Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 509 Yun Hefeng (3rd update)

It's really unreasonable.

Not to mention the difficulty difference between the two tasks, the number of people assigned to the team is very problematic.

Scorpion brought up this unreasonableness, but did not know that this allocation was proposed by the person involved.

Ye Zi glanced at him and said calmly: It's very reasonable, so be it.

When the person involved said this, Xie paused, then withdrew his gaze and said no more words.

Thus, the magic of the magic lantern body was lifted.

The core members located in various places are all heading towards the Kingdom of Rain.

We had to gather before six o'clock in the evening, and we had to set off immediately after that. Time seemed very tight.

The stronghold of the country of Taki.

Ye Zi and Uchiha Shin had long been prepared. After the Magic Lantern Body Technique was over, they would leave their stronghold and go to the Land of Rain, leaving a dissatisfied Yan Ye behind.

Rain Ninja Village, room on the top of the tower.

Nagato slowly opened his eyes, looked at Konan beside him, and said, It's time for you to get ready.

Xiaonan said Yeah and left, going to make some simple preparations and then wait for the others to meet at Yu Ninja Village.

Nagato was the only one left in the main hall.


He stared at the empty hall and whispered to himself.


On the way to the Kingdom of Rain, Ye Zi thought like this.

In the afternoon, Ye Zi and Uchiha came to Yu Ninja Village. At this time, other members except Bai Zetsu had not arrived yet.

After that, people came one after another, and before six o'clock, everyone arrived.

Except for Ye Zi, who was wearing a black outfit, everyone else, including Jin, was wearing Akatsuki's exclusive black-bottom red cloud robe.

Ye Zi, I look forward to you bringing good news. Kakuzu looked at Ye Zi and said.

Ye Zi didn't respond to Jiaodu, and stood in the rain, staring quietly ahead.

Let's go. Xiaonan glanced at everyone present.

On your side, it's best not to fail. Ye Zi left a sentence and ran away into the distance. Bai Jue smiled and disappeared into the ground.

It's up to us to say this. Kakudu looked at Ye Zi's retreating back speechlessly. God knows how Ye Zi could be so confident.

Xiaonan watched Ye Zi's figure disappear into the rain, and said calmly: Let's go too.

As soon as he finished speaking, he went in another direction.

Their target was the Mizukage Six-Tails Jinchuuriki of the Mist Ninja Village. Although the difficulty was relatively low, going to the Mist Ninja Village required a waterway, and most of the time was probably wasted on the road.

Kisame, Juuzou, Scorpion, Susumu Uchiha, and Kakuzu all followed Konan, and the group of six headed towards the Kingdom of Water.


One day later, Ye Zi and Bai Jue came to the Kingdom of Thunder.

The terrain of the Kingdom of Thunder is dominated by mountain peaks, but Ye Zi and Bai Jue's earth ephemera technique can ignore this terrain and maintain a relatively fast traveling speed.

It took half a day for the two of them to reach a mountain peak outside the cordon of Yun Ninja Village.

The intelligence collected by Bai Jue this year, including the cordon set up by Yun Ren Village, can provide Ye Zi with the conditions to infiltrate.

The peak they were on was just an inconspicuous one among the many peaks. Ten kilometers north from here was the Yunlei Gorge, and the Eight Tails were there.

Do you have a plan? Bai Jue asked.

One kilometer past here, there are almost all warnings set up by Yun Ninja Village, and there are many Yun Ninja guarding them.

Wait until nightfall, then sneak into the Yun Ninja Village to deal with the two jinchūriki first, and then go directly to the Yunlei Gorge. Ye Zi looked at the outline of the Yun Ninja Village in the distance.

Is it that simple? Bai Jue was stunned.

Ye Zi glanced at him and said, What else?

Bai Jue shrugged and glanced at the sky. It was too early and said, Then let's wait until midnight.

As he said that, he found a protruding rock and sat down on it.

After Ye Zi stood facing the wind for a while, he also found a rock leeward, sat back and closed his eyes to fall asleep.

When night falls, he will sneak into the Yun Ninja Village to start the mission. If it goes well, the mission will be completed tomorrow. In this way, he will be one step away from the final plan. Kushina.

If you want to go back, collecting all the tailed beasts may not be enough, but you won't know the result until you try.

No matter what, if the plan goes ahead, Kushina will only end up being pulled out of the Nine Tails and die.

This is a necessary process for the sake of results.

When you think of Kyuubi, you think of Kushina, and when you think of Kushina, you bring up past memories.

However, Ye Zi no longer hesitates or hesitates, this road can only go straight to the end... How can the efforts made along the way stop here.

Time passed by, and the sky gradually changed.

Seeing that night was approaching, Bai Jue suddenly said: If this infiltration goes as smoothly as the last infiltration into the Uchiha station, then it will be okay, but if it causes too much movement, you may have to capture the Eight-Tails next time. We have to face the strength of the entire Cloud Ninja Village.

Ye Zi's closed eyes opened slightly and he said calmly: Then what?

Are you sure that you can capture the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki under the eyes of all the fighting forces of Yun Ninja Village? Bai Zeze's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

I'm not completely sure. Ye Ziru replied.

Once the capture fails, it won't be so easy next time. Bai Jue said.

Ye Zi said calmly: So I will not fail.

It’s not that you can’t fail, it’s that you won’t fail.

Being able to say something like this despite not being completely sure shows not only confidence, but the concept of never allowing failure.

Bai Jue was silent for a moment and suggested: You can use the art of reincarnation from dirty soil. This way you can at least avoid risks.

No need. Ye Zi said coldly.

If Orochimaru were here, he would let Orochimaru control the foul earth body to resist the Cloud Ninja army, and then he would capture the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki alone.

Moreover, the army of dirty soil is his trump card, and he will not use it easily until the last moment. Even in the last invasion of Konoha, he only consciously exposed a little bit.

Moreover, although he is not completely sure, Ye Zi is still confident that he can complete this task.

Seeing that Ye Zi rejected his suggestion, Bai Jue stopped talking and sat quietly on the rock. From the moment he was born, he was like an aimless duckweed. Even though he had an independent soul, he could not Know what it means to survive.

From the moment his consciousness was born, he was a being who could only take orders from others. This may be the meaning of survival.

It was Madara before, and now it is Ye Zi, but in the end, Madara's orders are still the main one.

If Ye Zi is the person who hides behind the scenes, then he is the one who hides deeper than Ye Zi. After that, it is Madara.

He knew the truth of everything and knew that from the moment Ye Zi was rescued by him, he became a pawn in Madara's hands.

As a helper and bystander, he was ordered by Ban, and he watched Ye Zi's experience as a bystander very early on. After the plan started, he became an assistant.

I don’t know when he started to be interested in the future development driven by Ye Zi.

Perhaps, this is the meaning he vaguely found...not simply following orders, but what he wants.

Precisely because he knew that Ye Zi's final outcome could only be failure, he wanted to see if anything would happen. This was his own idea.

It’s not a good story to have a predetermined ending from the beginning.

The mountain breeze came, the white clouds fluttered, and strands of thread passed before Bai Jue's eyes...


The monthly ticket gap is getting wider and wider, which makes me feel so desperate.

When I looked at the update volume of the two people above me, I felt aggrieved. The daily update volume was unbeatable.

Such a contrast makes it look like I'm still being left behind even though I'm trying so hard to update, giving people a sense of déjà vu like a clown T.T., and a touch of sadness.

After all, they are high-quality products and have a large number of subscribers, but there is still a certain gap.

I really want to give up, but think about it and stick to it. Even if the gap is getting bigger and bigger, I still have to try my best to update in the past few days to see the results.

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