Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 394: Knowledge of Sealing Techniques

Walking through the beach and through the woods is a green grassland.

The wind comes from afar, stirring the green waves.

After the grassland, there is a mountain. After climbing over it, there are the vague traces left by the passage of time.

It was an obscure site, with building debris lying in many directions, buried in the green grass, weathered by wind and rain, telling the cruelty of history.

The three people came here, and at a glance, they couldn't find the complete shape.

Here, no building can stand any longer.

How to find it? Ye Zi looked at the ruins of the Kingdom of Whirlpool in front of him, which were covered with plants half as tall as a man. To be precise, they were the ruins of the Whirlpool Village.

Orochimaru said coldly: Go through every inch of this place and don't miss anything. There may be a basement.

Uzumaki Village was trampled and almost razed to the ground many years ago, but I don't know if there is anything left behind due to negligence.

Just as Orochimaru expected, there might be an undiscovered basement, and in the basement, there would be what Orochimaru wanted to find.

Afterwards, the three of them used their own methods, groping every inch of the land step by step, trying to knock on the door to the basement.

When Ye Zi was searching, he also activated his perception ability, and naturally found nothing in response.

If it can be found using perception, how can the people who came here earlier leave anything behind for those who come after?

Therefore, Orochimaru's idea of ​​using Ye Zi's perception failed. It would be more useful to bring one more person with him.

Although the method is inefficient, it is practical.

Perhaps due to luck, it didn't take long for Yan Ye to discover a basement entrance.

This discovery shocked both Ye Zi and Orochimaru. When they came to the basement entrance where Yan Ye discovered, it was a covered stone slab with a ring.

When they saw the rusty ring, Ye Zi and Orochimaru's high emotions suddenly stopped.

With such an obvious entrance feature, the two of them really didn't believe it if they had never visited it before.

But now that you've discovered it, let's go in and have a look.

Orochimaru pulled the ring and opened the stone slab. Suddenly, choking dust flew up.

After the stone slab was lifted, a staircase leading down was revealed.

In a place like this, there was no need for the shadow clone to explore the way. The three of them lit the torches and walked straight down.

The length of the stairs is about two stories high, which means that the depth of the basement is about as deep as the second floor below.

After walking to the end, there is a stone room.

Under the light of the fire, the dark walls were revealed, which were traces of being burned by the flames.

The reason why we are so sure is that the black remains on the floor of the stone chamber are all traces left by fire.

It is not known whether the people of Uzushio Village set this fire themselves, or whether it was set by someone who invaded the village.

No matter who released it, this messy scene shows that nothing has been achieved.

However, Orochimaru did not turn around and leave.

Look at the walls, floors, and ceilings to see if there are any hidden grids. Normally, seeing this scene, one would leave with regret, but Orochimaru thought that there might be hidden grids.

Secret grid? Ye Zi raised his eyebrows, not ruling out the possibility.

So, the three of them began to explore, not missing any corner.

Ye Zi's hands knocked on the stone bricks on the wall, not minding that the wall would stain his palms with a layer of black dust.

After this careful search, Ye Zi really discovered something strange.

When it hit a stone brick, it made a hollow sound.

Ye Zi's eyes moved, and instead of calling Orochimaru and Ye Zi, he left a small section of tree on it as a mark and continued to investigate other locations.

After all locations were checked, no second hidden grid was found.

It seems there is only one. Ye Zi looked at the stone brick with trees growing on it.

It's good to find one. Open it and see what it is. Orochimaru said calmly.

I hope it will be useful. Ye Zi pulled out the knife and inserted it directly into the gap between the stone bricks. He dug out the stone bricks with brute force and exposed the space inside.

A black and red scroll lay quietly in the rectangular space.

Seeing this scroll, Ye Zi and Orochimaru both looked happy.

Ye Zi reached out and picked up the scroll, but did not open it immediately and said, Let's go outside first.

So, the three of them walked down the stairs and left the basement that had been burned by the fire.

After coming outside, he did not open the scroll immediately. Just in case, Ye Zi treated the scroll as a trap scroll, and the result was a normal scroll.

Orochimaru and Yanye didn't think there was anything wrong with Ye Zi's caution. Even if the scroll was found in a relatively hidden way, they could not rule out the possibility that it was a trap scroll.

Slowly open the scroll, and the sealed book about Uzushio Village may be revealed in front of you.

Contract seal, five elements seal, double seal method...

What is recorded in the scroll is indeed the sealing technique of Uzushio Village.

Three sealing techniques? Orochimaru didn't feel too much joy. This was not what he wanted.

Ye Zi browsed through it briefly, and it was a good thing that he found the sealing scroll, but he didn't need to look at it now, so he put it away first.

Keep looking, there may be more. Orochimaru said and started looking again. What he wanted was knowledge about the principles of sealing.

So, the three of them started using local methods again, and found a scroll, which meant that there was indeed something missing.

After that, several more basements were found one after another, but they were all looted without any results.

A few hours later, Yanye found another entrance to the basement, which was blocked by several crisscrossed and collapsed stone pillars.

However, even though it is obscured by stone pillars, it is not clear whether this basement has been visited before entering.

Because the first few basements found had been visited without leaving anything behind. There were also two or three basements that had suffered fires just like the first one found. Unfortunately, there were no hidden compartments.

Opening the entrance, the three of them walked down. To their surprise, it was a complete basement.

The basement is not large, just a red wooden three-layer bookcase with many scrolls piled on top and thick dust accumulated on it.

Looking at the red bookcase, Orochimaru looked happy. He walked over and picked up the scroll, dusted off the heavy dust on it, and began to examine it.

After reading for a while, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly. This was what he was looking for. Sure enough, he came to the right place this time.

How's it going? Ye Zi didn't open the scroll like Orochimaru, but after seeing Orochimaru's expression, he thought he had gained something, but he still asked.

This is what I'm looking for. Put it all away and seal it in the storage scroll. Orochimaru put down the scroll in his hand.

Ye Zi nodded and said, But we still have to see if there are any hidden grids.

Even though he found useful scrolls, he still insisted on not missing any of them.

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