Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 539: Tranquility

A day's rest was not enough for the six Xiaonan people to fully recover.

The trip to Mist Ninja Village had severely exhausted their mental and physical strength, and one day was not enough to fully recover.

Compared with the poor recovery of the six of them, Ye Zi has perfectly matched Hashirama cells in his body. In addition, during the battle at Yunlei Gorge, chakra was basically spent by him, so his loss was not that serious. A few days have passed since arriving at Yuren Village, and it has returned to its full glory.

Although the recovery effect was not good, Nagato could not wait any longer. Just like a boss who severely squeezed the labor force, he still gathered everyone and started sealing the tailed beast directly.

Since the Jinchuuriki were all in the Rain Ninja Village, Nagato directly channeled the heretic golem into the underground space under the tower of the Rain Ninja Village, so that he no longer needed to waste time on a trip to Tian Country.

Different from the underground cave where the heretic demon statues are placed in Tianzhiguo, the underground space under the tower is completely artificially constructed. The ground, walls and ceiling are all made of bricks, and there are traces of artificiality everywhere.

Without too many words, after channeling the heretic demon, Nagato mentioned the things that need to be paid attention to when sealing the three tailed beasts at the same time, and then opened the seal.

Eight people stood on the eight fingers of the heretic demon, stabilized their minds, and began to seal.

The scroll on the ferocious mouth of the heretic demon was removed, the mouth was opened, and chakra dragons sprang out from it, and they gathered together to bite Yukito, Yu Gao, and Kirabi who were lying on the ground and fell into coma. people.

The gathered chakra mass exuded powerful energy fluctuations, causing the three people to float in the air, and began to extract the tailed beast chakra from the three people's bodies. As the tailed beast chakra was gradually extracted, the lives of the three people were reduced. The countdown has also entered.

Streams of chakra emerged from the eyes, mouths, noses, and ears of the three people like trickles, followed the chakra balls, and flowed back into the mouth of the heretic demon.

It takes three days to seal one tailed beast, but it does not take nine days to seal three tailed beasts at the same time. However, it cannot be completed in three days. It is expected that the sealing can be completed in about five or six days.

During this process, the chakra and energy consumption of everyone responsible for sealing is higher than when sealing a tailed beast, and this process may take at least five days.

Ye Zi and Nagato were in relatively good condition, with their mental and physical strength at their peak, so such a demanding process was not difficult for them, but it was very unfriendly to Xiaonan and the other six.

Originally, they had only rested for one day after returning from Mist Ninja Village, and their recovery was not good. Under such circumstances, they had to perform the seal that lasted for five or six days. They gritted their teeth and could bear it, but the seal was over. If so, they would probably have to lie down.

In the silent underground space, there was only the faint sound of chakra flowing, and no one made a sound during the entire sealing process.

This situation needs to last for several days, which is not long, but quite boring.

When Ye Zi and others sealed the captured tailed beasts, the three of them arrived at the Mist Ninja Village, and what greeted them was the Mist Ninja Village with a desolate and sad atmosphere.

After explaining their intention, the Mist Ninja Village quickly welcomed the three of Ino Lu Die into the village and took them to meet with the senior officials of the village and the Mist Ninja Jonin who had a remarkable reputation for their strength.

In the conference room, everyone took their seats.

Everyone on the Mist Ninja side had gloomy faces and agreed to the alliance without any hesitation.

The major ninja villages can unite to deal with the rain ninja village, which is what the fog ninja village wishes for. As soon as the Mizukage was kidnapped, Konoha sent a 'pillow', but it still could not resolve the gloomy mood in the fog ninja village.

This is the second time that two generations of Jinchuuriki Mizukage have been kidnapped by the Rain Ninja Village. This time, they cannot hold back.

After agreeing to the alliance, the people in Mist Ninja Village told Ino Lu Die and the others what happened in the past few days.

After listening to the one-sided account of the Mist Ninja Village, the three people who were originally doubtful that Mizukage was not present were shocked. When they came to the Mist Ninja Village, they originally felt that the atmosphere was very strange, but unexpectedly it was because of the Mizukage. Ying was kidnapped by Akatsuki a few days ago?

This news had a great impact on Zhuludie and the others.

They took over the task of uniting the various ninja villages. Starting from Konoha, they first went to the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Earth. After the Sand Ninja and Iwa Ninja agreed to join forces, they went to the Cloud Ninja Village. As a result, Ye Zi happened to attack Yun Ninja Village, and kidnapped two Jinchuuriki from Yun Ninja Village.

As a result, Kumo Ninja immediately agreed to join forces. Later, because Ye Zi captured the jinchuriki, they felt that the situation was developing in a bad direction. They rushed to Kiri Ninja Village, but Mizukage was kidnapped by Akatsuki. How can you not be shocked?

The timing of the whole thing was too coincidental. If the three of them hadn't been running around for the alliance, they wouldn't have been able to learn about these two things at the first time.

Such a sudden big move in the Rain Ninja Village captured the Jinchūriki of the Kumo Ninja and the Jinchūriki of the Mist Ninja almost at the same time. Together with the tailed beasts collected before, this further proves that Akatsuki must have some unknown and terrifying purpose in collecting the tailed beasts. , thinking of this, the three of them thought of Kushina in the village.

Obviously, the Rain Ninja Village wants to collect all the tailed beasts, so the next target is most likely Kushina.

In fact, we just came from Yun Ninja Village, and the Jinchuuriki of Yun Ninja Village was also captured by Akatsuki six days ago. Shikaku suppressed the uneasy emotions in his heart and told the matter. come out.

Hearing Shikaku's words, the hearts of the senior Mist ninjas and Jonin present sank. Even the Jinchuuriki of the Cloud ninja village was captured, and it was very close to the time when the Mizukage was captured. In other words, This is a big move planned by Yu Ren Village.

Such a thing actually happens. The Mist Ninjas looked at each other with serious expressions.

The alliance is urgent. We will send a representative as soon as possible. We need Konoha to organize talks as soon as possible to discuss follow-up matters. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, among the fog ninjas, a middle-aged man with patterns painted on his face said in a deep voice. road.

Lu Jiu nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: The meeting place will be after we return to the village, and the news will be brought to you through the communication eagle. Before that, please make preparations for war in advance.

The mist ninjas looked at each other, and an old man with white hair said: Yes, please return immediately.

At this moment, even for a second, the Mist Ninja did not want to delay. After the matter was settled, he urged the three of Ino Lu Die and others to return to the village as soon as possible to organize the meeting.

The so-called meeting is when the five shadows gather together to discuss the various materials that each village needs to bear before attacking the Rain Ninja Village, to carry out reasonable distribution and dispatch, and to determine the number of troops dispatched by each village. Among them, genin, middle ninja and What proportion are ninja and jounin?

The matter of alliance is not just a matter of words. Before a full-scale attack, many things must be put on the table for discussion and everything must be confirmed. Then the troops from each village can be gathered together to attack Yu. The Ninja Village began an all-out attack.

After that, the three of Ino Shika Die, who wanted to return to the village as soon as possible, did not stay any longer and set off directly on the road back to Konoha.

He had no expectations for the alliance from the beginning, but through twists and turns, this alliance was facilitated. However, Shikaku knew very well why the alliance was possible.

Vaguely, I can already feel the violent storm that is about to form before the black clouds press on the ground...

When the three of Inar, Deer, and Die set out on their way back to the village, the progress of sealing the tailed beasts in Yu Ninja Village was slowly improving.

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