Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 432 The Snake of Eternal Night (3rd update)

His speed is the best in the ninja world, and he is known as the yellow flash by the world!

This is Namikaze Minato, a strong man who can turn the situation around on his own.

He has always relied on the flying thunder god technique, and his speed is unmatched. No matter whether he is facing a chuunin or a jounin, he can harvest the lives of his enemies in an instant.

Even the monster Raikage in Kumo Ninja Village couldn't match Minato's speed regardless of the difference in strength.

Even Ye Zi, his speed is not as fast as Minato, and there is actually no comparability between the two.

Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique is space transfer, and the terrifying speed he inspires with his Thunder Style is physical speed.

No matter how the comparison is done, Minato's speed will always be superior, but... Ye Zi used his prejudgment to break the Flying Thunder God's Technique.

Regardless of the comparison of data, at least at this moment, Ye Zi sent the long knife into Minato's abdomen and won the speed competition!

When the long knife penetrated Minato's body, the thunder flow raged instantly.

Knowing that Minato can also use the Flying Thunder God Technique to transfer, he must seize this opportunity to inflict maximum damage to the opponent.

Originally, with the strength of Ye Zi's thunder escape, when it is transmitted into the enemy's body, the damage can basically suppress the target's chakra movement, but Minato in sage mode can weaken this effect.

call out!

With a pool of blood remaining, Minato's body disappeared again. This time, he wanted to stay as far away from Ye Zi as possible instead of simply looking for opportunities in defense, so he left the wasteland within the Eastern District and came to the edge.

He deliberately chose this direction because in the sage mode perception state, he could sense that Kushina was coming here.

Half squatting on the ground, covering the wound that was bleeding continuously, Minato frowned slightly and looked at Ye Zi, who was standing still in the distance.

The injury to his abdomen was very serious. If he was not treated in time, he would die from excessive blood loss if it took a long time. His face began to look slightly pale.

Minato could sense Kushina's position, and so could Ye Zi, so Ye Zi didn't bite hard and launch a second attack, and the distance between them was too far, so taking the initiative to attack would only be a waste of meaningless energy.

After all, it is the Flying Thunder God Jutsu... Unless Minato attacks, no one can catch up with Minato, and only in the case of Minato attacking, can there be a chance to hurt him.

A moment later, a figure flashed in front of Minato, but it was Kushina.

Seeing Minato injured, Kushina was suddenly shocked. In her impression, Minato was good at using the flying thunder god technique, and the only serious injury he suffered was the Kannabi Bridge that decided the outcome in the three battles. During the battle, he was attacked once by an unknown Iwa ninja.

Because he was well prepared at that time, when Minato moved to the camp tent, the medical ninja on standby helped him treat him immediately.

However, Kushina didn't know that the injury Minato suffered that time was also caused by Ye Zi.

It can be said that in the process of gradually gaining fame and after, Minato only suffered relatively serious injuries at the hands of Ye Zi. He did not have the self-healing ability like Ye Zi. Once seriously injured, it would be very dangerous.

If it weren't for the deviation in Ye Zi's imaginary image, that stabbing knife might have taken his life directly.

The art of shadow clone.

Kushina made a simple 'cross' gesture and separated a shadow clone. At the same time, her chakra was also divided into two halves.

She had already spent a lot of chakra to unlock the Seal of the Hundred Hao, and now she had given out half of it. If she had to face Ye Zi, it would be very dangerous just judging from the amount of chakra.

After the shadow clone appeared, he immediately treated Minato.

Kushina's body stared closely at Ye Zi and said in a deep voice: Minato, you first use the Flying Thunder God Technique to take my shadow clone out of here and find a place for treatment.

She knew very well that it was difficult to completely restrict Ye Zi's actions with her own abilities. During the battle, there were many uncontrollable things. For example, Ye Zi would take the opportunity to get rid of her and attack Minato instead, so she asked Minato to leave here first. .

Minato smiled bitterly when he heard this. He really didn't expect that one day he would encounter such a situation, but he knew very well that staying here with his current injury would only affect Kushina.

They can only move to a safe place first, let Kushina's shadow clone try to treat the injuries as much as possible, and then rush back to the battlefield when it's almost time.

Be careful, I will be back as soon as possible. Minato said solemnly.

Ye Zi's threat is too terrifying. Someone must be able to contain him, otherwise the village will suffer more serious losses.

He failed to fulfill his responsibility as Hokage, but he would never give up. Now he could only ask Kushina to restrain Ye Zi first.

This is the best choice, even though it is very reluctant...

Yes. Kushina did not look at Minato, but looked at Ye Zi, showing a serious look she had never seen before, Even if it costs my life, I will definitely protect Konoha!

That look, that expression, always revealed the determination contained therein.

Minato took a deep breath and said solemnly: Please!

After saying that, he took Kushina's shadow clone and moved it to a safe place to prepare for treatment.

In the wasteland of the East District, only Kushina and Ye Zi were left.

Ye Zi, I will never let you do whatever you want again! Kushina teleported and came to the front of Ye Zi. Nine golden chains flew out from behind her, like the tails of nine tails.

This time, it's your turn... Ye Zi calmly looked at Kushina in front of him.

In the memory, the overlapping images of Ye Rui and Kushina gradually separated.

Kushina's appearance is still somewhat similar to Ye Rui... If Ye Rui grows up, she might look like Kushina now.


The last key and the final choice, although not now.

Ye Zi took a deep breath. This time, he came to Konoha not to capture the tailed beast. What he has to do now is to wait for the wooden clone to get Yanye's body. This is the main purpose!

The magic chakra exploded slightly, affecting the natural energy around him.

Suddenly, countless cracks appeared in the land around the place where Ye Zi stood, and stones as big as fingernails were controlled by invisible forces in mid-air, rising and falling.


The thunder flow on his body gradually changed to a pitch-black color. After a while, it completely transformed into pitch-black thunder that seemed to be able to swallow everything.

In the thunder flow as dark as eternal night, a pair of yellow snake eyes suppressed the black thunder and was not covered.

Yellow...faintly turning towards gold, or in other words, it is exuding a faint golden luster.

The combination of the golden snake eyes and the dark thunder flow is like a black snake in the eternal night...

Seeing Ye Zi's changes, Kushina felt the pressure deeply, and her expression was always as solemn as a mountain.

At the same time, the wooden clone came to the hospital.

Tsunade is there...

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