Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 548 Total Destruction (two chapters in one)

Where the pupils are focused, an everlasting black flame ignites. It is Amaterasu, who is known as the strongest fire escaper.

There is no need for seals, and there will be no chakra fluctuations when released. After focusing with the sight, the target will immediately ignite black flames silently. It is an irresistible eye technique.

Before knowing Amaterasu's ability, basically no one can defend against this move, but if the ability information is known, the possibility of defending against Amaterasu will be greatly improved.

This is the importance of ability intelligence between ninja duels.

Not only does the flame produced by Amaterasu never go out, it is also incredibly hot.

Seeing Tiandao being entangled in black flames, Nagato frowned deeply and removed the control of the All-Seeing Tengyin. The Hungry Ghost Dao flying in the air suddenly fell down, and several corpses attached to his body were dropped randomly.

After landing in the Hungry Ghost Path, he turned back and approached the location of the Heavenly Dao.

Don't come near.

Itachi covered his right eye, and blood fell from his palm to his cheek. Amaterasu's flames were endless, never extinguished, and could not be touched easily, so he reminded his companions with a simple and direct sentence, without saying anything in Tiandao. This information was revealed in front of me.

After hearing Itachi's words, Minato, Kai, and Shisui who were closest to Tiandao decisively stopped.

Although Minato and Kai didn't know what the black flames were, hearing Itachi's solemn tone made them not approach Tendo easily, but they didn't stop to watch the show either.

The All-Seeing Heaven's Guide was canceled and the Hungry Ghost Path fell. Akai reacted quickly and immediately turned to attack the Hungry Ghost Path. He was a physical type and could restrain the Hungry Ghost Path that could absorb ninjutsu and chakra.

Seeing Akai rushing towards Hungry Ghost Road, Minato's eyes quickly passed between Tiandao and Hungry Ghost Road. Hungry Ghost Road's ability was also quite troublesome and could be dealt with first, and Hungry Ghost Road also had the Flying Thunder God. The kunai technique is there and can support Akai at any time.

If the speculation in my heart is true, it is very likely that the Hungry Ghost Dao and the Heavenly Dao are just puppets.

Regardless of whether there was no reaction when the kunai penetrated the body before, or whether Tiandao was now covered in black flames, his expression still did not change at all, giving the impression that he was like an unconscious puppet.

If we analyze this aspect, if they are puppets, then it is very likely that the six enemies attacking the village at this time are all puppets. The real enemy is the person who controls these six puppets.

In other words, even if these six enemies with the Samsara Eye are eliminated, one cannot relax their vigilance.

Minato and Kai had their own plans for a moment, while Shisui calmly observed Tiandao who was burning with black flames. Even Itachi was not sure that Amaterasu could solve Tiandao.

When Akai rushed towards the Hungry Ghost Path, the surrounding Konoha ninjas also organized themselves into formations to attack the Hungry Ghost Path.

After several rounds of confrontation, the abilities of the two enemies have been almost understood. Hungry Ghost Path's ability is to absorb ninjutsu and chakra, while Heavenly Path's ability is repulsion and the ability to control objects.

When facing the way of heaven, it is not suitable to attack in groups, but when facing the way of hungry ghosts, there is no such concern.

Akai pulled out a long dragon-like smoke on the flattened ground and forced it towards Hungry Ghost Dao. At the same time, a repulsive force shook out from Tiandao's body, sending the black flames on his body directly to the surrounding ground. above.

The black flames blooming like lotus flowers, like rootless fire, maintain their shape on the ground.

Just to shake away Amaterasu's flames, the power controlled by Nagato was very low and would not waste too much chakra. However, regardless of the power, as long as the Shinra Tensei was used, there would be a five-second cooling time.

However, this disadvantage has not yet been learned by the enemy. In the next five seconds, try to avoid contact with the enemy to avoid the risk of being detected.

Seeing Tiandao knocking out Amaterasu so easily, Itachi's mood suddenly sank. This feeling was like spending a lot of mana and then gathering an attack that could cause 10,000 points of damage. As a result, when it hit the enemy, it was just A taunting 1 point of damage appeared.

This was the portrayal of Itachi's mood at this time.

The kaleidoscope's pupil technique has a number of uses. Every time it is used, it will be one step closer to blindness. Under extreme circumstances, the pupil technique housed in the kaleidoscope cannot be used indiscriminately, unless...

But at this moment when he was fighting for Konoha, he did not hesitate to use Amaterasu at the right time, and also caused the enemy to be hit by Amaterasu, but the effect was pitifully low.

After Amaterasu was knocked away, Tiandao's clothes were burned to pieces, and most of his body had been exposed to the air. There were serious burns on his slightly pale skin.

Although Amaterasu was knocked away immediately, he still suffered a lot of burns. This kind of burn can cause continuous pain to the body, but it still can't make any change in Tiandao's expression.

Seeing this scene, the two people's expressions were slightly condensed. They felt that Tiandao not only had strange abilities, but also had a trace of inexplicable weirdness in his behavior.

Itachi, are you okay? Shisui asked quickly.

Itachi nodded heavily and replied: No problem.

Okay, cover me.

Zhisui held the Kodachi and headed towards the naked Tiandao.


His Sharingan turned into a kaleidoscope very similar to Ye Zi.

At the same time, Akai approached the hungry ghost road.

Powerful prelude!

Akai suddenly jumped up in the air, and the strength accumulated during the run-up was poured into his right leg. He kicked Hungry Ghost Road hard from the front with a flying kick.

The powerful kick sank deeply into Hungry Ghost Dao's bulging belly, causing it to fly backwards like a cannonball.

Akai looked solemn, but he didn't hold back his kick. He stepped downwards towards the ground. The ground suddenly cracked with large deep marks. And Akai used the force generated by this step to turn into a red and green sharp edge. , catching up with Hungry Ghost Dao who flew out in the air.

When the surrounding Konoha ninjas saw this, they couldn't help but stop, including Minato, who stared blankly at Akai's sudden burst of combat power.

At this time, Akai opened the third door in seconds, and his skin turned red. In this way, he gained terrifying speed and strength. Moreover, in the state of the third door, Akai's body would not be damaged. It was the use of the eight doors. The most suitable number of gates for Dunjia.

After catching up with Hungry Ghost Dao in the air, Akai twisted his waist and performed a roundhouse kick, landing accurately on Hungry Ghost Dao's chin. With a muffled sound, Hungry Ghost Dao's entire face changed due to the impact of its force. Its shape was forcibly changed at the same time, and its flight trajectory was forcibly changed, and it soared into the sky.

The surrounding Konoha ninjas, including the Konoha ninjas on the edge who were not participating in the battle, were watching this scene in astonishment.

The physical skills displayed by Akai at this time completely subverted their cognition. It should be said that if they had done it themselves, they would not have been able to achieve this level no matter what.

The Eight Gate Dungeon can make physical ninjas exert more than ten times or even dozens of times the power, but the training conditions are very harsh. In the entire Konoha Village, only Akai can master the Eight Gate Dungeon to a very high degree.

Even Ye Zi, who only sleeps for four hours for many years, is not as good as A Kai in terms of physical fitness gained from constant training. And even if Ye Zi learns the Eight Gates of Dunjia, he probably won't be able to master it to A Kai's level.

Only Akai, who has built up a 'Beer Bang' body with immeasurable amounts of training day after day, can master the Eight Gates Dunjia and use the Eight Gates Dunjia to such an extent.

You must know that Kakashi, who is also not slacking off in his daily training, asked Akai for advice on the Eight Gate Dungeon in order to become stronger. However, with his physical fitness, it was difficult for him to use the Eight Gate Dungeon well, so he gave up in desperation.

It can only be said that some techniques are, in a certain form, exclusive to certain people.

With such harsh training conditions, the results obtained cannot be underestimated.

When he saw Akai erupting with dazzling light, Minato smiled slightly. Even if he could help Akai at this moment, he would not choose to support Akai because he believed that under the strong offensive shown by Akai, the hungry ghost would There is no possibility of survival.

Therefore, he decisively focused his attention on Tiandao.

At this moment, Akai, who kicked Hungry Ghost Road into the air, stepped on the ground with both feet, but he caught up with Hungry Ghost Road again, who seemed to be stunned and unresponsive.

With a flying attitude, he reached the top of the hungry ghost path.

Akai shouted coldly and kicked down with great force, hitting Hungry Ghost Dao's head with his heel.

There was a loud bang.

In less than a second when the sound reverberated, the Hungry Ghost Path had already landed, hitting the ground with another loud bang.

The slightly fat body was deeply embedded in the ground, with no life left.

After finishing the series of blows, Akai landed safely, his skin all red, but there was no sign of breathing, which made his victory over the Hungry Ghost Path particularly eye-catching.

This may be the first time that Akai has shown such powerful physical skills in front of his companions, so much so that the companions around him were stunned.

When the Hungry Ghost Path was eliminated, Shisui's attack on the Heaven Path was actually from another god...!

The invisible illusion energy went straight into Tiandao's head through his eyes, but the result was embarrassing.

The other gods, known as the most powerful illusions, had no reaction when they were used on Tiandao.

Nagato can feel the illusory energy carried by other gods, but Heaven is just a puppet he controls, and the effects of other gods cannot be directly transmitted to him.

After using the other gods, Shisui's eyes suddenly stung, and like Itachi, dazzling blood flowed from his eye sockets.

Seeing that the other gods had no effect, Shisui suppressed the surprise in his heart and forcibly resisted the burden brought by using the pupil technique on his body. He was about to use the teleportation technique to come behind Tiandao and kill him with the flaming blade. The way of heaven.

However, before his idea could be implemented, the power of Heaven and Earth acted on him.


Zhishui's body was immediately imprisoned and unable to move. The next moment, he was pulled by an invisible and powerful force and flew directly to the heaven, but the speed was not slow.

He drew Zhishui over with the Ten Thousand Elements, and a sharp black stick emerged from the palm of his left hand. When Zhishui flew in front of him, he could pierce the black stick into his vitals.

The distance between the two parties was not close to begin with. Under the pull of the power of the Ten Thousand Elements, Shisui was almost sent to the black stick in less than two breaths, and Itachi was closest to Shisui because he wanted to support him. It can't be done either.

Tsukuyomi's release distance is limited, and Amaterasu is not only ineffective against Tendo, but in this case it is also very likely to accidentally injure Shisui. For a while, he can be said to be helpless.

As for the other Konoha ninjas, they were further away and unable to help.

While Akai solved the hungry ghost path, Zhishui also fell into a dangerous situation because of the failure of other gods.

If any Konoha ninja present could rescue him in time, it would be Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique, but that would require the support of spatial coordinates.

In fact, this situation would be a good time for Minato.

While many Konoha ninjas were worried, there was a hint of smile on Minato's lips.

The art of flying thunder god!

In an instant, he crossed a distance of 800 meters and appeared above Shisui who was flying towards the sky.

Nagato, who controlled Tiandao, suddenly changed his eyes, and Tiandao had already made his move, holding up the black stick and stabbing Shisui.

Minato used the Flying Thunder God Technique to appear near Shisui, and when Minato appeared, Shisui felt a little relieved.

At this time, Minato placed one hand on Shisui's body and the other on the back of Tiandao's hand, mastering the timing to the extreme.

call out!

While leaving the spatial coordinates on the back of Tiandao's hand, Minato disappeared instantly with Shisui, causing Tiandao's attack to fail.

The information revealed at this moment was that the control power of the All-Seeing Sky Yin was indeed unable to restrict Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique.

However, Tiandao's attack failed, but Minato's attack did not stop because of this. When the space coordinates were successfully planted, the victory was actually decided.

After returning to a safe place with Shisui, Minato didn't pause at all. Just after Tiandao drove the black stick to stab forward with his arm fully straightened, Minato appeared again above the back of Tiandao's hand.

This high-speed transfer back and forth can make people's thoughts fall into a gap between starting and stopping.

Nagato guessed that the reason Minato was able to transfer to Shisui using the Flying Thunder God Technique was because Shisui carried the kunai technique.

He guessed wrong, but not essentially wrong.

Minato didn't put a kunai on Shisui, but long before the battle started, with Shisui's consent, he placed the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God on Shisui. There are coordinates of the Flying Thunder God, and the ANBU responsible for guarding Minato also have the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God.

Being able to get Minato to agree to plant the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God fully demonstrated a kind of trust from the heart.

And when Minato disappeared with Shisui, Nagato thought that Minato's purpose was just to rescue Shisui, but in the flash of lightning, he didn't realize that when Minato patted the back of Tiandao's hand, he could instantly plant spatial coordinates.

From flexing and extending the arm holding the black stick, in order to thrust forward and then straighten it, the time between flexion and extension and straightening is literally between lightning and flint. Even an ordinary jounin who is accustomed to using a sword will have to straighten the sword. When the thrust is thrust out, the speed will be astonishingly fast, not to mention that the black stick in Tiandao's hand is very light.

But in such a short moment, Minato got off the Flying Thunder God's coordinates with unexplainable timing, and left safely with Shisui. When Tiandao's arm was fully extended, Minato connected with the offensive.

So when Minato appeared in front of him again, Nagato was completely unexpected, but he was still able to react to this situation, because the Shinra Tensei can be cast instantly, but the cooldown of the Shinra Tensei still has one second to recover!

As for Minato, after planting the spatial coordinates, Shinra Tenzheng, who no longer cared about the way of heaven, deceived himself and launched an attack without hesitation.

Wind Release Rasengan!

The Senjutsu Rasengan infused with the nature of wind escape turned into a pure energy body like the Fuma Shuriken, pressing down on Tiandao.

At this moment, Minato had a doubt.

Why didn't Tiandao use that repulsive move?

There was no time to think about the reason. Minato returned to Shisui through the Flying Thunder God Technique, and the energy explosion caused by the Wind Release Rasengan completely submerged Tiandao.

Within the giant tree, Nagato breathed out softly.

Total destruction.

He thought silently and prepared to recall Pain's Six Paths.

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