Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 32 Ambush

Murderous intentions are quietly brewing in the silent night, and as time goes by, they slowly surface.

Kushina closed her eyes and concentrated on sensing the flow of chakra feedback. Not far away from her, Bei Xingye was listening to something. After a moment, he turned his eyes and shook his head at Orochimaru.

Under the seemingly peaceful forest, everything was not silent. On the contrary, the endless sounds seriously interfered with Bei Xingye's listening.

Orochimaru nodded slightly, looking at Kushina silently, waiting patiently for the result.

After a long time, Kushina slowly opened her eyes. She had figured out the location of the secret whistle and nodded to Orochimaru.

The mission...begins.

No one knows the murderous intent lurking in the dark night.

The night owl's occasional scream resounded through the night sky. The whistler hiding in the trees subconsciously turned his head and raised his ears, and the next second he habitually withdrew his brief and cheap alertness.

They are used to the night owl's unwilling neighing, and are also used to the brief slack of less than a breath between sending and receiving.

A wisp of breeze carried a faint fragrance and rushed to the side. In that moment of slackness, even if he noticed something strange, the well-hidden whistle didn't even have time to move his head, and he didn't even feel the pain. My whole body was no longer in control, I couldn't even lift a finger, I couldn't even open my mouth even a little.


Anshao opened his eyes wide in horror, and the eyes in his eyes moved desperately. He clearly gave the order to shout, but the night sky was still so silent.

Soon, he felt it became more and more difficult to breathe, and the fragrance between his nostrils became weaker and weaker, as if it was leaving him, and darkness came over in an instant.

Yan Ye supported the body, placed it slowly, and then silently touched the next hidden whistle.

Orochimaru and his group, who were watching silently not far below, realized for the first time the terrifying side of that lively girl.

What a terrible poison. Bei Xingye said timidly.

He clearly saw Yanye stabbing a needle-like object into the back of the target's neck. In less than ten seconds, the target died quietly without making any sound.

Kushina was also surprised by this terrible poison, and she already planned to go back to Konoha to tell Tsunade about it.

Only Ye Zi's expression became ugly. The object that caused An Shao's death was none other than the thousand books that Yan Ye shot at him last night. Unexpectedly, those thousand books contained such a violent toxin.

Shenmu originally felt a little complacent when he saw the surprised people, but when he saw Ye Zi's ugly expression, he secretly thought that it was not good. After all, Yan Ye used this kind of murder weapon to attack Ye Zi last night.

This is trouble. Fukaki rubbed his forehead gently with a bitter look on his face.

Under the gaze of everyone, Yan Ye quietly pulled out the hidden whistles one by one with superb methods. Although the unknown poison had a great effect, it had to be coordinated with Yan Ye's superb close-quarters methods.

I didn't expect that there are such talents among grass ninjas. Orochimaru's eyes showed strong interest. In his opinion, Yanye has such skillful methods at a young age. He is simply a natural assassination genius. With time, once he grows up, When it reaches its peak, everyone will definitely know about it and punish it.


Orochimaru curled his lips. In today's era, such a person is not suitable for survival at all.

After pulling out the secret whistle, the group of people rushed to the city of the Kingdom of Gray as quickly as possible without being noticed.

Unconsciously, dark clouds covered the moon, and the temperature dropped suddenly.

Ye Zi, who was walking quickly, raised his head and glanced at the night sky, and a familiar meaning appeared in his eyes. It seemed that after he started killing people, only the dull sky when the rain was about to fall would be remembered. The memory was always at this moment, in the palm of his hand. Stained with blood.

Human life is so fragile...

After lurking and moving quickly, killing everyone who was in the way, the group finally arrived at the residence of the Lord of the Kingdom of Gray. It went very smoothly.

Arriving outside the house, several people looked at each other, and then jumped over the wall neatly and jumped into the courtyard. At this moment, a large number of kunai blew up the strong wind and attacked Ye Zi and the others who had just settled down.

Discovered? There was no time to be surprised, Ye Zi quickly dodged the kunai like rain.

Earth Escape. Yellow Spring Marsh!

As soon as they settled down, they heard a few indifferent voices, and the ground in the yard suddenly turned into a swamp-like mud. In just a moment, the legs of everyone who had just dodged the kunai were already stuck in the swamp.

Boo hoo hoo…

As if a plan had been made long ago, kunai tied with several detonating charms fell towards where the people were staying, and the flames and white smoke ignited at the end were like the countdown of death.

Ye Zi had no time to take care of other things and quickly formed seals with his hands.

Boom boom boom…

A series of violent explosions instantly enveloped the entire courtyard.

Such a big movement attracted everyone in the Kingdom of Gray.

The originally silent city suddenly became boiling.

Enemy attack? The elite soldiers responsible for the night watch looked towards the direction of the explosion, with frightened expressions on their faces. It was the residence of the king.

The ninjas in charge of the security net turned green when they saw the movement caused by the explosion behind them.

In the palace of the king.

On the pavilion, a middle-aged man wearing tight-fitting combat clothing stared coldly at the smoke-covered courtyard below.

This person is the leader of the Kingdom of Gray, Huiyuan.

A ninja from Konoha...

On the side, a middle-aged man with thick features looked solemn and said in a cold voice: It's one of the three ninjas of Konoha, Orochimaru.

This man was wearing a rock ninja forehead protector on his forehead. Beside him, stood quietly three boys and girls, about eleven or twelve years old.

Haibara judged that the visitor was a Konoha ninja based on his clothes, but he was not as careful as the Iwa ninja. When he heard that it was Orochimaru, no matter how steady he was, he couldn't help but show a hint of shock at this moment.

Are you sure? Haiyuan showed a hint of trembling as he spoke. After all, the person coming was one of the famous Sannin.

Tsuchiya Sanzo's expression remained unchanged, and he said solemnly: As long as it's not Konoha White Fang, I'm sure to protect you. Oiwa, Dick, and Uoka, you three, protect him.

Yes. The three teenagers responded in unison, surrounding Haiyuan in a defensive posture with extremely solemn expressions.

Tsuchiya Sanzo jumped down from the attic, feeling extremely heavy in his heart. Although he had gained the upper hand, his opponent was Orochimaru. I'm afraid the task this time would not be that simple.

Vaguely, he felt a trace of regret in his heart. He should not have taken the students to take on this task. After all, those three students...

Soon, the regret in his heart disappeared, and he excluded all factors that affected the battle.

The thick smoke generated by the explosion's aftermath gradually dissipated.

The ambushed ninja stared intently at the courtyard.

Not half a body…

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