Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 495 Touchstone

Bai Jue's actions soon yielded results, and he found out the identities and movements of intelligence personnel in each village.

The scope of activities of this group of intelligence agents is basically around the Kingdom of Rain, and some of them have begun to approach his stronghold. The area covered is relatively wide, and it is obviously unrealistic to catch them all.

But Ye Zi didn't care much about these intelligence officers in the beginning, and now asked Bai Jue to find them out. Firstly, Bai Jue was idle, and secondly, he wanted this group of intelligence officers to be used as a touchstone for the members of the Snake Team.

The movements, identities, and number of people all had approximate values. After that, Ye Zi organized a snake team and began to distribute tasks.

In the training ground, the members of the Snake Team lined up and were about to receive their first enemy-killing mission.

This is your first mission. There are a total of one hundred and twenty-six enemies. Each enemy's strength is at the Jonin level. Your mission is very simple, which is to kill all the enemies. Ye Zi was fully armed. It is still a set of black combat uniforms without any ninja tool bag. There is a storage charm painted on the belt, so you can use it to extract the ninja tools you need at any time.

Every member of the Snake Team listened quietly to what Ye Zi said. They were also fully armed, wearing black standard combat uniforms, which were also regular ninja combat uniforms. They could wear a lot of ninja tool bags, and each one carried Not only are the types of ninja tools abundant, but they are also numerous.

This was thanks to the funds supported by Muzi, almost all of which were invested in ninja tools, so that the members of the Snake Team did not have to worry about running out of ninja tools.

The venue was quiet except for Ye Zi's voice.

Battle is very cruel. Either the enemy dies or you die. There is always only one outcome. I hope you can be mentally prepared. Ye Zi said expressionlessly.

No one spoke, every member of the Snake Team looked at Ye Zi seriously.

They have been mentally prepared for a long time, and they have trained hard for many years just to welcome this moment.

Kimimaro quietly clenched his fists, the expression on his face did not fluctuate significantly, but he was already eager to try in his heart.

Ye Zi looked around at the silent members of the Snake Team. He didn't see any fear or timidity, but only a vague eagerness to try. He couldn't help but be very satisfied, but it didn't show on his face.

You will be divided into seven teams and go to seven different locations. The captain of each team will be the top seven people in terms of strength.

Ye Zi said this, looked at Uchiha Jin on the right side of the team, and said calmly: The allocation of members of the seven teams is up to you.

Facing Ye Zi's gaze, Uchiha Shin nodded slowly. He is the person who knows the strength of the members of the Snake Team best. He knows the strengths of each member and also knows which members work well together in training and can perform well. Make the most appropriate assignment to each team.

The number and location of the enemy will also be told to you from the incoming team. Once the information is confirmed, we will be ready to dispatch immediately.

Ye Zi stared at every member present and said calmly: Finally, I have only one thing to say, don't die.

After saying that, he simply turned around and left. Uchiha will come in to handle the next arrangements. He will also participate in this battle to eliminate intelligence personnel, but his goal is different from that of the Snake Team.

His target is the strongest one among the one hundred and twenty-six people, the one with the strongest hiding method and the closest approach.

Yes! The members of the Snake Team, who had been silent from beginning to end, responded in unison as they watched Ye Zi's leaving figure.

Yan Ye glanced at the people present, and then chased after Ye Zi. She was very unhappy now because Ye Zi did not arrange a task for her in this battle.

When Ye Zi and Yan Ye left, Uchiha Shin immediately began to allocate the seven teams. First, he had to decide on the captain of each team, and the seven strongest members currently served as them.

The most powerful member is Kimimaro. Even Uchiha Susumu can hardly defeat Kimimaro. He leads the first team, which has the smallest number of members. Including the captain, there are only eight members, but the distribution They are all members of the top twenty, because the first team has the most severe mission and faces the largest number and strongest enemies.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This is the purpose of distribution.

The second most powerful member is Jugo, who is somewhat unstable, but his performance during this year was enough to make Uchiha Susumu and Ye Zi trust them, so he led the second team.

The third most powerful member is Yokoyama Nai. She is a girl and is only thirteen years old. She has short ear-length hair. In addition to her big eyes, her nose and mouth are delicate and small. She is good at using Thunder Release. Because she admires Ye Zi very much, she has been trained in it. He has good sword skills and is used in conjunction with Lei Dun. He has been taught by Ye Zi many times. The level and type of his strength are very similar to Ye Zi's before.

The fourth member is Kohaku Koyo, male, fifteen years old, and one of the oldest in the Snake Team. He has a precocious appearance and a strong body. He looks like he is twenty years old. He is good at using physical skills and wind escape. In normal times, In the training battle, except for Kimimaro, he was confident of winning, including Jugo who was in a mad state.

The fifth member is Haruki Igarashi, male, thirteen years old, with short hair, plain appearance, but sharp eyes. Like Yokoyama Na, he admires Ye Zi and is good at using thunder escape, so he mainly attacks thunder. He enjoys tit-for-tat confrontation with Yokoyama Na in his Escape and Sword Skills.

The sixth member is Uno Shigeki, male, fourteen years old, with small eyes. He always smiles. He is good at using the three types of ninjutsu: fire, wind and earth. Physical skills are his weakness, but He has a very delicate mind and is very suitable to be the captain. He has a good relationship with every member of the Snake Team.

The seventh member is Qing Shuizhao, female, fifteen years old, with an upper-middle-class appearance, a pair of very conspicuous red phoenix eyes, and a mole under her right eye. She originally had long hair. On the eve of her first mission, she He cut his hair short and tied it up, and left no bangs. He was proficient in hidden weapons and ninjutsu. He also had good physical skills and good chakra control. He was the one with the best medical ninjutsu among the Snake Team.

The captains of the seven teams are served by these seven people, and the allocation of the teams this time is not a temporary decision. In order to play the role of the Snake Team, the method of dividing into seven teams will be adopted in the future, so this allocation will not be done in the future. will change.

Except for Kimimaro's first team, which has the smallest number of members, the other teams, including the captain, are all teams of ten.

Every member of the Snake Team has mastered the skill of concealed weapons, but there are only a few who are proficient in it, and each team is equipped with detective and medical members.

After assigning the members of each team, Uchiha informed the captain of each team in detail about the mission's goals and information, and then the team leader told the team members.

After everything was ready, Uchiha asked seven teams to go outside the stronghold to wait for notification.

After receiving the order, the seven teams went to the exit of the stronghold in an orderly manner. Before gathering, they were all ready to go out.

After almost everyone left, only Uchiha Shin and Uzumaki Karin were left in the training ground.

You also have a mission. Jin said looking at Xiang Phosphorus.

Xiang Phosphorus asked: What is my mission?

Jin said calmly: Just follow me.

Xiang Phosphorus was stunned.

This battle to eliminate intelligence personnel is the first actual combat for the members of the Snake Team. Even if each member is good in strength, there is no guarantee that there will be casualties. The mission of Uchiha Susumu and Karin is to try to avoid casualties as much as possible, and also Make sure no enemy is left behind.

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