Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 492 Death and Grief and Anger

The ability of illusion is... quite interesting.

In the bloody world, Ye Zi raised his eyes slightly and looked at the hundreds of knives floating in the air. Those knives moved, and they all shot at Uchiha Tomigaoka on the Xingjia.


Thousands of swords pierced his heart, and Uchiha Tomigaoka suddenly let out a shrill scream. The sound stopped abruptly as soon as it started, and his whole body turned into minced meat on the ground.

A second later, the scene returned.

It was still the Xing Jia, still hundreds of floating knives, and Uchiha Tomigaoka's expression was filled with pain, his face had turned pale, and sweat kept oozing out.

Ye Zi watched this scene expressionlessly. Uchiha Tomigaoka's unbearable performance now truly showed the horror of this trick. If it weren't for the 'Goten God', he would have been tortured to death.

The torture continued... one cycle at a time, creating a never-ending hell of pain.

Outside, on the main street where Uchiha was stationed, Ye Zi and Uchiha Fiqiu were facing each other. Itachi retreated to a safe place and watched the upcoming battle between his father and Ye Zi.

He thought the battle was about to begin, but he didn't know that the battle was over within a second.

End of monthly reading...!

The chakra in Uchiha Fiqiu's body was instantly drained, and the blood on his face disappeared instantly. It seemed that it was due to the loss of strength. He couldn't help but half-knelt on the ground, his chest heaving rapidly.

Itachi looked at this scene, confused, what happened, how could his father become like this in an instant?

Just when the doubts first emerged, Ye Zi suddenly moved, holding the long knife, and ducked in front of Uchiha Tomioka who was half kneeling on the ground. Then he raised the long knife, his eyelids drooped, and his face was cold.

Uchiha Fiqiu raised his head with difficulty. The kaleidoscope in his eyes hissed and turned back into black eyes. At this time, the long knife raised by Ye Zi was reflected in the eyes. Knowing that the result of failure would be death, he suddenly revealed a bitter look. look.

Father! Itachi's heart seemed to skip a beat, and his eyes trembled. When he made a move, Ye Zi's long knife had already fallen.

At this moment, the moon's light was almost swallowed up by dark clouds. On the main street, there were only three people, Ye Zi...

No one can stop the sword struck with the victor's attitude.


The knife fell, blood spattered, and even a few drops of blood flew towards Ye Zi, but they were evaporated by the thunder flow.

The leader of the clan, Tomioka Uchiha, fell to the ground silently without any resistance, and his blood flowed out in a matter of seconds.

Ye Zi's killing technique is very exquisite. With one strike of the knife, the target will not even have a chance to react physically, and he will be killed with one strike.

The Uchiha clan is a very powerful clan, and their clan leader died under Ye Zi's sword on this moonlit night.

Itachi's body froze in place, staring blankly at his father who fell to the ground without a sound. The three Magatama Sharingan in his eyes trembled rapidly from side to side with a very small amplitude.

Ye Zi ignored Itachi, held the knife back, freed up two fingers, lifted Uchiha Fiqiu's body, moved his free left hand, and flashed across Uchiha Fiqiu's eyes like lightning.

With a sneer, little drops of blood splashed out. Ye Zi used his superb skills to gouge out a pair of Uchiha Tomigaoka's eyes in one sweep.

That's it. Ye Zi threw down the body of Uchiha Tomigaoka, put the eyes in a glass bottle and put them away. Within the range of perception, all the Uchiha tribesmen in the Uchiha station had already rushed over.

Now, Ye Zi is fully capable of continuing to cause trouble in Konoha before leaving, but he does not have to do so. Later, he also wants Nagato and Konoha to fight, and then sits on the mountain and watches the tigers fight. How can he weaken it at this time? Konoha.

Moreover, it is necessary to evaluate the gap between Konoha and Nagato in the future. If necessary, find an opportunity to send part of Nagato's ability information to Konoha to set a stumbling block for Nagato.

Although I didn't intend to take the opportunity to cause any more trouble to Konoha, but... let's get rid of this brat before leaving.

Ye Zi swung his long knife and cut off a piece of flesh from Uchiha Fiqiu's body, then put it away.

At this time, the focus in Itachi's eyes slowly spread, and his face was dull. The scene that happened in front of him made him unable to accept it for a moment. The grief in his heart seemed to pinch his heart hard, and it was so painful that he seemed to have forgotten to breathe.

how so? His father died just like just a few breaths, he was killed by Ye Zi.

Moreover...Ye Zi also gouged out his father's eyes?

A surge of grief and anger rushed into his head arrogantly, and Itachi's dull expression suddenly changed, becoming filled with a thick layer of anger.


Sadness and anger intertwined, Itachi did not yell, he had already made a decision, even if Ye Zi was as strong as a mountain that could not be crossed, he would still break through the mountain with his physical strength.


The three magatama Sharingan changed without any warning. The black magatama rotated, and then merged with the eye pupils. It was constantly twisting and in a state of shaping.

Ye Zi, who had made up his mind to kill Itachi before leaving, was a little surprised when he saw this scene. How could he not know that this was a sign of opening the Mangekyou Sharingan.

You are so young, actually...

An awe-inspiring murderous intent appeared on Ye Zi's face, chakra exploded, and his body spanned a hundred meters in an instant. In a few breaths, he came in front of Itachi who had just opened his kaleidoscope eyes, and chopped him off with a single knife.

Just when the long knife exuding cold murderous intent was about to take away Itachi's life so ruthlessly, the space fluctuated. Obito suddenly appeared next to Itachi who didn't react, and stretched out his hand to press on Itachi's shoulder.

call out!

The Flying Thunder God activated, and Obito and Itachi disappeared instantly.

The long knife fell into the air and struck the air. The shock wave formed immediately cut a deep mark on the ground, and several houses in front of it also split into two.

Is he that guy who can use time and space again? If I remember correctly, his name is Obito. Ye Zi narrowed his eyes, put away the long knife, and when attacking Uchiha Itachi, within the sensing range, towards The Uchiha people who came here first were still a little way away.

Therefore, when he slashed out this sword, Ye Zi knew that no one would come to rescue Itachi, and he was very confident that he could kill Itachi with the sword, but he ignored that there was also a Mangekyo in the Uchiha clan who could use the ability of time and space. The owner is Uchiha Obito.

Only he can use the kaleidoscope eye technique combined with the flying thunder god technique to save Itachi in this critical moment.

Whether it was the flying thunder god technique or the time and space pupil technique, if Ye Zi wanted to escape, there would be nothing he could do.

I wanted to get rid of the insignificant brat when I left, but in the end, I was rescued, and the Mangekyō Sharingan was actually opened.

It doesn't matter, everyone is almost here, and it's time to leave. Ye Zi thought and looked towards Bai Jue in a room not far away.

Having obtained more than thirty pairs of sharingan eyes, including a pair of kaleidoscope eyes, there is no need to linger any longer.

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