Scourge of Naruto

Push a wave of books.

Sword Immortal Ruoye Becomes a Cute Girl

Introduction: Only here, Jianghu is young and prefers to dominate the world;

Gratitude and enmity take advantage of the youth, light swords and fast horses;

The world of mortals has not been broken, and I have no worries, I only love life and death;

Discussing Taoism when drunk, and picking flowers when awake.

Rumor has it that Jiang Hu is young and not familiar with the prosperity of the world.

Whether it is an enemy or a friend, we might as well end it with a fight;

Whoever you are, at what age, is willing to swab blood and discuss tea with me;

In the dream, the moon is still bright and the sky is far away.

Pocket 2D Heroine Go

Introduction: When you wake up, the whole world has changed. The two-dimensional heroine runs around and becomes a conquerable pocket baby.

Wild Empress Hancock? The wild empress Qi Wang? The wild king Saber?

Subaru threw a Rem at you, and the protagonist Lin Fan caught it, became her master, and vowed to take good care of her.

Go ahead, Naruto, use the [Rasengan], Naruto jumped out of the dimensional ball and shouted: I am the man who wants to become Hokage!

Go ahead, Luffy, use the [Rubber Pistol], Luffy jumps out of the dimensional ball and shouts: I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King!

Go ahead, Kurosaki Ichigo, use [Getsuga Tensho], Ichigo jumps out of the dimensional ball and shouts: Swastika, I want to fight ten.

Dr. Wang next door knocked on Lin Fan's door and asked, Xiaofan, is your mother home alone?

Lin Fan: That's right. Dr. Wang: I'll give you this mythical beast. Go and become the Dimensional Treasure Master. Lin Fan: Get out!

Naruto: Shinobi World Flash

Introduction: The ninja world is shrouded in darkness and conspiracy hidden in the depths, and a certain man controls everything.

Namikaze Minato - The golden flash of Konoha will illuminate the ninja world with its light.

If I can meet you again, no one can take you away from me!

Sixteen years ago in the Nine-Tails Incident, the fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato was killed. When he starts his life again, how will everything change?

As quiet as a virgin, as moving as a flying thunder god! !

This is the shine of Konoha.

The flash of ninja world...

Come on!

With his golden color and shining name, he shocked the five countries and became famous in the ninja world!

Naruto: Blue Wings Cover the Sky

I've seen this book advertised at least ten times in my book review section. It's absolutely crazy. Please give it a thumbs up.

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