Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 454: Transfer and News

Even if there is one year, the risk of implanting Hashirama cells cannot be completely avoided. In other words, this technology is accompanied by fatal risks. Even if the risk is reduced, after implementation, there will inevitably be victims. .

In itself, the technology of implanting Hashirama cells carries huge risks. No matter how hard Nanako works during this year, the success rate can be stabilized at 60%.

If Ye Zi really decides to do this, then more than 40 of the hundreds of children in the stronghold may die because of this experiment. Due to the uncontrollable probability, more or fewer may die.

What is certain is that there will definitely be victims, and not too few.

Why...Ye Zi suddenly decided to let the children in the stronghold undergo transplantation of Hashirama cells. Although the strength of the clones is not high, at least there is no need to worry about loss, so even if the Sharingan is to be used, choose the clone. Not bad as a carrier.

Ye Zi, even if you give me a year, the risk will still be high. Nanako hesitated for a moment and did not try to dissuade Ye Zi, but explained this point.

No matter how high the risk is, one year later, they will implant Zhujian's cells. Ye Zi looked calm, and he knew very well what this decision meant.

Nanako bit her lip and couldn't help but said, Do you have to do this?

Ye Zi replied without hesitation: It must be done. I don't have the patience to wait for them to grow now. This is the only way to make them realize their value as soon as possible.

Nanako couldn't help but remain silent and put her value into play... Indeed, wasn't the purpose of gathering war orphans to train them into a force that could be driven?

However, Ye Zi has always allowed the children to be trained in the stronghold, and has never sent them to perform any tasks. From time to time, he has also personally taught the children. Even at the beginning, he repeatedly rejected Orochimaru's attempts to transfer the children. We used it for experiments.

Several times, Ye Zi had the idea of ​​implanting Hashirama cells into children, but after hearing the success rate she said, she gave up the idea.

Now, Ye Zi must have made some decision that she didn't know about, so she was so decisive this time.

If you don't want to, I'll let Orochimaru do it. Looking at the silent Nanako, Ye Zi walked a few steps towards the door, then stopped and turned his back to Nanako.

Let me do it! Nanako said immediately with her heart beating slightly.

That's good. I'll ask Yu to help you sort it out. Once you're done here, you can probably leave. Ye Zi said and walked towards the door.

Nanako watched Ye Zi leave, her eyelids drooping slightly, her expression slightly complicated.

After leaving the laboratory, Ye Zi walked alone in the passage, his face expressionless, and his dark eyes quietly disappeared into the place where the light source could not cover him.

He wanted to push forward the plan as soon as possible, and currently, the average strength of the children in the stronghold was at the Chuunin level, and a small number of them were already at the level of ordinary Jounin.

But this alone has no effect at all, so Ye Zi decided to give them a year, during which time the training will be more rigorous, and then they will be implanted with Hashirama cells, and the successful ones will continue to be implanted with Sharingan. , the loser is death.

People who are not from the Uchiha clan will bear a corresponding burden after transplanting the Sharingan. However, if there are Hashirama cells in the body, not only will there be no burden, but the multiplication effect of the two is by no means one plus one equals two. So simple.

Ye Zi deeply understands this. As Madara said, the combined power of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan is the strongest. That is the road to the Samsara Eye. Although it is basically difficult to reach the end, if it is to change Strong, then this path is correct.

Originally, Ye Zi was very resistant to experimenting on children because of his childhood experiences. This was also the reason for his strong rejection of Orochimaru.

This time, he suddenly made a decision. Although the main reason was to promote the plan as soon as possible, doing so was also the best choice for the children.

The battle between ninjas is not a child's play, it is a real life-and-death struggle, and the result of insufficient strength is death.

If their time needs to be used, it will be the time when they have to fight the enemy to the death. At that time, strength will be the bargaining chip that can increase their survival.

Even if the implanted Hashirama cells may cause death, after implantation and the transplantation of the Sharingan, the strength can be enhanced. This is the guarantee in battle.

But in any case, he will not inform the children of his decision now, but will wait until a year later before he tells the children about it.

At that time, whether the children want it or not, it will not be their choice.

Ye Zi went to find Yanye and the others, and they were basically ready to leave. After that, he asked Yu to help Nanako. Once the preparations for the laboratory were completed, they could set off immediately.

Soon, all the necessary preparations were made, and the group began to migrate again in great force.

Before leaving, Ye Zi turned on the immortal mode and used the technique of inorganic reincarnation to erase the entire underground stronghold without leaving any trace.

As for the location of the new base, Ye Zi chose the country of Taki. The reason for choosing this place is very simple. Because the Ninja Village of Taki was not completely wiped out after Nagato captured the tailed beasts last time. However, the population dropped sharply and the village continued to decline. If you want to return to the previous level, it will take only a few decades.

When Ye Zi went there, he planned to directly destroy the entire Long Ninja Village, and then set up a stronghold at the location of Long Ninja Village. It was easy to defend but difficult to attack, which was a very good choice.

The team headed towards the country of Taki. Along the way, Ye Zi asked Bai Jue to create wooden clones as the team's spies, scattered around the team to prevent the movements from being known to others.


As time passed day by day, the news that Konoha Village was attacked and suffered heavy losses spread quietly throughout the entire ninja world.

Both the Great Ninja Village and the Little Ninja Village learned about this incident, and they all knew the person who did it.

Nowadays, no one knows Ye Zi's name. Even every bounty hunter wandering in the darkness knows Ye Zi, let alone the Ninja Village?

Regardless of whether Ye Zi's reputation is good or bad, it is undeniable that his reputation is basically known to everyone in the ninja world.

People will not know who the shadows of the Five Ninja Villages and Small Ninja Villages are, but they will definitely know Ye Zi's name.

Now, Ye Zi has done another big thing, which is to attack Konoha. Not only did it cause serious damage to Konoha, but he was also able to escape unscathed.

That was Konoha Village, a place where many high-end combat forces gathered.

It is not a time of war now, so there is no need to divert too much of the combat power of a ninja village, and Konoha Village has a lot of top combat power.

It is said that Ye Zi did not have many troops to attack Konoha this time. Such losses to Konoha were basically caused by Ye Zi alone.

So, how did Ye Zi do such a big thing in Konoha Village and still escape unscathed?

You must know that in this long history of war, no one has attacked Konoha's village head-on, but now someone has done so, and Konoha has suffered a big loss.

After hearing the news about Konoha's collapse at the hands of Ye Zi, even the other ninja villages who hated Ye Zi felt gloating in their hearts.

And Konoha... is still in a sad atmosphere.

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