Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 49 Help you

The bright moon was in the sky, and the cloudless night sky was filled with stars. The soft wind came from afar, forming sweeping waves on the grass. It gently passed through the dark eyes of the young man. He lay on the grass and looked up quietly. The bright moon in the sea of ​​stars and the silver light are trapped in those deep eyes. No one can know the world in those eyes, and no one can enter the thoughts in those eyes.

Whenever he had free time at night, he would always gaze at the moon, which was as big as the earth, as if he could see the smiling faces of his loved ones through its uneven surface.

The night breeze was extremely soft, and the lunch box wrapped in a small floral towel was quietly placed beside him. No matter how good the insulation effect was, the dishes inside would have become cold after a few hours.

At this moment, the slight sound of heavy objects trampling on the grass came from not far away. Ye Zi's eyes condensed subconsciously, and then slowly relaxed. There should be no danger here in the center of the army. The most important thing is, listen With the leisurely footsteps, he knew who was coming.

why do not you eat?

Under the bright white moonlight, the girl's clear words, like pearls falling on a plate, floated into Ye Zi's ears with the night wind. Her silver eyes were full of scrutiny, but her tone was as quiet as a windless lake. It was unnoticeable that the girl was a little angry at this moment.

Ye Zi only had the bright moon in his eyes, and did not see the girl's somewhat angry eyes. He did not understand what the food in the lunch box actually meant, but as the maker, the girl knew it better than anyone else, even She knew better than the superior person in the medical field, so she saw that the bow on the lunch box had not been touched after several hours, so she became a little angry.

Ye Zi said calmly: My injuries have recovered, and I don't feel that my energy and blood are still lacking, so...

The girl's thin willow eyebrows slowly curved, her eyes as soft as the night wind swept over the leaves on the grass, slowly raised up, and cast them onto the silver moon in the cloudless night sky. She had both eyes and the moon. The same beautiful eyes, but at this time, the silver moonlight cannot cover the eyes of the same color, and there is hesitation and worry in those eyes.

She said: It's not blood replenishing.

Ye Zi was stunned. He didn't know how to answer for a while. He actually wanted to say: If such a box of food has no benefit to the body, it is better to stuff it between the teeth. But in fact, this is only unilateral to him. speculation.

Then... why did you prepare these for me. He didn't know the girl's name, and he never thought of asking. If possible, he didn't even want to accept it. However, when you may lie in someone else's bed at any time, On the operating table, you cannot easily ignore the good intentions of others.

The girl didn't answer, but said, Can I sit down?

Ye Zi simply said: Of course.

The girl moved her steps and sat gently beside Ye Zi, her hands wrapped around her flexed and stretched legs, her head lowered, her delicate chin resting on her knees, Ye Feng playfully gently pulled her temples down. two strands of silver hair.

Ye Zi smelled a faint fragrance, just like the scent of ginger orchid covered with dew in the morning. Following the fragrance, he looked at the girl beside him and saw the black hair hanging from the temples. The silver hair that fell down was particularly conspicuous. When his eyes moved, he could only see half of his face covered by the long hair.

The girl stared at the tips of the grass blowing gently in the night wind and said softly: Did you know that the cells in your body are extremely active?

Ye Zi was slightly stunned, and after a moment of silence, he calmly said: I know a little bit.

The girl said: This is not a good phenomenon. The number of cell divisions in a person's life is limited. Judging from your current division rate, your life span is less than thirty years.

Ye Zi looked very calm and said: Then?

So I want to help you suppress the rate of cell division.

Ye Zi suddenly looked at the food box beside him and said calmly: Are these?

The girl nodded.

Ye Zi looked at her side face, with a touch of coldness in his eyes, and said, Isn't it more direct to use medicine? It may even be more effective?

The girl faced Ye Zi's cold eyes and said calmly: I don't dare.

Don't you dare? Ye Zi gave an inexplicable sneer, and then said coldly: I am very grateful to you for your repeated treatment, but I don't need your self-righteous help.

The girl's concealing behavior has touched his bottom line.

The girl was silent for a moment, and then said seriously: In less than a year, the anesthetic dose that is twice as high as the average person to the current dose that is five times has no effect, which shows that the rate of cell division in your body is still going on. Speed ​​up, the basis for judging that your life span may be less than thirty years is the speed of cell division. If it cannot be effectively inhibited, your body may one day age rapidly. Even so, don't you care?

Is the statement that sounds serious at first glance the real truth?

Live less than thirty years?

One day the body will age rapidly?

Early degeneration of body functions?

This is indeed very serious. However, so far he has only experienced the benefits brought by his body. If this were not the case, maybe he would not be able to persist. If not, maybe he would have died long ago.

Ye Zi suddenly straightened up his upper body and said coldly: In this era where you may die at any time, why should I suppress it? So what if my life span is less than thirty? So what if I will age rapidly one day? If this can Let me do what I want to do quickly and everything will be worth it.”

Even if one day, dragging his old age and barely surviving, he will return there, he will still have a little bit of chakra left as the first light after dawn.

Only by returning to that world can there be hope...

The determination in that tone made the girl feel the weight of it. She didn't know what Ye Zi wanted to do, but she could easily tell that it must be a very difficult matter, so much so that she could even Giving up her life, for some reason, she suddenly had an urge to do something for Ye Zi, just like when she started preparing food to inhibit the speed of cell division, but at this moment, the feeling was clearer and clearer.

She still remembered the first time Ye Zi was sent to the operating table. His whole body was dripping with blood, his breathing was so weak that it almost seemed like he would stop in the next second, and there was an inexorable unwillingness in his frowning eyes, which made her She immediately knew how strongly the boy on the operating table didn't want to die, so she tried her best to save him at that time. The moment the boy opened his eyes, she remembered him deeply. It was only a few seconds. In the dark eyes that opened, there was first extreme fear and reluctance. When the oxygen transported from the breathing mask could be felt, the fear and reluctance receded at the speed of light and turned into confusion. , followed by calmness, an inexplicable calmness after knowing that he had survived. It was not happiness, nor ecstasy. It was a calmness that was extremely inconsistent with the previous strong will to survive.

It was the first time she had seen such a young man, so she remembered him deeply that time.

Until now, she wanted to do something for him, and this feeling was particularly strong, at least at this moment, very strong.

I want to help you, I want to help you, you have to let me help!

The girl who had always been quiet became strong for the first time in her life.

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