Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 435 Shisui’s plan (6th update)

Uchiha a very special person.

He has a precocious mind and his thoughts are far ahead of those of his age. After being noticed by Uchiha Tomio, he took the young man to the battlefield, hoping that he could grow up as soon as possible.

The method equivalent to pulling out seedlings to encourage growth did not bring negative effects to Uchiha Itachi. On the contrary, the effects obtained were positive and very powerful.

What he saw and heard on the battlefield gave Uchiha Itachi a higher level of consciousness.

He knows what he wants, what he is pursuing, and what conditions are required.

It is power... No matter what you are pursuing, without power, it is just empty talk.

At this time, there were not many people who had witnessed the battle between Kushina and Ye Zi. He was one of them. Even people older than him, if they were standing here and witnessed this scene with their own eyes, they would probably only have deep feelings of regret. Feeling of powerlessness.

That sense of powerlessness will be like hands that are as substantial as their own, quietly grasping the entire head, reminding themselves at all times that the gap between them and this kind of existence is worlds apart.

However, Uchiha Itachi dared to be shocked by a power he had never seen before, but he was not affected in any way. On the contrary, this directly expanded his horizons.

There seems to be a trace of light that is hard to see hidden in the extremely beautiful three-magatama Sharingan.

This symbol of light may represent a moment of growth.

The astonishingly powerful golden chain launched attacks with almost no blind spots, but those attacks seemed to penetrate Ye Zi's body and failed to hit him.

However, it was not penetrated, but actually perfectly dodged, because the hem of Ye Zi's black windbreaker, even if it was wrapped by the black thunder, would still be beaten into pieces flying in the air by the golden chain.

After spending a lot of chakra, Ye Zi was able to deal with it at a slight to incalculable cost.

Kushina took a deep breath. Only when she really faced it could she deeply feel how powerful Ye Zi was, so even Minato was defeated by Ye Zi.

Not enough, far from enough!

Kushina bit her lip habitually, and her consciousness instantly sank into the space where the Kyuubi was sealed.

After attaching the huge prison rod of the sealing technique, Kyuubi lay on the ground bored. After seeing Kushina coming, he raised his eyelids slightly and was too lazy to pay attention to her.

It was also unlucky for him. Both jinchūriki had abilities that he could not resist no matter what. Even though Kushina had experienced strong emotional fluctuations many times because of Ye Zi, he had no chance.

If it were any other Jinchuuriki, Kyuubi would have expressed his gratitude to Ye Zi long ago.

Kyuubi, lend me some more chakra. Kushina stood in front of the floating railing, looking into Kyuubi's lazy eyes.

Hmph. Kyuubi snorted in displeasure and said in a deep voice: With your current ability, if you want my chakra, isn't it just a matter of taking it?

Kushina shook her head and said seriously: After all, this is your chakra. I have to ask you before taking it.

Kyuubi's eyes were slightly cold and he said coldly: Then what if I don't agree?

Kushina was suddenly embarrassed. After a moment of silence, she said seriously: Then I still want to borrow it and return it to you later.


Kyuubi's face suddenly darkened and he shouted: Uzumaki Kushina, one day I will tear you apart!

Kushina smiled slightly and turned away, avoiding Kyuubi's fierce eyes.

Hey, Kyuubi. There was a deep sadness in Kushina's eyes. In this consciousness space, at least it would not be seen by Ye Zi outside.

Would you be lonely if I wasn't here?

When she said these words, the back of Ye Zi appeared in Kushina's mind, and the world she saw in her eyes seemed to be incompatible with his figure.

Sometimes I also wonder, what kind of feeling is that? Is it loneliness...?

Kyuubi's eyes moved slightly, he turned away, and mocked: Lonely? Stop joking, I wish you would die quickly so that I can be released.

I'm sorry for letting you be imprisoned in my body. Kushina said softly.

Kyuubi had an indifferent look on his face and said with hatred in his tone: You humans are such selfish creatures. You can deny the will of others for your own selfish desires.

Kushina sighed softly, adjusted her emotions, turned back to Kyuubi and showed a bright and carefree smile, and said: Don't worry, I will definitely return the borrowed chakra to you afterwards!

After saying that, without giving Kushina a chance to react, Kushina disappeared from the conscious space. Kushina silently looked at the place where Kushina disappeared, snorted coldly, and said slightly angrily: Hypocritical human!


Eastside Badlands.

Shadow clone technique. Kushina shouted.

Bang bang...!

Nearly a hundred shadow clones wrapped in the tailed beast's chakra suddenly appeared, with nine golden chains behind them.

There were so many shadow clones all at once, but Ye Zi's expression was unmoved. Originally, he didn't have much magic chakra anymore, but the timely feedback of the magic chakra from the clones gave him more confidence.

But if so many shadow clones are not dealt with, it will be a big trouble.

With the advent of the tree world, these shadow clones can be dealt with, but after using it up, only about 20% of the magic chakra will be left. Without the advent of the tree world, the shadow clones can be destroyed by controlling natural energy. But there are too many, and the risks are high.”

Ye Zi's thoughts flashed quickly, and immediately, Kushina's shadow clone came over the sky with many golden chains, which was very spectacular.

Each golden chain cannot be underestimated, and the only option is to use the tree world to descend.

Uchiha Shisui, who wanted to rush over to support, saw Kushina launching an offensive with nearly a hundred shadow clones, and he couldn't help but be confused.

If you face this kind of formation, even if you fire Susan, you may not be able to block it. Each shadow clone draws a chain, which is scary just thinking about it.

Maybe there is no need to use other gods. Shisui thought silently, teleported a few times, and came to the vicinity without going to join Kushina.

That's it! Kushina hid behind the shadow clone and did not personally take part in the danger. Ye Zi was fast and had terrible close attack power. Only by keeping as far away as possible could the danger be minimized.

Nearly two hundred shadow clones gathered from all around, and the number increased to such an extent that Ye Zi's plan to focus on defense and save chakra failed.

Immortal magic, the tree world is coming!

Faced with the siege of many shadow clones, Ye Zi remained calm in the face of danger and quickly formed the tree world descending seal. This was the first time he had mastered the immortal mode and used the tree world descending technique.

The ground suddenly shook violently, followed by bursts of thunder-like sounds, and dust suddenly flew up.

Dozens of thick tree roots wrapped around Ye Zi broke out from the ground at a very fast speed, forming a spiral around Ye Zi and spreading out to the surroundings.

Countless crisp cold drinks came from the air, and countless golden chains slapped at the flying tree roots.

The golden chain fell on the root of the tree, making a loud noise, but it could not break the root.

Tenaciously withstanding the attacks of countless golden chains, dozens of tree roots instantly swept away all the shadow clones in mid-air and on the ground.

Bang bang bang...!

Sweeped by tree roots, every shadow clone was immediately destroyed.

After wiping out many shadow clones, the tree roots spread in a spiral manner towards the surrounding Kushina without stopping.

If the battle between spells cannot cause substantial damage, then the most significant effect will be the consumption ratio between the two parties.

For example...this scene now.

Seeing the arrival of the tree world that wiped out so many shadow clones in an instant, Uchiha Shisui was also shocked.

We can only use other gods! He thought and looked at Kushina. Seeing that the other party had room to retreat, he also retreated, trying to avoid the roots of the tree.

At the edge of the East Area, Itachi felt like he was numb.

This level of power is refreshing the upper limit of his cognition again and again.

It's so powerful that if you put yourself in it, you'll be... powerless.


I have many apprentices, disciples, deacons, helmsmen, hall masters, and protectors, and now I finally have an alliance leader.

Purple Pig has always wanted a leader! ! Ha ha!

Anyway, thank you to the leader who rewarded me Yunshi, who is also the first leader in this book.

This is one of my wishes, and the second wish is that I don’t want Itachi to become the criminal responsible for the genocide.

The 6th update, monthly pass! !

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