Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 317: The Power that Comes Directly (Fourth Update)

I went to work and got off work at twelve o'clock in the evening. I continued to update. Life is endless and updates are endless. Ahem...


Konoha and Rain Ninja started a fierce battle.

The clone of Ye Zi, one of the main forces, was restrained by the Uchiha brothers and sisters.

Lei threads lingered around the body, which were the backhand left by Ye Zi's clone, but Uchiha Bing didn't notice it for a moment and didn't take it seriously.

After she saw her brother using ashes to block Ye Zi's clone's attack, she immediately gathered with him.

Have you succeeded in hurting him? Uchiha Bing asked. She had an intuitive understanding of Ye Zi's difficulty. This was not his true body, but just a shadow clone. Normally, if he wanted to break the shadow clone It's quite easy to clone, but Ye Zi's shadow clone is so difficult to deal with.

But they didn't know that this was not a shadow clone, but a wood clone, a physical clone.

I don't have any expectations. Uchiha glanced at his sister, was slightly startled, and said, The thunder in you...?


After hearing his brother's words, Uchiha Hyou noticed that the lightning thread left behind by directly smashing the thunder clone was actually attached to his body.


At this moment, a thunder gun shot towards the two of them.

That was Ye Zi's clone of Lei Dun, standing below them in front of them.

The lightning gun was very fast, but the Sharingan's ability was here. When it was approaching, the two brothers separated from each other to avoid the thunder gun.

Ye Zi's clone looked at this scene and showed a cold smile in vain.

The thunder gun that was flying straight suddenly turned and headed towards Uchiha Ice.

Uchiha Hyou and Uchiha Ninzu were completely unaware of this strange behavior.

The thunder gun came with a sharp edge. Uchiha Bing's panicked face was directly illuminated by the lightning. He could only twist his body in an attempt to avoid the thunder gun, but it was ineffective.

The thunder gun made a deep wound on her waist. Immediately, the thunder contained in the thunder gun echoed with the lightning on Uchiha Bing's body, and suddenly merged into the lightning, turning into an all-round finger thick The thunder net tightened hard on Uchiha Bing's body.


The thunder net sank into her skin, Uchiha Bing's body shook, and bursts of pungent black smoke came out of her body. The powerful thunder flow raged on her body, and the severe pain made her scream, and she fell from the air. .

Ice...! Looking at this scene, Uchiha endured, and his scarlet eyes trembled violently.

Seeing that Uchiha Renzuo's concentration was lost for a moment, the sneer on Ye Zi's clone's face deepened a few points, and he was about to take the opportunity to take down the brother and sister. However, a stream of black insects came down from behind him. .

Ye Zi didn't look back, and moved forward a certain distance.

The stream of insects hit the open space and scattered in all directions. They looked densely packed and quite disgusting.


In the distance, Aburame Shihei spread his hands, and there were many small black insects crawling on his arms and even on his body. The sunglasses on his face reflected the vigorous movements of Ye Zi's clone.

After escaping from the insect stream, before Ye Zi's clone could take a breather, there was already a person with white eyes waiting for him. That was Hyuga Hizashi of the Hyuga clan.

It's really endless. Ye Zi's clone frowned slightly as he looked at Hinata Hizashi who was already showing off his posture.

Bagua Sixty-Four Palms!

Suddenly, the Bagua array, emitting blue light, expanded outward at the feet of Hinata Hizashi.

The figure of Ye Zi's clone appeared in the eyes with veins around them. Hinata Hizashi gave a cold shout, and his fists turned into fast fist shadows, covering the body of Ye Zi's clone.

A wooden shield suddenly appeared in front of Ye Zi's clone.

Hinata Hizashi's fist hit the wooden shield. In just ten punches, the wooden shield created by Ye Zi's clone was shattered. Then, the shadow of the fist that was far from over came again. Invading towards Ye Zi's clone.

Ye Zi's clone calmly raised his knife to attack, intending to use the knife to block Hinata Hizashi's fist and further cut off Hinata Hizashi's hand.

clang clang…

What he didn't expect was that he could block Hinata Hizashi's extremely fast fist with his blade without missing a beat, but it couldn't hurt the fist at all.

Does chakra play an integral role in offense and defense when punched out by fists?

Ye Zi's clone waved the long knife and accurately blocked every punch of Hinata Hizashi.

Seeing Ye Zi blocking his Sixty-Four Bagua Palms so easily, Hinata Hizashi's face turned slightly ugly. He let out a low roar, and his fist shadow suddenly increased in speed and intensity.

One hundred and twenty-eight Bagua palms!

The change in the fist shadow was immediately noticed by Ye Zi's clone.

The blade and fist collided, making continuous sounds.

In an instant, the long knife in Ye Zi's clone hand shattered in vain. It was actually broken by Hinata Hizashi's fist.

Hinata Hizashi's eyes shrank and burst into bright light.

The long knife shattered, but Ye Zi remained calm in the face of danger. He loosened his palm and let go of the handle of the knife. Then, his hands wrapped around Lei Liu and danced quickly, merging with the shadow of Hinata Hizashi's fist.

For a moment, the strong wind caused by the collision of fists spread out in all directions. Soon, the shadow of Ye Zi's fist gradually gained the upper hand.

How can it be…

As the fists and shadows intertwined, Hinata Hizashi's eyes showed a light of disbelief.

Even if his fist power has shown signs of decline, it is not something that ordinary people can suppress. And is Ye Zi who uses a knife so strong in physical skills?


A soft sound.

Ye Zi broke through the shadow of Hinata Hizashi's fist, invaded it, and punched Hinata Hizashi on the chest. He only heard a crisp sound, and the latter grunted and flew backwards. He must have broken his sternum.

The confrontation between the two lasted only a few breaths, and after beating Hyuuga Hizashi away, the black insect stream struck again.

Ye Zi's clone looked coldly and spit out a fireball towards the black insect stream.

Upon seeing this, the insect stream immediately split into two streams, but many of them were still burned to death by the fireball.

Two streams of insects came from the left and right, flying towards Ye Zi's clone. At the same time, a bunch of shadows swam from the ground to his feet like a chill.

Ye Zi's clone glanced at Shiguro Aburame, who was controlling the bugs, and the shadow. After leaving three detonating symbols on the spot, he jumped back to avoid the attack of the bugs hitting the ground.

Aburame Shi's eyes changed behind her black sunglasses, and she quickly ordered the insect to leave quickly, but it was already too late.

However, Nara Yanyan raised his eyebrows and controlled the shadow. He only had time to pull away one detonating talisman. The remaining two detonating talismans immediately caused an explosion, swallowing about half of the insects.

Looking at this scene, Aburame Shiguro's cheeks twitched slightly, and her heart ached. If Nara Salt Water hadn't taken one away, the loss would have been even more serious.

How sharp is this guy! Shadow failed many times, and Nara Shuiyan looked helpless. Fortunately, he could help the insect escape a little, otherwise he would really be reduced to a soy sauce existence.

This should be Konoha's main force.

At this time, Ye Zi's clone took the time to take a look at the situation in the field. He saw that many of his own rain ninjas had died, but it was not enough. It would be fine if they all died, but he had to weaken the opponent as much as possible before he could have a chance to completely destroy the opponent.

Nara Mizuno, the Uchiha brother and sister, Aburame Shiguro, and Hinata Hizashi, these people can be regarded as the top fighting power of Konoha. However, when surrounded, they were not enough to break Ye Zi's wooden clone, or even make the wooden clone. Consumes too much chakra.

This is Ye Zi, with such a powerful posture, like a high wall standing in front of them, which may not be able to be overcome in their lifetime.

In the past, Ye Zi was a member of Konoha, and his sharp edge was their enemy wherever he went. But now, Ye Zi became an enemy and stood in front of them.

Only in this way, through a real life and death battle, can we truly appreciate Ye Zi's power.

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