Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 519: Big Move

Feel the anger of the book being destroyed, little idiot!

The skull containing extremely powerful force bombarded Ye Zi's chest. The moment of contact, Ye Zi's body was like a bent shrimp, forming a horizontal 'U' shape.

Anyone hit in the front by the Thunder Plow Hot Knife in the tailed beast's second form will definitely die.

Kirabi dared to make such a conclusion. However, when Ye Zi's body did not fly out, his expression suddenly changed.


The body of Ye Zi, who was bent into a shrimp shape, suddenly turned into a jet-black thunder stream and spread out in the air. Most of the black thunder threads were floating around Kirabi's body.

After Kirabi's body rushed forward for a certain distance, he twisted his feet towards the ground and turned around, only to see Ye Zi standing a hundred meters away with an indifferent expression.

Thunder clone... super fast! Kirabi shouted excitedly.

The trick was dodged, you're so excited! Eight-Tails complained.

Kirabi said Oh, and in the second form of the tailed beast, he put his left hand under his right elbow, and touched his chin with his right hand, and said seriously: That's right.

It looked quite funny for that shape to behave like this.

Black lines suddenly hung down from Eight-Tail's forehead, and he said angrily: Be more serious, this guy opposite is very strong.

That's natural! Kirabi stared at Ye Zi in front of him seriously and said, I am Kirabi, the handsome Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki!

Ye Zi suddenly stretched out his right hand towards Kirabi.

Bi, this guy seems to be going to use his big moves, be careful. Eight-Tails reminded.

Huh? Kirabi's eyes narrowed, and his energy instantly became concentrated.


The black thunder stream on Ye Zi's right hand suddenly surged in a circle, and a black thunder beam as thick as a baby's arm was shot out from it, heading towards Kirabi.

Is this the ultimate move? It's too childish!

Kirabi moved three positions to the right, passed the black lightning beam that was shooting quickly, and rushed towards Ye Zi.

The lightning beam that was traveling straight forward turned strangely after passing Kirabi, then turned around and chased behind Kirabi.

Bi, be careful behind you. Eight-tails noticed this and immediately reminded him.

Behind? Kirabi trusted the Eight-Tails' judgment and immediately gave up the idea of ​​attacking. He quickly glanced behind him, his expression suddenly changed, and he jumped to the right again, avoiding the pursuing black thunder. bundle.

Thunder that can track? Cool! After Kirabi avoided the lightning beam, he moved all four limbs together on the platform. The speed was extremely fast, but the lightning beam was faster, and it was only a matter of time before he caught up. .

Ye Zi looked coldly at Kirabi running all over the ground. He only needed to maintain the output of chakra, because Kirabi had left a medium on his body, and the thunder beam would automatically track it.

You can't get rid of it, or else just rush towards that guy. Seeing the thunder beam getting closer and closer, Kirabi had this thought.

Bi, use the tailed beast jade on Ye Zi. I already know why the thunder beam will automatically follow you. Just use the tailed beast jade and leave the rest to me. After all, the eight-tailed beast does not need to be like Kirabi. Focusing fully on the battle, he had more space to find out the cause, and then he discovered the slightly sparkling black lightning on Kirabi's body.

This is probably the reason why Ye Zi's thunder beam automatically tracks.

This is the scary thing about the perfect Jinchuuriki. It seems to be one-on-one, but it is actually one-on-two.

Kirabi trusted the Eight-Tails and immediately gave up the idea of ​​avoiding the lightning beam. With a twist, his limbs slid out traces on the ground. When he stopped, he opened his mouth directly towards Ye Zi, condensing what the Tailed Beast Jade needed. Chakra.

Huh? Seeing Kirabi ignore the thunder beam and use the tailed beast jade, Ye Zi raised his eyebrows and suddenly became alert. He must know that releasing the tailed beast jade requires a little preparation time, which is enough time for the thunder beam to hit Kirabi. Yes, but the other party must have something to rely on if they choose to do this.

Just as Kirabi was condensing chakra, the Eight-Tails took action on the Lei Si remaining on Kirabi's body, directly separated part of the chakra, wrapped it in black Lei Si and threw it out.

Without the black thunder thread, the thunder beam lost the ability to automatically track. At the same time, the tailed beast jade was condensed, and the sphere containing powerful chakra suddenly shot towards Ye Zi.

Already alert, Ye Zi reacted quickly and decisively withdrew the lightning beam. When the Tailed Beast Jade attacked, he used Wood Release to condense a giant's palm and caught Kirabi's Tailed Beast Jade with his bare hands.

After seeing Ye Zi catch the tailed beast jade, not only Kirabi was stunned, but even the eight tails were confused. How could the tailed beast jade be played like this?

This is the key point of the intelligence. If Kirabi knew that Yukito suffered a big loss in this hand, he would definitely not use the Tailed Beast Jade easily, and even if he had to use it, he would not just vomit one.

Bi, flash! Eight-Tails reacted and quickly reminded.

Ye Zi had already thrown the tailed beast jade back towards him.

Partner, can you catch the tailed beast jade? Kirabi asked.

I'll catch you and run away! Eight-Tails roared.

Kirabi suddenly looked disappointed and ran wildly, trying to get away from the tailed beast jade's explosion range as quickly as possible.

The sphere of the Tailed Beast Jade has a very small area, so it is easy to dodge. However, the main lethality of the Tailed Beast Jade is reflected in the explosion. Generally, unless you resist it forcefully or move away instantly, you will definitely be injured by the power of the explosion.

The tailed beast jade landed at the place where Kirabi had been before, causing a violent explosion. The high-temperature air wave instantly swept Kirabi in, who had spread his legs to escape, pushing his body violently to one side. Fly out.

Soon, after the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, a huge hole was left on the platform, and seawater quickly poured in, forming a puddle.

The Third Raikage and Ai, who were approaching Yunlei Gorge, saw the scene caused by the explosion and immediately understood that it was the explosion caused by Kirabi using the Tailed Beast Jade. Knowing that Kirabi had already fought against Ye Zi, they felt slightly It's heavy. With Kirabi's strength, it shouldn't be solved in a short time.

So this is what it feels like to be hit by your own tailed beast jade.

Kirabi, who was affected by the aftermath of the explosion, lay on the ground in a big shape. The tailed beast chakra coat on his body had disappeared. He looked at the stars in the night sky and sighed.

Why don't you get up quickly? Eight-Tails said helplessly.

Kirabi jumped up from the ground like a carp, and it seemed that nothing was wrong.

Has the tailed beast transformed form been released? The timing is not very good, but there is nothing we can do.

Ye Zi quickly formed seals with his hands. Time was running out. He pinned his hope of catching Kirabi on this move. If Kirabi could not be caught, there would be three more people to deal with next. Shadow and Ai are gone.

The tree world is coming!

The range and power of the tree world descent used by the senjutsu chakra is larger and stronger!

The ground in front of Ye Zi was suddenly broken, and thick tree roots stretched out, like a shock wave, destroying the ground along the way and sweeping towards Kirabi.

This is the ultimate move!

Kirabi looked shocked, turned around and ran away.

The tree world poured into a large amount of magical chakra descended and grew at an extremely crazy speed. In an instant, half of the platform was covered, forming an artificial alternative forest, and the trend continued unabated.

Kirabi's body looked extremely small compared with this wonderful scene, like a mouse being chased by a cat, scurrying away.

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