Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 467 Tools and Memory

The original contract was made by Ghoul, so the 'contract seal' must be used on Ghoul to take effect.

After trying for a while with his limbs sealed by the 'sealed door', he gave up the struggle when he found that it had no effect at all. He looked at Ye Zi's face with anger.

Ye Zi stood there in silence for a while, took a deep breath, and walked towards him.

Seeing that Ye Zi really seemed to have a way to terminate the contract, Nao's face changed slightly and he suddenly started struggling again. However, the 'Fengmen' was like a mountain pressing on him. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not break free.

If this kid really has a way to terminate the contract, then don't I have to let him do what he wants now? He couldn't help but imagine in a bad direction, and there was a look of surprise in his one eye. Because of the contract, even if Ye Zi Now that he was under control, he didn't think there was anything to worry about, but it would be terrible if Ye Zi could terminate the contract.

Hey, are you kidding me? Nao stared at Ye Zi and suddenly raised his voice several levels, seeming to cover up his lack of confidence in this way.

Why did Ye Zi specifically imprison him with wooden pillars just to prepare for the subsequent termination of the contract?

Ye Zi ignored him and walked to his side, avoiding his sight.

At first, Nao was convinced that Ye Zi could not terminate the contract, but he thought that his power system had changed and he had been assimilated by chakra, so there was a possibility.

As Ye Zi got closer and Ye Zi couldn't be seen, the uneasiness in his heart became more and more serious, and his struggling posture became more and more crazy.

If the contract was terminated and his movements were deliberately blocked like this, Ye Zi would definitely kill him.

Don't mess around. The soul contract of life and death is no joke. If you are not careful, you will fall into it. Nao yelled.

Ye Zi remained silent and did not respond to any of Nao's words. The vertical pupils in his snake eyes slowly expanded, and without any warning, he stretched out his palm and stamped it on Nao's side.

Contract seal.

Accompanied by a low cold shout, black spells suddenly appeared out of thin air around the palm printed on Nagami's side. They extended a palm's distance around and then stopped expanding.

The 'Contract Seal' formation was formed in the blink of an eye and had an instant effect.

Ye Zi and Gao immediately noticed that the connection between them was suddenly broken. This feeling was like a tight rubber band suddenly breaking, and the two ends disappeared instantly due to the violent rebound force.

Just as Ye Zi thought, Nao's power system was assimilated by the ninja world, and the energy unit became chakra, so the 'contract seal' can have an effect.

The connection between the contracts was broken. Ye Zi curled up the corner of his mouth slightly and showed a relaxed smile, while Nao's eyes widened in complete disbelief.

How is it possible? How can you terminate the contract!

Nao didn't dare to accept this fact. His body like a mountain twisted wildly, but it could only throw up a burst of sand and dust, and the door that sealed his neck and limbs did not move at all.

Now, do you know you're afraid? Ye Zi didn't walk in front of him, but stood there.

You insidious bastard! Nao yelled. How could he not be afraid? Ye Zi now is not as weak as when he first met him. He is fully capable of killing him.

After the contract was terminated and without the life-and-death relationship, Ye Zi would definitely not let him go. If it were him, he would decisively tear Ye Zi apart.

As soon as the words were cursed, without waiting for Ye Zi to reply, Nao immediately softened when he thought that his situation seemed not good, and whispered in a negotiating manner: Ye Zi, I will tell you how to break the space, how about you let me go? ?”

He, who usually calls himself ‘I’, now uses the word ‘I’.

Have you forgotten? Ye Zi smiled coldly.

He was slightly startled, not knowing what Ye Zi's words meant.

Ye Zi looked at the sealing spell array printed on the side of the body and sighed slightly. He recalled how desperate he was when he saw him for the first time. When his chest was pierced by the claws of the body, he even thought he was going to die like that. As a result, things kept taking a turn.

One thing I have to deny is that Gao did give him a lot of help in the first few years.

However, Ye Zi always knew that he was a dangerous guy, and his ability to gain strength through devouring would be a disaster for any world.

At this time, the ground under his feet was created by his ability. Sometimes Ye Zi also envied his ability.

Shaking his head slightly to get rid of these useless thoughts, Ye Zi sneered: Have you forgotten my spiritual transformation technique?

After being reminded by Ye Zi, I finally thought of the technique of spiritual transformation. If I remember correctly, it was the ability to devour souls and plunder memories, and it was also a ruthless move that could completely obliterate spiritual transformation.

Spiritual transformation technique, this your idea? His expression changed drastically, and a cold crisis suddenly surrounded his whole body, and even penetrated into his soul. The thought of his soul being torn to pieces by Ye Zi and turned into food ’ After that, he couldn’t help but become afraid.

Don't worry, you are still somewhat useful. I won't kill you just like that. Ye Zi's tone was cold.

After hearing Ye Zi's words, Nao breathed a sigh of relief, but his nerves were still tense and he didn't even dare to say anything anymore. Who would have thought that he was now in a situation where Ye Zi was at his mercy.

As for how to use it, it all depends on my mood.

After Ye Zi said something incomprehensible, he took off his shirt, leaving his upper body bare, revealing his well-defined muscles and the shocking scars all over his upper body.

What do you mean? He couldn't see Ye Zi, so he didn't know what Ye Zi was preparing to do.

It's okay to tell you, I want to seal my body. Ye Zi said coldly.

After hearing Ye Zi's words, Nao's expression was shocked, and he suddenly shouted in a stern and weak tone: Are you crazy? I am not a tailed beast. Not only will I not bring you any benefits, I will also disrupt your chakra movement. And don’t forget, my ability is to devour, if you do this, don’t regret it later.”

I will swallow your chakra all the time, and finally break through your body!

That's what he said, but he knew very well that once he was sealed into Ye Zi's body, it would only bring benefits to Ye Zi, but he had to swallow all the disadvantages.

How could he be willing to do this kind of thing, but at this time he had no choice but to say this deliberately to dissuade Ye Zi from thinking.

However, how could Ye Zi be scared away so easily.

You can give it a try then.

Ye Zi had a cold look on his face, stretched out his right hand and pressed it on his abdomen. An obscure black spell formation formed on his abdomen in the blink of an eye.

You will regret it! If you dare to do this, I will definitely eat you! Feeling that Ye Zi's intention was over, Nao roared crazily, and the door seal on him turned into a heavy despair pressing on him.


A silent sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Zi's mouth, and his left hand pressed on the side of Nao's crazily twisting body.

The Jinchuuriki seal is activated!

Suddenly, Nagoyama's body seemed to be sucked by an invisible vortex, twisting and spinning, and gradually getting smaller.

Ye Zi's right hand that was pressing on his abdomen suddenly turned and then let go, revealing a dark hole. He wanted to stuff the penis into this hole and seal it inside his body.

Realizing that he was really going to be sealed into Ye Zi's body, he cursed like he was resigned to his fate, venting his inner frustration and anger.

Ye Zi moved his left hand, and the screams and curses suddenly stopped. Xiao Shanda's body shrank in the invisible vortex and condensed into a yellow sphere surging with abundant chakra fluctuations.

Even if Nao is locked up here without food, the amount of chakra is still so abundant, which shows that this guy is a complete monster, but I don't know how he maintains so much chakra.

Ye Zi was determined. No matter what, sealing Nao into the body would definitely bring a lot of benefits, and with his immortal mode and Hashirama cells, he could avoid most of the risks.

Slowly stuffing the yellow sphere into the black hole on his abdomen, a tearing pain quietly eroded the nerves. Ye Zi frowned slightly, held back the pain, and pressed the sphere into the black hole at a steady speed with his steady and strong arms.

Although this process is painful, you should not be impatient, nor should you use violence to directly press the body into the sealed space set up in the body.

Looking coldly at the half-pressed yellow sphere, Ye Zi's eyes flashed with a faint light. As long as this seal is completed, he can use the jinchūriki's tactics like Kushina.

Indeed, tailed beasts and psychic beasts are completely incomparable, but Nao is not an ordinary psychic beast. If he is swallowed by a tailed beast, he can immediately become a tailed beast-level existence.

The swallowing ability is indeed terrifying, but what is truly terrifying is the capacity limit contained in Naoki himself. He has repeatedly expressed the idea of ​​swallowing the Nine-Tails in Kushina's body. In fact, he has the capacity to accommodate the Nine-Tails chakra.

As long as you give him enough time, even if you don't need to devour it, you can even reach the level of Nine-Tails just by condensing chakra normally.

Instead of saying it is a psychic beast, it is more appropriate to call it a tailed beast.

Ye Zi's eyes gradually became cold and stern. With the seal, he no longer had to worry about the ghouls growing too fast and taking away the sovereignty of the contract.

Although it is a seal, it can also completely liberate the ability of the devil, but the liberated ability is used to serve oneself.

Next, you just become my tool, huh...!

Ye Zi's eyes suddenly opened, and he pressed the yellow sphere completely into the black hole, and then quickly turned his right hand counterclockwise on his abdomen to seal the black hole, and the jinchuriki's seal was completed.

A sealing formation with six black whiskers extending out appeared on Ye Zi's abdomen, and the body was successfully sealed, and the pain that tortured the nerves receded like a tide.

Ye Zi breathed a sigh of relief, wiped away the cold sweat, raised his head and glanced around, picked up his clothes, and then directly used the reverse psychic technique to return to the room in the stronghold.

Throwing aside the clothes that were stained with a lot of sand, Ye Zi sat on the wooden bed with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The seal is one-sided, just like a jinchuriki, it traps the tailed beast within the body and allows it to use chakra.

However, if the Jinchuuriki does not get the approval of the tailed beast and uses too much chakra from the tailed beast, he will be affected by the will contained in the tailed beast's chakra, and in the end he may even lose his mind and go berserk.

Using Nao's chakra may also be affected.

First look at Nao's memory and find the method he said to break the space.

Ye Zi whispered to himself, sinking his mind into the sealed space.

In the dark and empty space, a huge prison appeared above the water waves. Behind the railings formed by wooden pillars, there was a huge one-eye with an icy luster faintly flashing in the darkness.

Ye Zi's figure suddenly appeared on the water waves. The place where his feet stood made a circle of ripples. His body exuded a faint light, which was particularly conspicuous in the dark space.

A pair of hands covered with sharp claws suddenly grasped the wooden pillar and railing, and the huge one eye came closer. With the light emitted from Ye Zi's body, he could clearly see his face.

Ye Zi, I'm going to devour you! Staring at Ye Zi, Nao roared angrily.

Ye Zi raised his head, looked at him calmly, and said calmly: You can't do anything except yelling now.

If you hit the vital point directly, your spirit will suddenly weaken.

After being sealed into the space, he realized his situation. If this was a contract, it was an unfair contract that was completely suppressed by one side.

He couldn't do anything now, and if Ye Zi wanted to do anything to him, he couldn't resist. He could only be kept in such a narrow place like a domesticated animal.

Ye Zi stretched out his right hand, and a stream of chakra emerged on his right hand without any warning, forming a sphere that slowly rotated, just like the Rasengan used by Minato.

Do you feel it? Ye Zi held the chakra sphere in his right hand and looked at him coldly.

You...extracted the chakra from my body? When the chakra sphere emerged in Ye Zi's palm, he keenly felt that the chakra in his body was a little less.

Ye Zi smiled coldly, but did not see any movement. The chakra spheres dispersed into threads and disappeared after a while.

I can extract the chakra from your body and use it at any time. Ye Zi said lightly.

The man's face showed stern anger. This was the reason why Ye Zi sealed him here. He couldn't help but said angrily: How dare you use me like this?

Ye Zi looked cold and said calmly: This is the reason why I don't kill you. You should be grateful that you are still useful.

He was so angry that he raised his hand and slapped the wooden pillar and railing hard, but he didn't make even the slightest sound. He said angrily: Don't give me a chance, otherwise I will definitely make you miserable!

You have no chance. Now you don't even have the right to use chakra independently. Ye Zi paused, showed a terrifying expression, and sneered: Chakra can be said to be your life. Once it is exhausted, If you do, you will die. To put it simply, when I extract your chakra, it is equivalent to extracting your life.

At this point, Ye Zi changed the subject and said calmly: But you should also know very well that you can condense chakra by staying here. Therefore, in order to avoid being killed by me draining all the chakra, you usually have nothing to do. When you are in trouble, it’s best to keep concentrating chakra.”

Who knows one day, I will use a lot of chakra? Maybe if your chakra is not enough, I will drain it all at once.

Ye Zi looked at Nao with very cold and terrifying eyes, and his words were also cruel.

Treating Nao as a tool that can extract chakra at any time is a powerful asset in every subsequent battle.

When he attacked Konoha before, it was because he didn't have enough chakra that he couldn't even continue to cause obvious damage to Konoha before leaving. Now if there is a ghoul, this problem can be solved to some extent, and he will go to Kumo Ninja Village later. Chakra is very important.

In fact, Ye Zi already has a lot of chakra, but if he puts himself on the opposite side of a great ninja village, his chakra will naturally appear to be seriously insufficient.

Nao didn't make any more angry moves, but stared at Ye Zi, and smiled angrily: Very good, you win.

As if he had accepted his fate, now he doesn't even have the right to commit suicide. If he doesn't want to die, he must make his chakra sufficient and unable to threaten Ye Zi. Even after Ye Zi dies, he will die with him. , unless Ye Zi is willing to let him out.

When I no longer need you, I may be merciful and let you go. Before that, you will either die from being drained of all your chakra by me, or you will have to work hard to concentrate your chakra. Ye Zi said coldly.

He was silent. This situation was more uncomfortable than death, but he would not die. He must not die!

Looking at the silent man, Ye Zi said: You said that you can break the space with enough energy. Next, I will use my own way to find out this method.

His pupils suddenly shrank, and he didn't see any movement from Ye Zi. What he saw in front of him fell into darkness without any warning.

In the sealed space, Ye Zi and Nao both had their eyes closed, as still as sculptures.

Ye Zi began to invade Nao's memory.

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