Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 502 The missing opportunity (1st update)

The yellow toad from Mt. Miaomu has a lot of beans on its head. It has a plump face and looks honest and cute.

After the white smoke dissipated, a yellow toad with red eyes appeared in front of Minato.

Toad Dragon? Minato knew all the toads in Miaomu Mountain, and when he saw Toad Dragon, he recognized it at a glance.

Brother Minato, my grandparents are dead. There were tears in Toadryu's eyes, but Minato was stunned by his next words, Boss Jiraiya is also dead.

Minato suddenly stood up, and because of his excessive movement, he pushed the chair to the ground.

What did you say? His eyes widened, unable to believe what Toad Dragon said.

Grandfather, grandmother, and Boss Jiraiya are dead. Toad Dragon couldn't help but shed tears again. He came here to inform Minato and let him know about this.

When Minato heard this, his body trembled suddenly, he put his hands on the desk and slowly lowered his head, unwilling to believe the news that the two great immortals and Jiraiya-sensei were dead.

The news came so suddenly that he was unprepared. Whenever he thought about the death of his respected teacher Jiraiya, his heart throbbed.

Although I am used to seeing death, and I know that the profession of ninja is to walk on the edge of the knife, when someone important dies, it is inevitable to feel sad.

This feeling of loss was really painful. He even regarded Mr. Jiraiya as a father-like existence. The scene of Jiraiya laughing boldly echoed in his mind, and there was also the scene of Jiraiya staring lustfully at a big-breasted woman. , and after practicing the Rasengan, he seemed to be hiding a treasure and was very cautious when revealing the secret.

A teardrop suddenly fell on the palm of my hand, followed by two, three...

Minato stared at his hands that were soaked with tears. He had no intention of thinking about how Teacher Jiraiya and the two powerful immortals died. There was only sadness that kept rising in his heart, making him extremely uncomfortable.

He is not a man who sheds tears easily, but at this time, even holding it back is useless.

Lowering my head, just to let the tears dry up faster...

Tears flowed silently for a while. Minato slowly raised his head, looked at Toad Dragon who kept wiping away tears, and asked, Is it Ye Zi?

This is the only possibility that can be thought of. No, it should be said that Teacher Jiraiya's death is definitely related to Ye Zi.

The letter sent to Mr. Jiraiya would never be sent. Minato even thought that with Mr. Jiraiya's behavior, when he discovered the information about the Sharingan team and Ye Zi, he would definitely not miss it. this opportunity.

He also thought that Teacher Jiraiya might take risks, so he wanted Teacher Jiraiya to give up the action, but he didn't expect that Ye Zi's movements would be so fast.

When this matter is irreversible, Minato doesn't want Jiraiya-sensei to die without any value.

Toad Dragon said with a cry: Dad said it was the black snake that did it.

When Minato heard this, his expression turned cold. It was indeed Ye Zi...

The hands on the table slowly curled up and clenched into fists. There was a faint urge in his heart to lead troops to attack Ye Zi's stronghold, but he forcibly resisted the urge.

The position he was in did not allow him to be emotional.

Toad Dragon, you should go back first. Minato suddenly looked at Toad Dragon, with a sharp light shining in his eyes.

Toad Dragon was slightly startled, as if his reaction was relatively slow, and he didn't notice that Minato's eyes were very different from usual at this time, so he returned to Miaomu Mountain.

When the Toad Dragon disappeared, Minato straightened his chair and sat down with his elbows on the table, his palms crossed and resting on his chin. After a moment of silence, he called the Anbu and asked them to bring Jiraiya Notify the relevant personnel of the death, and then ask an ANBU to notify Nara Shikakure's office.

Reason told him that he could not lose his sense of proportion because of Ye Zi.

However, if you need to pay some price to deal with the potential threat of Ye Zi, then let's pay some price.

Other Ninja Villages must be made aware of the danger level of Ye Zi and Yu Ninja Village. Minato muttered to himself in a deep voice.

The major ninja villages always only serve their own interests as the starting point, and will not do anything if there is no profit.

If Ye Zi and Yu Nin Village seriously harm the interests of other Ninja Villages, no matter what the reason is, they will not be able to convince other Ninja Villages to join the fight against Ye Zi and Yu Nin Village.

Moreover, if all the Ninja Villages are united to deal with Ye Zi and Yu Ninja Village, the purpose is also obvious, that is, to spread the cost to bear. So, why should other Ninja Villages agree to something that has no benefits and no benefits?

Especially during the period when you need to cultivate your health and recuperate...

However, Minato could only do this. He would not let the village become the leader, otherwise he would probably lose his wife and troops.

Therefore, how to convince other ninja villages is a difficult problem. Even if he cannot be convinced, he still has to share the known information, which can be regarded as a foreshadowing that is not deep or shallow, and also a slight warning to other ninja villages.

If the prediction of the Great Toad Sage comes true, Ye Zi will definitely become the enemy of the entire ninja world. He just hopes that the time for the various ninja villages to unite will be in time.

There were many important things that were difficult to choose. Minato would only think of Nara Shikaku, but not the two advisors, Monoto and Koharu.

When Nara Shikaku came to Minato's office, the news about Jiraiya's death was also sent to Tsunade and others.

Hokage-sama. Shikaku came to the desk, stood upright, and said hello first.

It is said that like father, like son, his son Shikamaru is not yet old enough to enter a ninja school, but he has already shown extraordinary intelligence, but in terms of personality, he is completely different from his father. .

Nara Shikaku always has a serious attitude when dealing with affairs, but his son Shikamaru has been lazy since he was a child, and he doesn't know how he has such a character.

I asked you to come here because I have something important to discuss with you. Minato looked at Shikaku. This was his right-hand man. After taking office, many things were thanks to Shikaku's help. It can be said that Shikaku is absolutely outstanding. A reliable right hand.

Lord Hokage, do you want to take action against Ye Zi? Lu Jiu asked.

Minato was startled for a moment, then nodded heavily and said in a deep voice: After all, we have to remove this threat. We can't always look forward and backward.

Lu Jiu said 'hmm' and said calmly: This is natural, but the Fire Country has always been a place of war, and has worries that other ninja villages do not have. Even if it is to deal with Ye Zi and Yu Ninja Village, it cannot Let the village contribute on its own.”

I know, so I want to unite other ninja villages. Minato said solemnly.

Shikaku sighed and said: By uniting with other ninja villages, we can share risks and losses, but there is still a lack of an opportunity.

Minato was startled when he heard this.

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