Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 420 The calm before the storm (25th update)

There are five more updates... I will continue tomorrow. I look forward to seeing the book hanging on the homepage of Qidian. I also hope to wake up with good-looking subscription data. I went to bed. The monthly tickets have doubled in the past two days, and there are so many updates, so please give me a monthly ticket!


Ye Zi and Orochimaru returned to their base.

After Nanako saw Ye Zi, she rushed over and hugged Ye Zi hard for a long time without saying a word.

Ye Zi remained motionless and let Nanako hold her.

After Orochimaru came back from Ryūchi Cave, he told Nanako about Ye Zi's movements so that she wouldn't be so worried.

Although she knew that Ye Zi was safe and sound, she still couldn't hold back when she saw Ye Zi again. She rushed over and hugged Ye Zi, venting her emotions.

Not far away, Uchiha Shin watched this scene expressionlessly, waiting patiently for Nanako to leave Ye Zi. He had something to ask Ye Zi.

There was silence for a while.

I'm fine, you go and do your work. Ye Zi gently pushed Nanako away.

Nanako looked up at Ye Zi's calm face, pursed her lips and didn't know what to say.

Without looking at Nanako's expression, Ye Zi passed her and walked toward the depths of the passage.

Uchiha took a few steps forward. At this time, he heard Ye Zi say lightly: Be prepared to attack Konoha in a few days and take back Konoha's body.

Hearing Ye Zi's words, Uchiha Jin's problems that had accumulated in his heart suddenly disappeared. He silently looked at Ye Zi walking past, and replied forcefully: Understood.

Ye Zi stared deep into the passage with unstoppable eyes. At this moment, nothing could stop this decision.

He wants to take back Yan Ye's body, and then reincarnate her from the dirty soil. This is equivalent to a disguised resurrection.

Orochimaru followed Ye Zi, and while waiting for Bai Jue to return to the stronghold, detailed discussions still needed to be conducted.

The two came to a room and sat down separately.

When can I get the defense map? Ye Zi asked.

Orochimaru replied: The handover of information is all done within the Land of Fire. Even if we go to get it now, the round trip will take at least six days.

Really... Ye Zi groaned, this is a big trouble. Without a defense plan, it is impossible to arrange the invasion route in advance, and it is impossible to effectively arrange the troops.

Since we can't get the defense map in advance, we must first confirm the number and personnel of the dirty people, and then get the defense map on the way to Konoha Village and make temporary arrangements for the attack.

Then you can only get the defense map when you go to Konoha and make temporary arrangements. Orochimaru, you will control the reincarnation of the dirty land. I will hand over the reincarnation to you. Ye Zi looked at Orochimaru.

The number I control is limited. Orochimaru said calmly. To control the reincarnation of the dirty land, you basically have to stay away from Konoha. It can be said to be the safest task.

It doesn't take too much. It's enough to be able to contain some Konoha ninjas. Ye Zi said solemnly: But before putting it into use, you still have to verify the limit you can control.

Orochimaru curled his lips and said calmly: Okay.

After that, Ye Zi and Orochimaru specially experimented with the reincarnation of the dirty land. Since Orochimaru does not have Hashirama cells in his body, the number that can be controlled is not much, and the limit is about twenty.

After confirming the quantity, it is time to select the appropriate dirty earth body. Among them, Kato Dan is the dirty earth body that must be invested. He can be used to restrain Tsunade.

After all, Tsunade's slug technique can effectively reduce the casualties of Konoha ninjas. Ye Zi did not want to see this scene.

But even if Kato Dan can contain Tsunade, Kushina can also use the slug technique, which is also a problem. She is the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki and the last one in the plan to collect tailed beasts. No matter what, her life cannot be harmed.

Kato Dan and Hatake Sakumo? Orochimaru's eyes flickered.

Ye Zi said lightly: These two are the main forces. Kato Dan can restrain Tsunade, while Hatake Sakumo can throw himself in crowded areas. With his ability and the characteristics of the dirty earth body, no one can stop him. Too much, I think it will be a big trouble for Konoha.

Currently, there are quite a few Konohagakure masters, all of whom are jounin. The leaders among them are Kato Dan, Hatake Sakumo, the first Hokage, and the second Hokage.

But this time, there is no need to use the first and second generations, or there is no way to use the first and second generations, because Orochimaru cannot control it with his ability. Among the twenty Jounin of Konoha, the most outstanding one is Kato Danwa. Hatake Sakumo.

Immortality, inexhaustible chakra, and the possibility of encountering familiar companions are enough to cause trouble for the ninjas of Konoha.

Especially Hatake Sakumo, if used properly, this will be a complete killing weapon.

When Hatake Sakumo came out of the dirty soil, he also asked Ye Zi to send him to deal with Kakashi if there was a threat to Konoha in the future.

It's a pity that Ye Zi doesn't want to comply with his wishes now. How can such fighting power be wasted? It is most suitable to use it to kill the enemy.

In the time before these twenty filthy earth bodies are solved by Konoha, Ye Zi wants to find Yanye's body, kill all those who stand in the way, and let Bai Jue collect useful DNA, as well as the Uchiha clan's Sharingan, and the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan.

The reason why Ye Zi wanted to wait for Bai Jue was for this reason.

Especially the Sharingan, you may be able to collect a lot through this battle. As for the Byakugan, it will be difficult, because once Hinata's branch ninja dies, the Byakugan will destroy itself.

But what Ye Zi needs is the Sharingan, and it doesn't matter even if he doesn't get many Byakugan.

You don't need to take care of other dirty earth bodies, but Kato Dan and Hatake Sakumo had better not let Konoha solve it. If the situation is not right, try to save Kato Dan and Hatake Sakumo's dirty earth bodies. Ye Zi reminded. .

Orochimaru nodded slightly and said calmly: Even if there are two main forces, Kato Dan and Hatake Sakumo, the risk of going deep into Konoha alone is still very high.

There are also Uchiha Jin and Wan She. Ye Zi said calmly.

Orochimaru didn't speak anymore. His location was the safest. On the contrary, what Ye Zi was doing was the most dangerous. He would be surrounded by many enemies and face many powerful enemies.

After determining the basic strategy, the next step is to wait for White Zetsu to come back, then set off to Konoha, get the defense map, and then decide where the twenty dirty soil bodies need to be placed.

Two days later, Bai Jue returned to the stronghold, and the person who came to the stronghold with him was Xie.

Ye Zi was not very surprised by this, because he was the one who called Xie. He was not sure whether Xie was willing to help him before, but now it seems that he is willing.

At this time, Xie finally replaced the woman's puppet body and turned into a handsome young man with short chestnut hair.

After everyone arrived, simple preparations were made, and Ye Zi and others were ready to set off for Konoha.

When leaving, Kimimaro walked out from the corner of the passage, blocking the path of Ye Zi and others.

Kimima Lu looked at Ye Zi and said seriously: Master Ye Zi, please take me with you.

The clear and resolute voice spread throughout the entire passage.

On the wooden wall at the corner, Jugo watched this scene carefully.

Looking at Kimimaro with a serious look on his face, Ye Zi looked calm as water, looked at him silently, and said: You are too weak now to be of any help.

Kimimaro was stunned for a moment.

Ye Zi crossed Kimimaro's body and walked toward the exit.

Orochimaru, Scorpion, and Uchiha Shin followed him.

A group of four people disappeared around the corner of the passage.

Still not strong enough... Kimimaro looked down at the wooden floor with a look of disappointment.

Chongwu watched Ye Zi and others leave, and then walked to Kimimaro, not knowing what to say.

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