Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 359 Seal and Memory


This time, Nagato revealed more ability information in the battle. The Bai Jue clone must find Ye Zi as soon as possible and hand over the ability information to him.

However, even with the Earth Mayfly Technique, Bai Zetsu's speed could not keep up with Nagato and the others.

A few days later, while Bai Zetsu was still on the road, Nagato summoned the core members of Akatsuki.

It was still a dimly lit underground cave, with twisted black shadows appearing around the ever-burning lamp.

After everyone appeared, their eyes fell on the large, simple urn in front of the Changming Lantern.

This is…?

Nagato said calmly: This is the magic weapon that seals the Nanao.

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but fell silent. The leader captured Nanao without saying a word?

Ye Zi's eyes narrowed slightly. He knew nothing about Nagato setting out to capture Nanao, and he had no news about Bai Zetsu.

You know, he needs information about Nagato's abilities, so he doesn't want to miss any of Nagato's battles.

I just don’t know if Bai Zetsu missed this battle with Nagato. It would be a pity if he missed it.

Kakuzu was born in Taki-nin, but that was a long time ago, and he has no feelings for Taki-nin village.

The next target is the Five-Tails Jinchuuriki. Nagato said calmly.

Ye Zi said: Let me go.

When he invaded the Iwa Ninja Village, he devoured the soul of a young man and extracted some memories. Now these memories are still stuffed in the corner by him.

In that memory, there is the memory of the Five-Tails Jinchuriki, that is, the memory of the boy's parents being killed by the Five-Tails Jinchuriki who lost control, and it is accompanied by deep-seated hatred.

It's a pity that the boy's talent is so poor that even if he wants to avenge his parents, he may not be able to do it even if he works hard for a lifetime.

Being selected by Ye Zi was both his misfortune and his luck.

At least, Ye Zi has the ability to help him get revenge, and can also comfort the memories left in his mind.

Therefore, Ye Zicai took the initiative to take over the task of capturing the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Nagato glanced at him, nodded slightly, and said, Yes, but it's best to wait until the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki leaves the village before taking action.

Of course. Ye Zi would not be stupid enough to rush to the Iwa Ninja Village to attack the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki. Speaking of which, the Seven-Tailed Jinchuuriki must be in the Taki Ninja Village. It seems that Nagato and Konan are facing the entire In Taki Ninja Village, can we still get the magic weapon that seals the Nanao without any damage?

Seeing Ye Zi taking over the task of capturing the next target, the others didn't say anything. Capturing a jinchuriki was not a pleasant job.

The plan will be suspended after the Five-Tails Jinchuuriki is captured. Nagato said.

What's the reason? Ye Zi's expression and tone were calm. After he realized the strength gap between himself and Nagato, he was not so eager for the plan to capture the tailed beast. He needed to shorten the strength gap between the two as soon as possible. gap.

But even if he wasn't anxious, he still wanted to know the reason why Nagato stopped his plan.

The current time is not suitable for the remaining Jinchūriki to take action, especially Konoha Village and Kumo Ninja Village. Nagato glanced at him and said calmly.

The five-tailed jinchuriki has lost control several times and killed many Iwa ninjas. Therefore, the Iwanin in the Iwanin village don't like the five-tailed jinchuriki very much. Perhaps when the five-tailed jinchuriki is in danger, they may even see death. save.

Even so, they cannot go directly to the Iwa Ninja Village to capture the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki. They can only wait for the opportunity for the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki to leave the village.

If the capture is successful, only two tails, six tails, eight tails, and nine tails will be left.

The remaining Jinchūriki are not beings who can take action easily.

The two tails and the eight tails, as the jinchūriki who can control the tailed beasts, are important forces in the Cloud Ninja Village. If either of them is lost, the Cloud Ninja Village will not give up.

Coupled with the cooperative relationship between them, Yun Ninja Village cannot be attacked in a short time.

Konoha's jinchuriki still lacks the ability to control the tailed beasts, but they will not lose control. If they attack the nine-tailed jinchuriki, Konoha will definitely not give up.

As for the Mist Ninja, it seems that he is planning to let the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki succeed the new Mizukage. He had previously attacked the previous generation of Mizukage. If he takes action this time soon after the new Mizukage takes over, I am afraid the Mist Ninja will explode.

Except that the Nine-Tails needs to be placed in the final seal, after capturing the Five-Tails, if the Two-Tails, Six-Tails, and Eight-Tails leave the village, Akatsuki will never let go of this perfect opportunity.

Regarding Nagato's explanation, Ye Zi nodded slightly and said nothing.

Konoha Village and Cloud Ninja Village are big guys, everyone present knows this.

let's start.

As Nagato finished speaking, the ceremony to seal the tailed beast officially began.

Each person falls on the finger of the corresponding heretic demon, and it takes another three days to seal the seven tails in the urn.

Three days passed in a flash, and the seal ended.

The heretic demon opened another eye, and the amount of chakra in his body increased sharply.

After the seal ended, Nagato removed the magic lantern body technique, and the black shadow disappeared into the underground cave.

After returning to consciousness, every member of Akatsuki was a little tired and would choose to take a rest as soon as possible.

Every time Yanye and Uchiha Shin want to fall asleep after sealing, this time is no exception.

After saying hello to Ye Zi, he left Ye Zi's room and went to their respective rooms to prepare for rest.

Compared to the two of them, Ye Zi was not energetic enough to go to sleep. He just sat quietly in the room, waiting for Bai Jue's arrival.

He believed that Haku Zetsu should have followed Nagato, so he should have watched the battle where Nagato captured Nanao.

After sitting quietly in the room for a long time, Ye Zi noticed a deliberately leaked breath.


As the thought came together, there was a stir in the corner, and the appearance of Bai Jue's clone appeared.

Did you get the ability information? Ye Zi looked at Bai Jue's clone.

Bai Jue's clone nodded silently, left the wall, and walked over.

That's good. Ye Zi suddenly showed a cold smile, finally not missing the opportunity.

Let me see how you captured Nanao.

While muttering to himself in a low voice, the spirit body sprang out from Ye Zi's shoulders and flew towards Bai Jue's clone. The latter looked calm and did not resist at all.

The spirit body sank into the head of Bai Jue's clone, and after a moment, it came out.

When the spirit body left, Bai Jue's clone fell limply to the ground and turned into a pile of wood.

After taking back his spirit body, Ye Zi slowly closed his eyes, and the memories of Bai Jue's clone flooded into his head.

Rather than letting the White Zetsu clone narrate, it is a more concise and direct method to capture the Chakra memory of the White Zetsu clone using spiritual transformation techniques.

From the perspective of Bai Jue's clone, the scenes he watched turned into pictures and kept passing through Ye Zi's head.

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