in Konoha, he was like a gentle neighbor uncle who looked not dangerous at all. But in the battle against the enemy, he looked like an evil ghost who could easily plunder lives. His eyes and even expression were extremely indifferent. Indifference to life.

As the distance got closer, the three people standing on the tree trunk in the distance could be seen without the help of Byakugan. They stood so calmly, as if waiting for their arrival.

There was a person on the left with a hunched back, his body covered by a black robe with red clouds, and a black cloth hanging over his mouth, covering most of his face. Next to him, stood quietly... a puppet.

The Third Kazekage? Was he made into a puppet?

Sakumo thought silently, then made a gesture, landed on a giant tree, and stared at the three people in front of him indifferently.

Many Konoha ninjas followed Sakumo's movements and stopped on the tree trunks.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the forest aroused a bone-chilling chill.

The person on the right is also wearing black clothing with red clouds. He has a strong figure and looks. He is carrying a iconic beheading sword. He can be identified as one of the Mist Ninja Swordsmen.

Shuomao's eyes finally fell on the expressionless Ye Zi in the middle, and his indifferent eyes made a wave of waves.

Konoha's rebellious ninja... Ye Zi, although he thought about one day facing the enemy, he didn't expect that it would be now.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was about 250 meters. Since the trees in Birdsong Forest were sparsely distributed, both sides could easily see each other's faces.

When they saw Ye Zi, Uchiha Renzu and Uchiha Bing's expressions changed, and the two proud Uchiha tribesmen felt trembling.

Uchiha endured and opened his dark eyes, which were filled with incomparable fighting spirit. Today, he is different from what he used to be. Although he had thought about meeting Ye Zi, at this moment, his excitement could not be suppressed.

This is an opportunity, an opportunity to surpass Ye Zi, and an opportunity to achieve the pride of the Uchiha clan.

Compared to Uchiha Renzu's fighting spirit, Uchiha Bing's expression seemed a little more complicated. For Ye Zi, she didn't even know what kind of emotion it was.

She was sure that it was not attraction and liking between opposite sexes.

Clenching her fists hard, Uchiha Bing shook her head slightly, shaking off the excess emotions from her head. She would never hesitate when she punched out her fists and kicked out her legs, as long as she faced the enemy.

The Konoha ninja stopped on the tree trunk and confronted Ye Zi and the other three.

Finding an enemy without attacking immediately is not Sakumo's style, nor is it Ye Zi's style.

The reason why Shuomao didn't attack immediately was because Ye Zi was among the three people, and Ye Zi didn't attack immediately because he wanted to wait for the other party to step into the trap.

Ye Zi, long time no see.

Even if he was facing an enemy, Shuomao looked at Ye Zi and the first words he said were very polite.

Each other. Ye Zi also looked at Shuomao, clasped his backhand on the handle of the knife behind him, and slowly drew out the 'blood', but his attitude was not so friendly.

In the quiet woods, there was the sound of the blade being unsheathed.

Anyone who crosses here will die. The cold voice turned into a lie.

The blood-like blade was pointed directly at everyone in Konoha. The look and eyes on Ye Zi's face were very similar to Sakumo's.

Those cold words passed through a distance of more than two hundred meters and swept the ears of everyone in Konoha.

Although many Konoha ninjas have heard about Ye Zi's strength, they rarely have the opportunity to cooperate in missions. At this time, seeing Ye Zi's expression when holding the sword, they couldn't help but look at Sakumo.

The demeanor and momentum...are similar to Captain Sakumo. Is this why he is called Konoha's Little White Fang?

Many Konoha ninjas present were thinking to themselves, and at the same time they felt that what Ye Zi said was too arrogant.

However, they didn't expect that Ye Zi said these words just to lure them to attack first.

We haven't seen each other for so long, but your behavior is still the same. Uchiha Renzu's dark eyes had turned into the three Magatama Sharingan, and he looked at Ye Zi.

Ye Zi glanced at Uchiha Ninzu and Uchiha Bing beside him, and seemed not to be afraid of Uchiha Ninzu's Sharingan, which can use superb illusions.

Then, do you want to give it a try? Bastards. Ye Zi looked cold, as if he didn't take all the Konoha ninjas present at all, and he really deserved a beating.

Xie, who was hiding in the Fei Liuhu, was quite speechless. Normally, he really didn't know that Ye Zi could be so mocking.

Juuzang raised his eyebrows, laughed, made up his mind, and said, It would be too flattering to say they are just a bunch of fish.

Sakumo looked unmoved, but some Konoha ninjas already showed anger in their eyes, but this level of emotion would not make them abnormal.

I've always wanted to fight you, and now it's time. Shuomao said in a deep voice. It was rare to be able to stop and say a few words, just because Ye Zi was someone he respected.

White Fang's blade was slightly raised by two centimeters. This was his habitual movement, which meant that he was about to cut out.

call out!

Without any instructions, the Konoha ninjas launched an attack on Ye Zi and the others.

When leaping forward, numerous kunai shurikens flew towards Ye Zi and the others.

Come on... Ye Zi looked indifferent, with traces of lightning floating on his body.

At the same time, the Sand Ninja also plunged into the trap area.

They thought they were just rushing to the border of the Land of Rain, and all the rain ninja they met along the way were wiped out. They didn't expect that the enemy had grasped their movements and had set up traps for them to escape.

There are also sentient ninjas in the Sand Ninja team, but compared to Byakugan, they are less intuitive and their range is not as wide as Byakugan.

As a result, the Sand Ninja plunged into the trap area unprepared.


A slight noise.

A sand ninja who noticed something strange changed his expression slightly and immediately shouted: There is a trap.

He was the member on the outside of the team and accidentally triggered the trap.


Three shurikens rotated violently and shot diagonally downward from above.

Get ready to meet the enemy. Ye Cang's cold voice instantly reached the ears of all the Sand Ninjas.

The three shurikens drew beautiful arcs and flew toward the middle of the Suna Ninja's queue. They were so far away that they couldn't even touch the corners of the Suna Ninja's clothes.

The sand ninja who was nearby judged the movement of the shuriken immediately and had no intention of avoiding it.

The team crossed here, but only one sand ninja on the outside accidentally triggered the trap of three shurikens, and it failed?

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