Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 391 Departure

A week later, Orochimaru returned to his base and immediately started new research with a clear goal.

The idea of ​​combining the curse seal with Jugo's enzyme is feasible, or... it's a combination of the curse seal and senjutsu chakra.

For this purpose, Orochimaru's heart was always on fire.

As Orochimaru's assistant, Nanako also learned a lot about Senjutsu Chakra during the research process, and she was also very interested.

Before the results come out, no one knows whether this direction is right or whether it can be successful.

If you want to see what effect the Senjutsu Chakra will have when injected into the curse seal, you must first possess Senjutsu Chakra.

Digitization can be used to eliminate the risk of obtaining magical chakra, but the length of this process is foreseeable.

Moreover, the combination of the two also requires the support of sealing technology.

The collection and comparison of data is very tedious and boring. You can leave it to Nanako to take your time, but there is currently no relevant knowledge about sealing techniques.

Orochimaru was not familiar with the ability of sealing techniques, but he knew that the people of the Uzumaki clan were good at sealing techniques.

It definitely won't work with Kushina, so I have to go to the Country of Whirlpool. Maybe I can find something useful there. Although the possibility is very low, I still have to try.

The main reason why Uzushio Village in the Country of Uzumakis perished was because of the sealing technique. Because of its proficiency in the sealing technique, it was feared by many countries. Later, it was besieged and led to its destruction. In addition to the sealing technique that was destroyed in the war, Scrolls, the remaining sealing scrolls were obtained by many countries.

Compared to the sealing techniques mastered by Uzushio Village itself, these are only a small part that have not been destroyed.

Orochimaru didn't have high expectations for getting information about sealing techniques from the ruins of Uzushio Village, but he needed knowledge in this area, so he would not miss any opportunity.

This time, Orochimaru did not plan to go by himself, because Ye Zi's perception would be somewhat helpful.

He left the laborious data collection task to Nanako, who was helpless, but knew that Orochimaru was not lazy, so he didn't say anything.

After that, Orochimaru went directly to Ye Zi and told Ye Zi the general situation.

Ye Zi agreed to Orochimaru's request.

During this period, he put the idea of ​​combining Thunder Escape and Yin Escape into action. He had a physical form, but he was unable to control it well and the power was relatively scattered.

However, the shape that is different from the ordinary Lei Dun has further development value, which cannot be rushed.

There is also the Senju Chakra... After learning from Orochimaru, Ye Zi couldn't help but get excited. He had decided to master the Senju Chakra no matter what the cost.

But compared to meeting the White Snake Sage, Orochimaru's method is slower but can avoid risks, so he can wait.

Afterwards, Orochimaru and Ye Zi made simple preparations and left the stronghold to go to the ruins of the Country of Whirlpool.

The two of them were about to leave when they were bumped into by Yan Ye who wanted to find Ye Zi.

Yan Ye looked at the clothes of Ye Zi and Orochimaru, they were obviously going to go on a long trip. He was slightly startled and asked, Are you going out?

Yeah. Ye Zi nodded. He didn't inform Yan Ye and the others about this trip, because they might be back soon.

Yan Ye immediately bit her lip when she heard the words. It was nearly half a year since Ye Zi left last time, but she didn't know how long it would take this time. She wanted to stay with Ye Zi more than staying at the stronghold.

After hesitating for a moment, she couldn't hold it back and asked, Ye Zi, can I come with you?

Ye Zi was startled and glanced at Orochimaru subconsciously. The latter had a cold expression that had nothing to do with him. This made Ye Zi unable to tell what Orochimaru was thinking and whether he objected or agreed to Yanye's request.

This guy Orochimaru...

Ye Zi fell into silence. The purpose of this trip was clear, which was to visit the ruins of the Kingdom of Whirlpool. If nothing was gained, then return to the stronghold. It would be okay if he took Yan Ye with him.

The reason why he didn't want to take Yanye and Jin with him last time was because they would hinder his speed, but now he no longer has this concern.

In the final analysis, the reason is that Ye Zi is willing to let Yan Ye follow. In Ye Zi's heart, Yan Ye already plays a big role, and he will not refuse if he doesn't have to refuse.

Okay, go and prepare as soon as possible. Ye Zi agreed to Yan Ye's request, and the latter whispered excitedly when he heard the words.

Seeing that Ye Zi agreed to go with Yan Ye, Orochimaru's expression remained unchanged. For him, bringing one more person with him made no difference.

No need to prepare, that's it. In order not to waste Ye Zi's time, Yanye replied directly. She is actually wearing regular clothes for fighting now, and she also brought enough ninja tools and ninja tool bags. This is because she usually To train children, they will naturally wear formal ninja combat attire.

It would be best to save time waiting for Yanye to prepare.

Ye Zi didn't say anything, and took Yan Ye with him, and the three of them left the stronghold together.

Leaving the stronghold and finding ourselves in the desolate land of Stone Country, we were greeted by strong winds carrying small pebbles.

Yanye stood facing the wind with a smile. She began to secretly rejoice that she happened to bump into Ye Zi who was about to leave and caught the 'shuttle', but she didn't know where Ye Zi and Orochimaru were going this time.

Following Ye Zi and Orochimaru speeding across the wasteland, Yanye asked, Ye Zi, where are we going?

The Kingdom of Whirlpool is quite far away. Ye Zi looked ahead and replied casually.

Yan Ye knew that the Kingdom of Whirlpool was indeed very far away from the Kingdom of Stone. He had to pass through the Kingdom of Rain and then traverse the entire Kingdom of Fire to reach the Kingdom of Whirlpool. This was still a straight line distance.

Which route should we take? Yan Ye asked.

The nearest route is a straight line, which crosses the Land of Fire, but this way, the movement will most likely be noticed by the ninjas of Konoha.

Ye Zi and Orochimaru discussed it. If they could avoid trouble, of course they should try to avoid it, but there was no need to take too long a detour.

In the end, the two made a decision and chose to travel across the Country of Fire, but not in a straight line, that is, not to go deep into the hinterland of the Country of Fire. Instead, they walked along the border of the Country of Fire and went to the Country of Whirlpool in a roundabout way.

After passing through the Country of Rain, we will go around the border route of the Country of Fire until we reach the Country of Whirlpool. Ye Zi replied.

When Yan Ye heard Ye Zi's words, the route in his mind suddenly formed, and he nodded clearly.

The entire journey was speechless.

One day later, Shin in the stronghold suddenly discovered that Yan Ye was missing. Not only Yan Ye was missing, but Ye Zi and Orochimaru were also not there.

He approached Nanako and asked. The latter was also a little surprised. Unexpectedly, even Yanye also followed.

Nanako answered Shin's question and kicked him out.


After being kicked out of the laboratory, Jin stood at the door feeling helpless, so he could only go and train the children alone.

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