Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 550: Shitbone Forest

A holy place that is conducive to the survival of slugs, but not conducive to the survival of humans.

The cross-flowing acid liquid can be avoided selectively, but the acid mist that often permeates the wet bone forest is an unfavorable climate that cannot be avoided.

The sky was gloomy, and the sunlight that filtered through the clouds became weak, giving the wet bone forest in the acid mist a damp and uncomfortable feeling.

The outer edge of the wet bone forest, which is derived from countless corpses, is where the concentration of acid mist is the most sparse. The further inside, the concentration of acid mist will gradually increase.

When Kushina first came to the Shiggou Forest, she was exhausted physically and mentally by the acid mist. Originally, with the ability of the slug, when it attached to her body, she could resist the erosion of the acid mist, but Kushina thought this harsh The environment is suitable for exercise.

Therefore, she relied on the Tailed Beast Cloak and Creation and Regeneration to become the first human being to survive in the wet bone forest for a long time without the help of slugs.

The two months of persistent training have greatly increased her strength. Fortunately, the acid mist in Shiggy Bone Forest is not a constant climate. Otherwise, no matter how much chakra Kushina and Kyuubi have, they will not be able to survive for too long. long time.

The reason why Kushina came to Shigun Forest was for the Sage mode.

Both Yongji Cave and Miaomu Mountain have their own unique immortal modes, and Shigu Forest, which is also known as one of the three holy places, naturally also has an immortal mode. However, compared to Yongji Cave and Miaomu Mountain, Shigu Forest The cultivation conditions of Immortal Mode are even more stringent.

Like the other two holy places, the result of failure in practice is death.

The price of failing to practice the immortal mode in Miaomu Mountain is to turn into a stone toad. The price of failing to practice the immortal mode in Ryūchi Cave is to turn into a snake and be swallowed by the snake immortal. The price of failing to practice the immortal mode in Shigu Forest is... It will be dissolved into an incomplete corpse.

If the cultivation mode of Miaomu Mountain is gradual and gradual, the cultivation mode of Longdi Cave is direct and rough, then the cultivation mode of Shigulin is a long and torturous one.

The common point between the three is the amount of chakra that meets certain conditions. If you want to practice the sage mode of the Shiky Bone Forest, the amount of chakra required will increase tenfold based on this condition.

Even Tsunade, who can store chakra, has difficulty cultivating the sage mode of Shiggou Forest. As a member of the Uzumaki clan, Kushina, coupled with the Nine Tails in her body, a combination of factors gives her the ability to Conditions for practicing Shigulin Immortal Mode.

For two months, she worked tirelessly and gained results.

At this time, the overall practice is actually coming to an end, but it is not perfect yet.

In the Moist Bone Forest, the Great Slug Immortal is an extremely large slug, and Tsunade's psychic beast Slug is actually a unique consciousness split from the body of the Great Slug Immortal. The size comparison between the two is quite large. At 15 to 1.

It can be seen from this that the Great Slug Immortal, which is fifteen times the size of the psychic beast Slug, is huge. However, the Great Immortal Slug usually splits its body into countless small slugs, so its usual size is probably only larger than that of the psychic beast Slug. The beast slug is only three times bigger.

Konoha is currently under attack from the Akatsuki. In order to heal her companions in the village, Tsunade channeled Slug, so Slug knew the current situation of Konoha, but she did not tell Kushina because Kushina was currently in He is practicing and cannot be disturbed.

Sage mode...and the inner training of wanting Kyuubi's approval.

The palm-sized slug quietly looked at Kushina, who was in the acid mist but not corroded. She was one of the split bodies and could establish a communication system with the main body in Konoha Village at any time.

Therefore, she is aware of the current situation in Konoha and is preparing for the second round of Pain's Six Paths offensive.

Master Slug, do you want Kushina to stop practicing? Knowing Kushina's character, Slug was worried when he thought that Kushina didn't know the situation of Konoha Village at this time.

Everything has a beginning and an end. Once you have started, you must persist until the end. Even if the process is long, it cannot be a reason to end early. The Great Immortal Slug is as big as a mountain and looks like the psychic beast Slug. When he looks up, he can't even see the tentacles. arrived, and the voice sounded like a slightly deep middle-aged female voice.

Yes. Slug responded.

In the sealed space, the light was dim, and the sound of dripping water could be heard from the dark place from time to time. The place where your feet stood made circles of ripples, as if you were standing on the water.

The door that sealed the Nine-Tails in the cage had been opened, and the sealing talisman affixed to it was broken into two halves.

This scene was one that Kyuubi had longed for for many years. Now it had indeed happened, but he was not excited at all.

There is no other reason. The woman in front of him is good at sealing. Even if the sealing talisman is torn down on her own initiative, this woman can add another one at any time, so opening the cell door does not mean freedom.

To gain complete freedom, he would have to tear her apart with his sharp claws, which of course he was doing right now.


The violent explosion caused by the release of chakra caused a frenzy in the calm water, shaking towards the dim distance. The entire sealed space seemed to be suffering from the ravages of an earthquake, so it shook violently.

Chains emitting golden light appeared in vain, adding dazzling light sources to the dark sealed space. Ten, twenty, thirty chains, like a group of dragons dancing wildly, formed a dragnet and covered the Nine-Tails. .

The person who controlled the many golden chains was a very beautiful woman. Her eyes revealed a firm light. She stared at Kyuubi quietly, and the emotions contained in them contained a trace of request that could not be ignored.

Kyuubi stared indifferently at the incoming dragnet, opened his mouth, and roared violently. The sound was released, causing the water under his feet to boil. At the same time, the energy needed for the Tailed Beast Jade was already gathered in his mouth.

A hissing sound.

The tailed beast cannon carrying terrifying power was like a laser beam, shooting towards Kushina, trying to pass through the gap left between the chains and devour Kushina.

Clang Clang…!

The golden chains suddenly shrank, and under precise control, they formed an airtight iron wall, forcibly resisting the Tailed Beast Jade.

The tailed beast jade condensed with high-density energy formed a sphere and hit the iron wall made of golden chains. It continued to rotate at high speed, but could not shake the iron wall in the slightest.

The next second, the energy contained in the Tailed Beast Jade turned into a huge explosion, causing the sealed space to shake again.

The dazzling red light passed through the edge of the iron wall and illuminated the entire sealed space.

Kushina stood behind the golden iron wall, the escaping red light quietly seeping into her light blue eyes.

It is as gentle as blue water, but also as firm as dripping water through stone.

Within the beautiful light blue eyes, there is a narrowed pupil. This is the pupil after turning on the Immortal Mode of the Shift Bone Forest.

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