Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 517: A gorgeous debut (5th update, please vote for me.)

The ninjas in Yun Nin Village are very familiar with Ye Zi. Of course, this familiarity is what they think they are.

Comparing Ye Zi with the Third Raikage, all members of the Cloud Ninja Village unanimously believe that the Third Raikage can defeat Ye Zi. Some people even think that it will be a crushing victory, but just now Ye Zi and the Third Raikage briefly fought. The final result was that their faces felt slightly sore.

However, they still firmly believed that the Third Raikage would win, but they also had a general understanding of Ye Zi's strength.

There are only a handful of top masters in the ninja world, and Ye Zihui is one of them.

Using their specialties as the factors for detachment, four-fifths of Yun Ninja Village's combat strength was divided into several groups and headed towards the Yunlei Gorge.

Tutai was in charge of the village. He knew that the Third Raikage was determined to kill Ye Zi, and almost the entire village's combat power was mobilized in order to prevent Ye Zi from escaping.

Ye Zi was once able to escape intact despite being surrounded by Konoha's numerous combat forces. The Third Raikage certainly did not want to end up in the same miserable end as Konoha.

Fortunately, with the information sent by Konoha, Ye Zi can't even think of escaping this time, but Yumu probably won't be able to chase him back. Dodai looked at the direction in which the large army was leaving, his eyes solemn.

The sensing team could not sense the location of Bai Zetsu who took away Yuki Ren, and there was still Ye Zi at the moment, so when the Third Raikage issued this order, he had actually given up on Yuki Ren.

It cannot be said that this is a ruthless choice, it can only be said that one of the two is weighed.

He is also one of the people who has browsed the information. He has a clearer understanding of Ye Zi's strength than most people in the village who admire the Third Raikage. Coupled with the strength Ye Zi showed tonight, even if the information is slightly exaggerated Not excessive.

With the ability to blend into objects anytime and anywhere, if he wanted to prevent Ye Zi from having a chance to escape, he had to set up a dense surrounding net.

Tutai retracted his gaze towards Yunlei Gorge, led an elite team, and used the teleportation technique to arrive in front of Zhuludie and the others. He stretched out his arms in the direction of the residential area, put his fingers together straightly, and said lightly: Please .”

The meaning is obvious, that is, you have watched the show, so go back and have a good rest.

Shikaku was silent. In vain, he had the idea of ​​participating in this battle. With the known information, he only needed to know some information about the high-end combat power of Yun Ren, and he could make use of Yun Ren's combat power that cannot be underestimated. Maybe Ye Zi's life can be left in Yunlei Gorge.

Having this idea was not because Shikaku looked down upon the commander of Kumo Ninja, but it was his expertise in this area. If it were left to him, he would have the confidence to do a better job.

Do you need our help? I'm somewhat useful here. Shikaku stretched out his index finger and tapped the sun. He had this idea and wanted to see if Yun Ninja would agree.

Haiyi and Dingzao were slightly startled when they heard Shikaku's words, but they remained silent. No matter what choice Shikaku made, they would choose to fully support it.

Tutai continued to guide the three people, and said calmly: Yunren Village is not weak enough to need assistance from outside the village.

After all, they have been enemies before. Tutai does not know the ins and outs of Zhu Lu Die and the other three, but he also knows that Lu Jiu’s head is very useful. In short, he is a smart person. When he thinks of the other party’s intention, no matter whether he can kill Ye tonight Azusa, most of the time the Third Raikage-sama will agree to the alliance.

It seems that your trip will not be in vain. Tutai looked cold.

Originally, the private cooperative relationship between Yun Ninja and Yu Ninja was not bad, but from the moment Ye Zi took action against Yun Ninja Village, the 'feelings' that had been cultivated before directly turned into nothingness. It was just a coincidence that he met Konoha. The proposed union.

Lu Jiu did not dare to answer these words, and he and his companions silently walked towards the residential area.

It is true that they will not return in vain... The alliance has been completed. The next step is for the five major ninja villages to work together to uproot the rain ninja village and redistribute the tailed beasts that were taken away. If the cloud ninja village can kill Ye Zi tonight , even better.

The probability is still very high. After all, almost the entire Yun Ninja Village's combat power was mobilized. Lu Jiu thought silently. Yun Ninja Village was in full force, but not all its combat power was mobilized. The people who just went to Yunlei Gorge The number of ninjas is close to ten thousand.

The key point is that the weakest Kumo ninja is also at the chuunin level. With such a powerful force, it is not easy for Ye Zi to escape.

With a little bit of hope, the three of Ino Lu Die returned to the room and could only wait for good news to come from Yun Ninja Village.


An army of nearly 10,000 Kumo ninjas, composed of chuunin and jounin, headed towards Yunlei Gorge in a mighty manner.

Ye Zize has arrived at Yunlei Gorge.

It is surrounded by mountains, and almost all of it is water underneath. There is a huge platform in the center, and there is an island-like ground further away, but the main advantage is still mostly water.

This water is all seawater flowing from the outer sea into the inland, forming a strange terrain where mountains and seas merge into one. This is Yunlei Gorge.

When Ye Zi came to the outer peak, Yun Ren, who was responsible for guarding Kirabi, noticed Ye Zi and came to Ye Zi as quickly as possible.


Questioning almost always comes before anyone answers.

The visitors were three cloud ninjas who were close to the jounin level. They only had time to utter a short question before they were killed by Ye Zi with a single blow.

Just three?

Perception expanded, and apart from the three cloud ninjas who were turning into corpses, the only remaining aura was in a house built on the mountainside.

There is a platform at the bottom. On the edge of the platform, there is a stone staircase that goes up to a hundred steps. Above it is an eaves arch. The three characters Yunlei Gorge are written on the plaque.

On the left and right sides of the arch are a pair of lizard sculptures. The lizard's tail is very long, extending directly from the edge of the stairs to the bottom. Through the arch is a house, and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki lives in it.

At this time, Kirabi was sleeping soundly, completely unaware of Ye Zi's arrival, and did not know that the three companions responsible for guarding him from running around had died in Ye Zi's hands.

Oh, I am the lonely Kirabi! In his sleep, Kirabi suddenly raised his hands and made a cool gesture.

In the sealed space, Niu Gui helplessly covered his forehead. Didn't he miss the opportunity to create his own lines even while sleeping?


Ye Zi jumped down from the mountain peak, landed on the platform, and glanced at the stairs leading to the top.

Just when he landed on the platform, the ghost in Kirabi's body suddenly woke up and woke up Kirabi from his sleep. The latter was amazingly efficient. When he woke up in the middle of his sleep, he was even more energetic than normal. .

Huh? Have you been discovered? Ye Zi's eyes changed slightly.

A man carrying seven thin knives jumped out of the house, jumped down a hundred stairs, and landed in front of Ye Zi. It was Qilabi who was awakened by the cow ghost.

He held a pen and a small book in his hand. After opening the book, he took out the pen and started writing.

There was an explosion in the dark night, and I made a grand appearance, yo!

Kirabi read it out while remembering it, his head swaying slightly, looking very happy, without the hazy feeling when he just woke up.

No, no.

It seemed that something in the line was inappropriate. Kirabi drew an underline on the word 'explosion', and then leaned on his chin, thinking about what words he should use to pronounce it more smoothly and fit the melody better.

While he was thinking hard, Ye Zi suddenly moved and slashed at Qilabi with his sword.


Kirabi reacted quickly and dodged back in time to avoid it, but the book was scratched by Ye Zi's knife and was cut in half by the sharp thunder flow.

Seeing that the small book that recorded many classic terms that he had thought of so hard was cut off, Kirabi was stunned.

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