Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 522: A weird battle

The loud momentum caused by the heavy flow storm immediately attracted the attention of Ai and Kirabi. They watched Ye Zi from a distance being knocked away by the Third Raikage's elbow, and their expressions changed.

Oh yes, you are indeed the Third Raikage-sama! Kirabi danced his hands happily.

Ai curled up the corner of his mouth and said coldly: If you take one of dad's moves forcibly, Ye Zi will be disabled even if he doesn't die.

His strong physique and the nintaijutsu he mastered were all passed down to the Third Raikage, whose abilities were above him.

In historical battles, anyone who takes one of the Third Raikage's attacks head-on will basically end up dead. There are also a few relatively powerful people who will be disabled even if they don't die.

Although Ai's power is weaker than that of the Third Raikage, the gap is actually not very far. If it were him, he would be able to achieve the same effect.

They all agreed that Ye Zi would be crippled even if he didn't die, but in fact, under this blow, Ye Zi was indeed seriously injured, but he was not crippled.

Sand mist filled the hole that was made. A hand stretched out from the sand mist and pressed on the edge of the hole. A figure slowly emerged from inside.

The hand holding the edge of the hole suddenly used force to crush the rock. Ye Zi walked out of it. The black thunder covering his body did not disappear, but his left arm hung down unnaturally.

After the left shoulder was hit by the Third Raikage's Heavy Storm, even with the defensive power formed by the black thunder, this blow still broke the left shoulder bone. It was not a comminuted fracture, but a simple crack. And like this Ye Zi was able to accept the injury. Relying on his self-healing power, it wouldn't take long for him to recover.

Without the black thunder, even if he survived this move, he would never be able to save his left shoulder.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Ye Zi looked at the Third Raikage on the platform from afar, without making a hasty counterattack.

Although it was not obvious, Ye Zi felt that the Third Raikage was on guard against his abilities, especially illusions. The traces of precautions were very heavy, but after all, his eyes were the symbol of illusions, so it was natural that he would be guarded against.

He was hit by an elbow from the Third Raikage. In the final analysis, he was a little careless. He never expected that the Third Raikage could change his moves so suddenly at that speed, and could connect the next wave of attacks so perfectly. Far beyond Ye Zi's expectation.

Ye Zi walked out of the cave, stepped onto the water, and walked step by step towards the platform covered by tree roots.

The injury on the left shoulder is gradually healing, very quickly in the immortal mode. It is about 400 meters to the right of the platform. There is no need to walk this distance, and the left arm is almost healed.

On the tree roots on the platform, the Third Raikage frowned when he saw Ye Zi's condition.

I was hit by a heavy flow storm, and the injury was so light? It seems that the black thunder's defense is not weak.

The Third Raikage thought silently, kicked off the tree roots with his feet, and shot towards Ye Zi who was walking on the water like an arrow.

On the calm water surface, waves of dragons were pulled out in vain. Still not walking in a straight line, the third generation Raikage moved left and right, approaching at a slow speed.

The kaleidoscope eyes in Ye Zi's eyes moved rapidly to the left and right, but he was still unable to focus on the eyes of the Third Raikage. As a result, the illusion could not be used.

Sure enough, I am on guard against my genjutsu. Although I can use 'Gotenjin', it is not necessary. Although the speed and power of the Third Raikage are powerful, they cannot cause fatal damage to me. If Susanoo can be activated, It’s not that troublesome.”

Ye Zi's thoughts flashed through his head like lightning. Susanoo needed to activate a pair of identical kaleidoscopes to be able to use them. Everyone's Susanoo was different, special and unique, but he could only use it. He opened a kaleidoscope, so he couldn't possess Susanoo's technique.

Faced with the powerful destructive power of the Third Raikage, Ye Zi thought of Susanoo's technique, but never thought that even with Susanoo, he didn't know whether he could resist the attack of the Third Raikage.

The answer is that it cannot be resisted. The attack power of the Third Raikage is enough to split Susanoo.

Putting aside useless thoughts, Ye Zi raised his sword to face the Third Raikage. He would not make the same mistake again, and now that he had the support in his body, he did not need to worry about insufficient chakra, so he could give it a try.

The two figures suddenly fought together, but there was no intersection between Ye Zi's sword and the limbs of the Third Raikage.

Ye Zi would not let the Third Raikage hit him with another punch. After seeing Ye Zi's black thunder defense, the Third Raikage naturally thought that the sharpness of the long knife covered by the black thunder must not be weak. Let the black knife If it was slashed, he probably wouldn't be able to withstand it even with his defense, so he kept dodging Ye Zi's knife during the attack.

Both of them were at the top of the ninja world, too fast to be caught by the naked eye. Therefore, in the close encounter with each other, their attacks fell into the air.

Bang bang...!

The blast of air caused by the fist passed through Ye Zi and hit the water behind Ye Zi, exploding waves of water.

Tsk tsk...!

The long swords that Ye Zi slashed at were all dodged by the Third Raikage, and the air flow from the slashes directly cut short slits in the water surface.

The frequency of the two's attacks was extremely terrifying, with several punches and knives being thrown per second.

In this high-frequency confrontation, the two were able to do both offense and defense. When attacking each other, they were always able to dodge each other's attacks in time.

Therefore, the water surface with the two people as the center looked like a little man being bullied by several big men. Pressed in the corner, he could only passively bear the waves of damage.

The exploding water waves and the cut open water made this confrontation scene look full of power.

However, thirty seconds passed, and the water surface endured the wrath of the two people, but the two people never touched each other.

With such a close distance and such a high frequency of attacks, generally speaking, the two sides will always have seamless contact, such as two knives colliding, or two fists colliding, to form a battle.

But the fight between Ye Zi and the Third Raikage was so weird. The speed and movement of the two were so fast that they could not be caught by the naked eye. During the offensive between them, they never touched each other.

Missed... The Third Raikage frowned. After beating Ye Zi with heavy flow in the first round, he felt that Ye Zi was nothing more than that. But now after the fight, he realized that his previous evaluation was completely wrong.

Ye Zi also frowned slightly like the Third Raikage. His sword could not kill the Third Raikage. Although he could cope with the Third Raikage's offensive, it was not an option to continue like this.

The two people were fighting together like this, fighting without each other touching each other, and the residual power caused by it spread to the surroundings, which looked very scary.

Kirabi and Ai, after the information handover was completed, wanted to come over to support the Third Raikage, but looking at this scene, they were a little at a loss.

The two figures shrouded in the thunder flow are not fixed in one area, but are constantly moving around between offense and defense. The speed is very fast. The shadows of the fist and the sword clearly merge into each other. Together, they all passed by each other and did not touch each other.

In this situation, they didn't know how to support them at all. Moreover, the explosion of energy produced by the Third Raikage's fist and the residual power of Ye Zi's slash were enough to tear apart an unsuspecting Jonin. Approaching hastily would not bring good results. eat.

The weird battle continues.

Nearly ten thousand ninjas from Yun Ninja Village arrived one after another and surrounded the entire Yunlei Gorge. Then they were all shocked by the fight between the Third Raikage and Ye Zi.

This was the first time they had seen such a battle. Even though they could not clearly see the movements of the Third Raikage and Ye Zi, there was one thing they were sure of.

That is...are you playing a game where whoever touches whomever loses?

It's incredible.

It is undeniable that their perception of Ye Zi's strength has completely changed. Being able to fight with the Third Raikage to such an extent, even if he is not stronger than the Third Raikage, he is not much weaker.

The leaders of each team did not dare to act rashly. Seeing the waves of water and the water surface that was cut open by the gas explosion, if they approached rashly, they would only be affected by the residual power.

Information about Ye Zi's abilities was passed on to his teammates through the heads of each team on the way over.

At this moment, they surrounded the place and waited for orders.

The high frequency of attacks required full concentration. The Third Raikage had no time to speak, otherwise he would definitely let his subordinates use ninjutsu directly on them without worrying about hurting him, even if they threw hidden weapons.

He was very confident that his defense could block these attacks, but unfortunately he didn't even have room to talk while he was distracted. He only expected his son to understand this.

In fact, Ai made this decision after looking at the time for a while, but he was still hesitating.


The fifth update, let’s update again before going to bed.

One hundred monthly tickets are missing from fifth place. Will there be a miracle?

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