Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 335 Danger

Relying on the effect of the chain trap, it took away the lives of four sand ninjas, which was a very gratifying record.

When the trap ended, Yan Yefang and Sand Ninja collided.

Kotonoha, Shin, and the Rain ninja they led did not go through any running-in, and there was no tacit understanding between them. Therefore, after the war with the Sand ninja, they could only fight on their own. Therefore, the situation was directly one-sided.

Like Konoha, as one of the five major ninja villages, Suna Ninja's background far surpasses that of Rain Ninja, and the teachers are even more unmatched by Rain Ninja. Moreover, Suna Ninja is still following the elite route.

Even if two kunai simply collided together, the Suna Ninja could do it with ease, while the Rain Ninja gritted his teeth and concentrated on dealing with it. Next, in the confrontation between the two sides, the ones who fell were basically the Rain Ninjas, unless it was the second one. Fight one, but in terms of numbers, Yu Ren is at a disadvantage.

It can be said that although the rain ninjas brought out this time were crushed, they still had their basic functions.

Compared to the miserable situation of the rain ninja, the combination of Yanye and Shin put great pressure on the sand ninja.

Under the cover of the rain ninja, just a thin green senbon can take away the life of a sand ninja. The key lies in Uchiha Susumu's illusion. With the combination of the two, senbon's hit rate will increase. The plant is highly toxic, increasing its lethality.

Because they were at a disadvantage, neither Kotonoha nor Shin dared to consume chakra rashly. Since the war, with the sacrifice of the rain ninja, they had tried to reduce the number of sand ninjas at the minimum cost, so that they would have the capital to fight in the end. Deal with the remaining Sand Ninja.

When the number of sand ninjas who died in the hands of Kotonoha and Jin increased to seven, the rain ninjas they brought over were the dead ones.

Afterwards, Yan Ye and Jin fell into the siege of Sand Ninja. At this time, they had to use all their strength.

Five or six fireballs emitting astonishing heat were controlled by Ye Cang and flew towards Yanye and Jin.

Although she used a knife, she did not get close easily in this battle. Instead, she stayed far away, using the fireball formed by Scorching Escape to find the right time to release it at the two people. If successful, she would kill them. If not, she would kill them. It will consume the chakra of two people.

Watching the fireball fly again, Shin used the denser water formation wall to block Yagura's Scorching Fireball in time. For a moment, water vapor came out, covering Yanye and Shin's figures.

Because he knew that the temperature of Ye Cang's fireball was not that of the ordinary Fire Style, when defending against this fireball, Shin used Water Style that consumed twice the amount of chakra as usual. Only in this way could he withstand Ye Cang's Fire Ball.

Thick water vapor floated around, and Ye Cang did not use the Burning Release anymore. Instead, he and the remaining Sand Ninja shot kunai towards the water vapor.

About fifteen kunai pierced the air and flew into the water vapor. The water vapor was accompanied by sounds and bursts of sparks, and all the kunai that went away were blocked.

Next, there were five sand ninjas who used Earth Escape towards the water vapor. Sharp earth thorns and sharp gravels all flew into the water vapor.


After Shin's reminder, Kotoye and he both jumped out of the water vapor to avoid this wave of earth escape attacks. The other sand ninjas who had been waiting aside, holding kunai or long knives, evaded towards Gang. The two people who came out launched an attack.

One after another figures passed by Yan Ye and Jin in mid-air. When the two sides passed side by side, the sound of iron weapons colliding with sparks splashed in the air, but they were successfully resisted by the two.

This wave of hand-to-hand combat by the Sand Ninja ended in failure, and when they ended their attacks one after another, they did not immediately launch a second wave of attacks because...

About thirty fist-sized fireballs were thrown by Ye Cang towards the two people who had just landed on the tree and stood still.

If the fireballs are larger in size, Ye Cang can only control a limited number, but when the fireballs become smaller in size, he can control as many as thirty.

Reducing the size of the fireball can increase the chance of hitting, and the flight speed will be relatively increased, and the power will naturally be weakened, making it easy to be resisted by ninjutsu. However, if it hits an enemy, no matter how large or small the fireball is, the effect will be They are all the same, they can evaporate the enemy's water and blood in a short period of time.


More than thirty small fireballs, which covered far more than the big fireball, approached the two people in the blink of an eye.

Uchiha Shin, who was good at water escape, immediately stepped in front of Kotonoha, consumed chakra again, and used a water formation wall with twice the amount of chakra to resist the numerous small fireballs, and steam came out again.

If he knew that the reduced size of the fireball would make it easier to resist with ninjutsu, Shin would not have chosen to use twice the amount of chakra to use the water formation wall to block Yakura's attacks many times, and his chakra was consumed rapidly.

Now under siege, there are two options. One is to use the strongest ninjutsu to cause damage to the Suna Ninja and then retreat decisively. The other option is to retreat directly and slowly pull the Suna Ninja away while the enemy and we are pursuing them.

At the same time as the steam emerged, Yan Ye looked solemn, waved his hands to the left and right, and ten senbons shot out from the steam, accurately flying to each sand ninja. This was when Ye Cang threw the fireball, Yan Ye Thousands of books shot by Ye based on memory.

However, the good accuracy and the cover of the water vapor were still avoided by the Sand Ninja present. This kind of hidden weapon can only be used in the dark to be more effective.

Without the cover of the rain ninja, Shin did not have the extra time to use illusions. In this case, it would be difficult for Yanye's Qianbon to make a contribution.

A or B? Jin suddenly asked. After Yanye said A, the two of them consciously jumped away from the place and jumped to another tree.

Ninjutsu with the two attributes of wind and earth swept over the place where they were before.

At this moment, two people, one on the left and one on the right, rushed towards Kotoye and Shin, namely Kurosawa Kazaya from Hayakura and Suna Ninja.

Ye Cang is not just a pure ninjutsu type, she is also good in physical skills and sword skills, and her scorching escape can be given to the long sword. When it penetrates the enemy's body, it can also cause the effect of 'over-steam killing' , at this moment, she chose to get close.

Kurosawa Kazaya is also a rare sword master in Suna Ninja Village, and he cooperates with Hagura to attack at the same time.

The two of them were holding long swords, one on the left and one on the right. Ye Cang faced Yan Ye, and Feng Ya faced Shang Jin.


Shin warned, the Sharingan eyes flashed with a little luster. Relying on the excellent dynamic capture ability of the Sharingan, the sharp spear-like 'edge' stabbed the wind arrow preemptively, like the tail needle of a tiger bee.

Feng Ya, who had already slashed out a sword towards Jin, changed his expression, and twisted his body forcefully, allowing the spikes of the 'bee' to pass through his side, and the aim of the sword he slashed out was also crooked.

When the two saw this, they quickly sheathed their swords and collided with each other again. In this situation, Jin was always paying attention to Yan Ye's situation. The distance between him and Yan Ye was less than one body, and they were facing each other at the same time. Ye Cang and Fu Ya's attacks.

Ye Cang swung a knife, but Koton Ye held the kunai in his backhand to counter it, resisting the long sword in an instant. Koton Ye's expression changed slightly, and the hot temperature spread from the kunai handle to her hand.

Ye Cang smiled coldly, and when the hand holding the knife was strong, he easily cut off the kunai, and the long knife slashed straight towards Yanye.

In a hurry, it was too late for Yan Ye to form a seal, and he could only watch the long knife emitting high temperature reflected in his eyes.

If she had known that Ye Cang could easily cut off a very dense kunai with the cooperation of the long sword and the Burning Release, she would not have easily resisted with the kunai.

At this thrilling moment, Jin, who was fighting with Feng Ya, controlled the force with his foot, straightened back and kicked Yan Ye out, and his foot was exposed to Ye Cang's knife. Down.

Yan Ye's body flew sideways, and in mid-air, he opened his eyes wide and watched Ye Cang standing on Jin's knee with a knife. With a hiss, the area below the knee fell down, and blood spurted out.

After his leg was cut off, Shin just frowned slightly. When his body began to lose balance slightly, 'Feng' broke through Feng Ya's long knife and stabbed only one centimeter into the abdomen. The latter reacted very quickly. Retreat very quickly to avoid further damage.

After forcing away the wind arrow, Shin leaned back, tilted his head, and his scarlet Sharingan met Ye Cang's eyes.


Ye Cang's body trembled, but he kept the action of not withdrawing the knife, as if time had frozen, motionless.

Yanye, who was in the air, quickly and accurately picked out a Senbon from his ninja bag and shot it at Ye Cang. Then he formed a seal and fired several rattan sticks as thick as a baby's arm towards Shin who fell backwards. , wrapped around Jin's body.

Feng Ya retreated, Ye Cang was hit by an illusion, and a thousand swords came towards her.

Yanye used a cane to pull Jin over whose right leg was severed, and they fell down together.

Ye Cura and Kazaya were not the only Suna ninjas present. They saw a Senbon shooting towards Ye Cang. A Sand ninja who was very skilled in throwing hidden weapons quickly threw out a kunai and hit the deadly Senbon. Fei saved Ye Cang.

At the same time, the remaining sand ninjas were about to attack Yanye and Jin who were out of balance in the air.

At this critical moment, a loud rumbling sound came from the side. In the direction of the sound, the big tree seemed to be broken by something, and it was heading towards their direction.

This sudden movement attracted the attention of the Suna ninja present.

Looking over there, when they saw the big trees without branches and leaves sweeping towards this side as if they were alive, every sand ninja's expression changed and they immediately took a distant approach. In this way, he did not bother to attack Yan Ye and Jin.

Ye Cang released the illusion, looked at this scene, and decisively stayed away from the sand ninja present.

These trees are the tree realms used by Ye Zimu's clone, and the area covered also includes a straight-line distance of one kilometer away from Ye Zimu's clone.

The tree world that was affected came, and due to some combination of circumstances, Yan Ye and Jin were spared a wave of attacks. Of course, the two of them were also within the range of the attack.

Yan Ye. In the air, Jin shouted when he was pulled back.

Yanye understood, and with a strong arm, he pulled Jin hard, and then threw it into the air and flew behind her.

When his body flew behind Yan Ye, Jin quickly formed seals with his hands, and from the palms of his hands, wood escape vines like Yan Ye were sprayed out, wrapping around the big tree in the distance, and then he exerted a sudden force.

The force generated caused his body, together with Yan Ye, to quickly approach the big tree. When he got close, he rolled into another tree again, so that he could stay away from here in the air. Kankan escaped from the range where the tree world came.

After the two of them narrowly landed, Jin's chakra seemed to be about to bottom out, while Ye's chakra was still quite sufficient.

Without any hesitation, Kotonoha executed part A of the AB plan and used the strongest ninjutsu... to severely injure the Suna Ninja!

The disadvantage is that if the ninjutsu cannot severely damage the Suna Ninja, it will be very difficult for them to retreat.

Although he was aware of this drawback, Yan Ye still had no hesitation.

After confirming that the movement in the trees had stopped, the remaining dozen Sand Ninja stood on the trees in different directions, condescendingly surrounding Kotoye and Shin.

Wood escape, strangling vine!

Yan Ye's expression was cold, and the chakra in his body drained quickly.

Taking the place where she and Jin were standing as the center point, red thorns as thick as an adult's arm broke out from the ground. There were about a hundred of them, densely packed like snakes, biting the surrounding sand ninja.

The expressions of the Sand Ninjas changed slightly. Some Sand Ninjas used Taijutsu to jump away from the place to escape. Some Suna Ninjas judged from the speed at which the thorns were flying that they were purely using Taijutsu and had no time to dodge, so they all used Earth Escape. , forming a solid ball to wrap around itself.

There were nearly a hundred thorns. After they were dispersed, every sand ninja had to face at least three!

There were about six sand ninjas who wrapped themselves in earth balls for defense. These six earth balls were all tightly strangled by three or four thorns.

On the other side, the remaining Sand Ninjas all moved away from this place as quickly as possible. The Thorns were very fast and caught up with the three Suna Ninjas who were lagging behind. After squeezing them, they shrank suddenly like twisting a towel. , the two sand ninjas suddenly turned into corpses and fell to the ground.

The splattered blood splashed on the red thorns, making it even more vivid. The blood covering the sharp thorns was soon absorbed into the thorns.

Afterwards, the length of the thorns reached its limit, and they could only look coldly at the remaining sand ninjas who successfully escaped from this range. As for the sand ninjas who had no confidence in their own physical skills to avoid the thorns, they used earth escape to form a solid earth ball for defense. , was entangled by more and more thorns, and in the process of squeezing, it shattered together with the earth ball and died.

After using this move, Yan Ye began to pant, and the chakra consumed would also consume a certain amount of physical strength.

Yanye, you go first.

Seeing Yan Ye use the Strangling Vine to kill nine elite sand ninjas, Shin, who had one leg cut off, immediately urged Yan Ye to leave quickly.

After the fierce battle, the condition of the two of them has become extremely bad. On the Suna Ninja side, there are still about seven Suna Ninjas who are still in good condition. In this situation, there is no need to hesitate at all and just run away.

However, Jin had one of his legs cut off in order to save Yanye, so the possibility of escaping was very low.

Yanye didn't say anything, he put Jin's right arm around his neck and supported Jin's shoulders.

How could she leave Jin alone and run for her life, not to mention that Jin had one of his legs cut off just to save her.

Leave me alone, so neither of us can escape. Jin said in a deep tone.

How will you know if you don't try? Besides, I won't abandon you. Can you still move your left foot? Cooperate with me.

After saying that, regardless of whether Jin agreed or not, he kicked off his feet and wanted to jump to the tree. However, Jin did not react and did not exert force on his left leg in time. Therefore, the first cooperation ended in failure. The two of them failed to jump to the tree. On the tree.

After falling from the air, Yan Ye immediately glared at Jin and complained: Didn't I ask you to cooperate with me? Do it again.

Jin was stunned for a moment, and then...he slowly grinned. This time, he used his left leg in time, and the two of them successfully jumped onto the tree. Just like that, they jumped away and began to retreat.

How could the remaining sand ninja who had escaped Kotonoha's strangling vine let Kotonoha and Shin go, and immediately launched a pursuit.

Because he was carrying Shin, Yanye's speed was not as fast as the Suna Ninja's pursuit. It didn't take long before he could detect the movement coming from behind.

Although he was very happy that Yanye insisted on retreating with him, Jin didn't want to implicate Yanye because of this.

Let's stop here. If we continue like this, we can't escape. Although I lost a leg, I can still delay it for a while. Jin suddenly said.

Yanye remained silent and continued to leap forward. In this way, he rejected Jin's proposal.

Jin sighed slightly and stretched out his hand to break Yan Ye's hand. The latter suddenly said in a deep voice: Do you want me to feel guilty for the rest of my life?

He lost his leg just to save her. If he left Jin here just because he was in danger of death, then Yan Ye would never forgive himself.

Jin's hands froze, his eyelids drooped slightly, and he said seriously: Don't you want to stay with Mr. Ye Zi all the time? If you die...


Yan Ye said without any doubt: So, neither of us will die!

Before he finished speaking, Yan Ye gritted his teeth and sped up. The speed of the two leaps was a little faster, but it was still far less than the speed of Suna Ninja.

Jin stretched out his hand towards Yanye and slowly retracted it.

If you can, then you will feel guilty for me for the rest of your life.

Jin thought silently, but did not speak out the remaining words again, because he felt Yan Ye's persistence and knew that no matter what, he could not change it.

Soon, the sand ninja's wind arrow was the first to catch up. With a ferocious expression, he flew up in the air, swung his long sword, and slashed at the backs of Shin and Yanye.

Sensing the biting sound of the wind, Jin and Yanye looked back, and saw a person and a knife coming into their eyes.

With his Sharingan open, Shin was about to use genjutsu against Kazaya. However, the latter knew that Shin's genjutsu was good in the previous battle. At this critical moment, he actually closed his eyes, and there was no trace of any movement in his sword swing. Stagnation.

What?! Upon seeing this, Jin's face changed and his head started to work crazily. In this short moment, he wanted Yan Ye to avoid this attack.

Because he had to support Jin, Yan Ye had no way to deal with it for a moment. The long knife swept over like this, as if it was going to cut the two of them in half with one blow.

We succeeded! Feng Ya's eyes surged with murderous intent!

At this moment, a bolt of lightning came quickly. When Feng Ya noticed it, it had already submerged into his side. The powerful force drove his body and flew out to the other side.

That thunder light was the blood entwined with the thunder flow. It was thrown by Ye Zi who arrived here in time and saved Yan Ye and Jin at the critical moment.

The sudden change shocked Yan Ye and Jin. The two people who escaped the disaster stopped at a tree. Then, when they saw Ye Zi leaping over with an indifferent expression, they all breathed a sigh of relief.


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