Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 426: The Horn of Attack (Update 31)

Ye Zi ran quickly through the streets, heading towards the hospital. There was no breath in the surrounding houses, so the civilians should have moved away immediately.

Konoha is now under attack, but Konoha evacuated civilians as soon as possible to avoid too many civilian casualties.

After determining the number and strength of the enemy, the genin were also strictly prohibited from participating in the battle and were moved to a safe place along with the civilians.

People could avoid being harmed, but Konoha's buildings were unlucky, and many places were soon destroyed beyond recognition.

However, Konoha's protection of civilians is very good, but in order to move the civilians to a safe place as soon as possible, there will be a delay in fighting.

Although the impact is not big, it is still there.

With his senses expanded, Ye Zi could sense the movements of the dirty earth body and the snakes, as well as the nearly a hundred auras coming towards him at this time.

He did not deliberately avoid them, but even catered to them. He wanted to surround himself. Once there were more people, he could deal with them all and save trouble.

Based on this plan, he hoped that the other party would move faster and surround him as soon as possible.

At this time, Wan She was under the siege of many Konoha ninjas. With his huge body, he crushed rows of buildings and headed towards the most prosperous place in the center of Konoha. His mission was to make a big fuss and attract more people. The better the ninja.

Orochimaru's twenty dirt reincarnations passed through the barrier breakthrough point, dispersed in groups of two, and each went to a predetermined location.

All the locations where the Konoha family is stationed have welcomed uninvited guests.

The gate of the Inuzuka clan's residence was blown away, and two dirty bodies with paint on their faces walked in. These two dirty bodies were members of the Inuzuka clan.

The members of the Inuzuka clan who were stationed at the station, each with their own ninja dogs, immediately surrounded the two intruders.

After seeing the face of the intruder clearly, they all looked shocked.

At the same time, the Aburame Clan's camp, the Yamazaka Clan's camp, the Akimichi Clan's camp, the Nara Clan's camp, the Uchiha Clan's camp, the Hyuga Clan's camp, etc...these families' camps all welcomed two filthy earth bodies. formed team.

These filthy earth bodies were all selected by Orochimaru and Ye Zi. They were members from various major families and were relatively strong.

Thanks to Bai Jue's usual habit of collecting corpses, it was useful this time.

The souls of these family members appeared again, returned to the world in the form of dead people, and returned to their respective homes.

However, their mission when they return home is to take action against their own people!

Orochimaru did not have the consciousness to suppress the dirty earth body, so they all came to their respective stations with consciousness, and even if they were unwilling, they had to take action.

At the Uchiha station, two dirty earth bodies with good reputations among the Uchiha clan, relied on the advantages of Sharingan and earth reincarnation, and started fighting with the people of the same clan.

In an instant, all the Uchiha clan members were killed.

The reason is the immortality and inexhaustible characteristics of the dirty earth body.

The two reincarnated Uchiha tribesmen showed their butcher knives to their own tribe with a painful mood.

After a while, more than a dozen corpses were lying in the station, and the smell of blood gradually dissipated.

Those who are not strong enough, please retreat quickly and wait for the clan leader to deal with us! Uchiha's dirty earth body shouted in grief and anger, but once again killed a clan member with a powerful fire ball technique.

The clan leader has taken people to deal with the psychic beast! He's not here! A famous Uchiha clan member looked sad.

The two Uchiha filthy bodies also looked sad and angry.

At this moment, two figures came crossing each other with a cold light, and instantly passed by the two dirty bodies.

Huh? Everyone present in the Uchiha tribe was stunned.

Those two figures were the young Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui. Both of them held a knife in their hands, maintaining the posture of wielding the knife, squatting half behind the dirty body.


The upper bodies of the two filthy bodies fell sideways and split into two halves.

Itachi, Shisui, they can't be killed! A middle-aged Uchiha tribesman saw Itachi and Shisui cutting off the dirty soil body in one fell swoop, and quickly reminded him.

Shisui turned around and looked at the dirty body that had returned to its original state after a while. His black eyes suddenly turned into three magatama sharingans, and Itachi's eyes also turned into two magatama sharingans.

The two of them still looked immature, but their expressions at this time looked very scary.

If they can't be killed, restrict their movements. Zhisui said coldly.


In another place, the gate of Konoha was violently dismantled and flew a certain distance towards the village before landing heavily.

The gate that symbolized the entrance was breached so easily, but it was because Orochimaru's foul earth body and ten thousand snakes were wreaking havoc in the village, so many Konoha ninjas were attracted to it.

In this case, Scorpion and Uchiha Shin, who controlled ten human puppets, easily broke through the gate of Konoha.

Then, three giant snakes slightly smaller than Wan She entered the gate and spread out, heading towards different locations.

This was summoned by Orochimaru. It was weaker than Ten Thousand Snakes, but more or less useful, and there was no need to worry about their lives. They could fight to the death.

I didn't expect Konoha's door to be so easy to break into. It's really beyond my expectation.

Scorpion was walking on the street. Many Konoha ninjas with bones stuck in their bodies fell around him, and behind him, ten human puppets floated.

A Kazekage and nine human puppets made by the bamboo clan.

Speaking of which, this is the first time he has participated in such a large-scale battle since he made the bamboo puppet.

I think it will be a good touchstone, so let's make a scene. Xie sneered, showing a cold expression.

In Uchiha's eyes was the Sharingan of the Three Magatama, and he followed Scorpion silently, paying attention to the surrounding movements at all times. Once a Konoha ninja attacks, he will meet the enemy immediately.

Three giant snakes were parading on the ground, collapsing houses one after another. When they were about to disperse, a huge toad fell from the sky, holding a small sword, and stabbed directly into the giant snake's head, and slapped it on its butt. Sit down and make a loud noise.

The giant snake died instantly.

The toad that came was clearly Bunta, and above him stood Jiraiya, who was looking coldly at Scorpion and Uchiha with his arms folded. At the same time, several figures made a pact on top of the house and came to the nearby roof. above.

Looking at the person coming, Xie Yi was not afraid and said calmly: Finally, we have a tough fight.

He waved his arms, and nine bamboo puppets flew in front of him and spread out in the air, while the Kazekage puppets stayed in front of him to protect him.

One of the members of Akatsuki, the Scorpion of Red Sand. Jiraiya stared at the Scorpion coldly, and quickly glanced at the corpses of his companions on the ground. There were many bone spurs on their bodies, and the appearance of the nine human puppets made him He vaguely guessed that this was the ability of the Taketori clan in the Kingdom of Water.

Don't think about doing whatever you want anymore! Jiraiya shouted coldly.

On the other side, Orochimaru was hiding in a specially made hole some distance away from Konoha.

He controls the reincarnation of the dirty land here, and the people of Konoha are basically unable to find him, and the three giant snake psychic beasts were also channeled by him, but it doesn't seem to be enough.

At present, his location is still very safe. Even if he uses more chakra to channel the giant snake, there is no problem.

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