Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 487 Liangfeng Youxin

Life withered in silence, and the silent room exuded a strong smell of blood. Blood seeped through the bed board, forming droplets of blood and falling to the ground.

There were a total of eleven targets in the apartment facing the street. Within fifteen minutes, Ye Zi killed them all in their sleep, while Bai Jue closed the eleven pairs of eyes.

After leaving the street-facing apartment, Ye Zi turned to the residential area.

Kill all the targets in the apartment first, then the targets in the residential area.

Even though there are not many people in the Uchiha clan who have opened the Three Magatama Sharingan, but with the Three Magatama Sharingan, and coupled with the conditions of being alone, the targets that can be selected are actually very limited, but Ye Zi finally picked out from them. Over thirty qualifying targets.

In this way, in this deep night, the Uchiha clan members died silently one by one under Ye Zi's knife without being noticed by anyone.

Generally speaking, even if a ninja is sleeping, he will not relax his vigilance so much. In a sleeping state, as a jounin, he should be able to keenly sense that someone is approaching.

However, since they were in the village and in the station, which gave them a complete sense of security, they naturally did not expect that someone would sneak into the station quietly and target them.

The dark clouds in the night sky were clustered together, and there were faint signs of scattering. With no wind, it was unclear whether it would rain.

When the clouds parted a gap, the moonlight was finally able to shine down and fall on the earth.



The twenty-third...



The thirty-first...


Whenever I recite the number of people silently in my mind, it means the death of an Uchiha clansman.

It took about more than an hour, and the task was still short of the final pair of three magatama sharingan.

Uchiha Purple Pig, it has a very weird name. It is located at No. 212 Can Street, close to the edge of the station. If you get these eyes, you can leave directly.

Ye Zi stood in a room, most of his body hidden by the window, only a little exposed, enough for his eyes to see what was outside, and he quietly looked in the direction of the Uchiha Purple Pig.

At this time, the space where the clouds dispersed became larger, and the moonlight poured in freely, illuminating a wide road outside Ye Zi's house.

Ye Zi's eyes were immediately attracted by the silver glow reflected on the street. By coincidence, a child stepped on the moonlight and walked over from the other side of the street. He lowered his head slightly and seemed to be muttering something.

That's it? Ye Zi's cold eyes fell on the child. He remembered this child.

Judging from his height and appearance alone, he seems to be around thirteen or fourteen years old, which is a significant change from a year ago.

If I remember correctly, when he and Kushina were fighting in the East District of Konoha, this brat had been watching from the edge of the East District. At that time, Ye Zi took a special look at him and saw the three Magatama Sharingan.

At that time, this kid was not tall and his appearance was relatively immature, only 9 or 10 years old. However, after a year, the height and appearance were obviously different.

This kid has a pair of Sharingan eyes, and they are right in front of him. In this case, there is no need to sacrifice the near for the far away. He directly kills the kid in a sneak attack and takes away the last pair of three magatama sharingan.

Thinking of this, Ye Zi silently pulled out the 'blood' on his lower back. He decided to kill this kid and take away his eyes. As for the pre-determined target, the Uchiha Purple Pig, it was still some distance away from here. Let him go and save yourself some trouble.

In Ye Zi's eyes, even if the kid he saw had opened the three Magatama Sharingan at a young age, he didn't take it seriously. He was just an enemy who had been killed with one sword.

This kid was Uchiha Itachi who had returned from training. He didn't know that he was being targeted by a dangerous person. And the Uchiha tribesman named Uchiha Purple Pig was sleeping soundly at this time, completely unaware of Uchiha Itachi. Helped him avoid disaster.

On the street, Uchiha Itachi said to himself unwillingly: I lost to Shisui eleven times today, and only the shuriken had the upper hand. How can I not lose so miserably?

During training today, Shisui was tortured as usual. After Uchiha Itachi and Shisui separated, he did not go home immediately. Instead, he found a place and trained directly until now.

For a child of his age, if he didn't go back so late, his family would definitely be anxious, but unlike him, he didn't have to worry about being scolded if he went back too late.

As Uchiha Itachi walked towards his home, he thought about the mistakes he made in today's battle, even if they were just detailed mistakes, he must avoid making them again in the future.

With such strict demands on himself, coupled with the three Magatama Sharingan and talent, Itachi became the captain of the ANBU team at the age of eleven, and his strength was recognized by the team members.

Even when there was no mission, he never relaxed for a moment. He often sparred with Shisui, constantly improving the mistakes he made in the battle, and at the same time increasing his practical experience.

Even when Shisui is not free, he will keep training alone. It can be said that all his idle time is spent on training, so that every time his younger brother wants him to accompany him, he can only be cruel. reject.

With his head slightly lowered, Itachi carefully thought about the small mistakes he made today. The silver moonlight shone on him, drawing a long shadow on the ground in front of him.

At this moment, Itachi was completely unaware that a butcher knife was hanging over his head.

But at this moment, a wisp of breeze appeared out of thin air, blowing towards him and stirring his hair a few times.

The wind is picking up. Feeling the coolness on his face, Itachi suddenly smiled.

Starting from this evening, the weather has been a bit strange. The sky is full of gloomy dark clouds, and it looks like it is going to rain, but there is no wind at all. Then from evening to midnight, the dark clouds have not dispersed, and the temperature in the air has also dropped. no change.

The sudden breeze at this time, carrying the icy cold temperature, freed Itachi from his thoughts.

After all, there has been no wind for most of the day. It is not surprising that the wind suddenly picked up at this time and attracted attention.

However, it was this sudden cool breeze that saved Itachi's life.

He raised his head slightly because of the cool breeze blowing. At a glance, he saw a sudden shadow next to the long shadow on the ground.

The timing of this shadow's appearance was exactly when he glanced at it, which was no coincidence.

Itachi's pupils shrank, and before he could think too much, his hands quickly formed magic seals. He felt a slight hint of crisis, like a needle pricking his back.

After the slight sound of breaking through the air, there was a sword light that came quickly towards Itachi's vital point.

But it was Ye Zi's sneak attack that cut Itachi's body into two halves with a hiss.

There was no scream, the body was divided into two halves, and Ye Zi frowned slightly.

This kid...forms seals very quickly.


There was a sound of white smoke, and Itachi's body that was cut in half turned into a broken piece of wood.

Ye Zi's body was suddenly entangled in the thunder flow. During the sneak attack, he did not use the thunder escape, because the movement was too obvious and was not suitable for a sneak attack. Moreover, with only the speed of increase in the immortal mode, he could not sneak attack a kid. It's a trivial matter that is easy to grasp, but unexpectedly it was missed.

In fact, if it hadn't been for the sudden cool breeze that caught Itachi's gaze, even if Itachi's seal formation speed was amazing, he would definitely have died by Ye Zi's sword at that time.

It has to be said that sometimes fate plays tricks on people.

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