Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 314 Amazing

The key to being forced back so easily by force is that the foothold is the tree trunk. Under the transfer of power, the trunk breaks and there is no foothold for Sakumo. He can only withstand the power of Ye Zi's constant oppression.

The thunder flow passed along the blade, and a coldness flashed across Ye Zi's eyes.

However, when the thunder flow rushed to Sakumo, it seemed to be absorbed by something and disappeared without any paralysis effect.

Ye Zi's face changed slightly, and he stopped the output of the lightning flow instantly.

In the state of being suspended in the air, Shuomao had no intention of explaining Ye Zi's doubts. His expression did not change at all. He suddenly withdrew his sword and released the force from the sword.

Ye Zi's eyes changed slightly, and with a twist of his wrist, the approaching 'Xue' did not take advantage of the opportunity to strike at Shuomao, but retreated back to defend, because Shuomao's knife was approaching at a faster speed than anyone from behind.

So fast!


The fleeting thoughts were drowned in the sound of iron clanging.

White teeth and 'blood' once again clashed with each other, but this time, they were separated at the touch of a touch, and then went away from different angles again, and the final result was that they clashed with each other again.

In mid-air, the knives in the hands of Ye Zi and Shuomao collided frequently, bursting out bursts of sparks, and they could fight several times in one breath.

Shuomao's indifferent eyes suddenly showed an awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

In terms of sword skills alone, Ye Zi was not far behind him, and they were still of the same type. His basic movements had been refined to the extreme.

Being able to master such a level of swordsmanship is due to Ye Zi's long-term hard training and countless actual battles.

There are only four hours of sleep a day. During the rest of the time, he is either practicing or performing tasks. There is no form of sword skills to learn, and he does not deliberately learn sword skills. He has always been improving the speed of swinging the sword.

Chopping, chopping, slicing, teasing, stabbing... all kinds of simple basics, and then using thunder escape to stimulate the body, speed up, and apply it in battle.

This is the same path that Sakumo has taken. However, on top of this rock-like foundation, Sakumo's foundation is covered with a layer of sword skills, which are the sword skills that the Hatake clan has passed down to this day. .

White Fang pressed against the blade of 'Blood', suddenly pressed it, and then quickly slid on the blade, tearing out a burst of dazzling sparks, which hit the guard of the long knife.

Ye Zi looked unmoved, holding the knife and raising it, shocking the white teeth that Shuomao came in quickly, raising his head to break this wave of offensive.

However, when Bai Ya's blade was lifted up and then quickly retracted, it was clear that Bai Ya's blade did not touch Ye Zi, but the thunder flow armor covering Ye Zi's face suddenly cracked a gap, and then, the left cheek' A deep wound was cut with a sneer, and a lot of blood flowed out in the blink of an eye.

Pain came from his cheek, and Ye Zi realized that he was injured. This inexplicable situation made his heart beat slightly, and with deep doubts, he gave up the idea of ​​a hand-to-hand confrontation with White Fang.

He was wearing a thunder dragon armor that was mainly for defense, how could he be injured?

At the same time as doubts arose, the thunder flow armor covering his body instantly turned into a thunder dragon and bit Sakumo. The latter calmly raised his white teeth, and a brighter chakra light bloomed on the blade, blocking the thunder dragon's expansion. Above the huge opening.

If the reason is unknown, we can only separate first.


Sakumo flew down under the pressure of the Thunder Dragon, and his body began to tilt, while the Thunder Dragon clenched the white teeth in his hand.

The function of Thunder Dragon is to press Sakumo to the ground, so Ye Zi's height in the air is higher than that of Sakumo.

He was in mid-air, using the force generated by twisting his waist, to directly throw the 'blood' wrapped with lightning in his hand towards Sakumo, then landed on the nearby branch, and turned his feet to the vertical tree trunk. Kick!

The thrown 'blood' was like a javelin, shooting towards Sakumo.

At this time, the form of the Thunder Dragon was still there, restraining Sakumo. If the latter didn't get rid of it quickly, the 'blood' entangled with the thunder flow would directly penetrate the Thunder Dragon and stab him.

Even in the face of such danger, Sakumo's expression remained unchanged. The White Fang in his hand suddenly burst out with a violent wind, blasting the obvious thunder dragon into dissipated energy in an instant.

Then, Sakumo raised his knife to block the incoming blood. With the sound, he forcibly pushed it away and changed its route, causing the blood to fly directly over his shoulder and downwards behind him.

After completing these actions, Shuomao landed safely, but Ye Zi's offensive was not over yet.

While projecting the 'blood', he kicked on the tree trunk, directly breaking the giant tree. The reaction force formed supported his body and followed the pace of the 'blood'.

Wood escape…

While flying at high speed, Ye Zishang was able to accurately form the seals, and then, facing Sakumao's palm, layers of square wooden pillars suddenly appeared, scurrying towards Sakumao like snakes.

For a moment, a shadow enveloped him.

The first generation of Wood Escape... So the information is correct.

Sakumo blew out a gentle breath, and his arms turned into afterimages and danced. The dozen or so thick wooden pillars were all cut off by the invisible blade before they came into contact with White Fang's short blade.

It turns out to be Feng Dun.

Ye Zi cut off the connection with the wooden pillar, stepped on the tail of the wooden pillar, and used the teleportation technique to come to the 'blood' inserted diagonally into the ground, and pulled out the 'blood' with one hand.

At the same time, Shuomao chopped all of Ye Zi's Wood Escape into pieces, then turned around and pointed the knife at Ye Zi with an indifferent look on his face.

Feeling pain in his cheek, Ye Zi ignored the injury on his face. The blood flow had begun to slow down because the wound was slowly healing.

From the few rounds of confrontation just now, he found that Sakumo's strength and speed were no worse than his own. Could he reach this state simply by using physical skills?

In itself, every master who uses a sword needs powerful physical skills to support it. Otherwise, no matter how powerful your sword skills are, it will be useless without the support of physical skills.

Since Sakumao didn't have Thunderbolt, Ye Zi didn't notice that Sakumao used Thunder escape. It was a different method of using Thunder escape from him. The effect was not bad. The most important thing was that the loss of chakra was very low.

I just thought that Sakumo's physical skills were very strong, and the invisible slash that would extend the length of the blade was the use of wind escape, and it was actually able to cut through the thunder dragon armor.

If the angle had been corrected a little more in the previous confrontation, the deep wound would not have been on the cheek, but on the neck.

Such a short knife can be used in such a way. Ye Zi stared at Shuomao expressionlessly, and the bright red blood unknowingly soaked his shoulders.

After a brief confrontation, Ye Zi was defeated. Even if he now knew that it was the use of Feng Dun, it could not change this fact. Only by fighting against Shuomao could he realize the impact of that short knife. Totally oppressive.

At any time... those short white teeth may slip past your knife and injure your vitals.

Now he was on guard, but the paralysis effect of Thunder Release was actually ineffective on him. In the scene just now, the Thunder Flow should have been absorbed.

The main problem is that the Thunder Dragon Armor can't stop his wind escape. Is it not dense enough? If you get close, the pointer will increase the local chakra density to block the wind escape.

Looking past Sakumo, he cast his gaze towards the place where the Konoha ninjas and their teammates were fighting. The distance was still a little short, so they had to be further away.

Just when Ye Zigang turned his gaze slightly, Shuomao's eyes flashed with light, and he disappeared from the place. The next moment, he slashed at Ye Zi's vital part with a knife.

This was only a short window of time for his eyes to shift, before Sakumo got in.

Ye Zi's expression changed slightly. At the critical moment, he held Xue with one hand and hurriedly blocked Bai Ya's knife, while the other hand had already formed a seal.

“I really don’t miss any opportunity!”

Ye Zi looked coldly at Shuomao's cold face, who was very close at hand. Thunder currents appeared on his body, most of which were relatively weak, while some parts had increased density.


The slight sound did not bother Ye Zi.


Sakumo, who never said a word during the battle, couldn't help but praise.

As soon as he finished speaking, the unique light of his soul appeared on Ye Zi's shoulders.

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