Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 556: That goal

Just hearing that Konoha was attacked, I panicked, and at the same time, the name that jumped out of my mind was Ye Zi.

It's not Ye Zi, it's a man with the Samsara Eye. Slug replied.

It's not Ye Zi...

Kushina didn't know why, but she breathed a sigh of relief, then straightened her expression and said to the slug: Please send me back to the village.

Slug hesitated and said, But you just finished practicing.

She didn't want Kushina to return to Konoha in this state. After all, Konoha now had the upper hand. It would have been fine as long as she didn't tell Kushina the news, but Slug knew that she couldn't hide this from Kushina.

It's okay, I don't feel tired at all now. Kushina said firmly.

Seeing Kushina's determined expression, Slug nodded slightly and began to contact the split body in Konoha Village to prepare for the psychic technique.

Konoha Village.

Nagato rushed towards a Konoha ninja again, attracted a person with the ability of All-Seeing Tension, and then absorbed all the chakra in the person's body.

From birth to death, in just a few seconds, a person's life can be easily taken away with a raise of his hand.

Being able to use the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path to replenish chakra at any time makes it difficult to exert the advantage of being numerous.

Minato asked his companions who were good at taijutsu to stay, and the rest of the people had to stay away from here. Top combat powers such as Shisui and Tsunade were all coming here.

When it comes to physical skills, Akai should be the leader.

In the entire Konoha Village, he is the only one who can use the Eight Gate Dungeon to maximize the power of physical skills.

Sixth, Jingmen, open!

Akai skipped the previous doors and opened directly to the sixth door. This was the result of years of hard training.

When the scene door was opened, a wave of air came out of thin air from Akai's feet, setting off waves of smoke and dust. His exposed skin turned red, like a red-hot iron, and traces of light green energy were like little trees in the forest. The elves were jumping around Akai's body.


When Nagato noticed something strange about Akai, the latter had already moved and turned into a green edge, coming straight towards him.

Akai's movements were like blowing the horn of counterattack, and the physical ninjas left behind rushed towards the powerful enemy.

Although Minato's taijutsu was not weak, it was not his strong point after all. When the others rushed towards Tiandao in sequence, he held a kunai in his right hand and not only did not rush forward, but moved back.

About four hundred meters away from Nagato's position, there is one of his Flying Thunder God marks on the ground, which can be transferred at critical moments.

There was no need for communication, no need for Minato to give orders.

All Konoha ninjas who take the initiative to attack Heaven know what they should do, and that is to create opportunities for the Fourth Hokage.

As long as the Fourth Hokage can plant the mark of the Flying Thunder God on the enemy, he can win this battle.

Wind escape, continuous blade.

Akai's speed was very fast, but there was a distance between the two sides. Before he got close, Nagato used a large-scale wind escape move first.

A huge crescent-shaped wind blade sliced ​​across the Konoha ninjas who were rushing towards them.

The green figure headed towards the crescent wind blade, jumped up, drew an arc, avoided the wind blade, and then continued to rush towards Nagato without losing speed after landing.

After opening the King's Gate, you can use the Chakra Peacock that does not contain chakra to cause damage to the enemy. However, the move that can absorb chakra should not work against the Chakra Peacock.

Akai, who wanted to deal with Nagato with a peacock, simply dodged through the wind escape, but more than a dozen of his companions behind him were unable to dodge and were slashed by the huge wind blade, cutting their bodies in half.

He had no time to care about the situation of his companions behind him. After avoiding the wind blade, the distance had been shortened to the range that Chao Peacock could cover. He suddenly stopped and immediately waved his fists, and the dull sound of breaking wind rumbled out.

The air flow blasted out with the fist rubbed the air, forming flames like peacock feathers, like a flock of geese returning south, heading towards Nagato.

Fire escape?

The peacock is coming menacingly.

Nagato didn't take it seriously, because the shield formed by the sealing seal could absorb any ninjutsu for him.

He ignored the blooming feather flames and rushed towards Minato's position. He could use every ability of Pain's Six Paths. He did not need to control it and was not restricted. He could use the corresponding ability at the right time. Ability, even when Shinra Tenzheng is on cooldown, there are more options.

He wanted to use the sealing seal to resist Akai's Chao Peacock, and then find the main target. As soon as the idea came up and he put it into action, Chao Peacock's airflow flames came in front of him.


The invisible shield of the sealing seal lost its effect, and the air flow carried the feather flames directly through the shield, hitting Nagato's body, and directly knocked him away.

The impact of the air flow caused Zhang Meng to vomit blood. Along with the air flow, the feather flames fell on his body one after another, breaking his robe and burning his skin.

It flew more than two hundred meters upside down before falling to the ground and sliding out a deep groove.

After successfully attacking the peacock, Akai did not stop and united with other companions. He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to continue to attack the enemy, so he chased Nagato who fell on the ground.

Because he didn't know the principle behind the peacock, he just thought that the feather flame was Nagato's fire escape. With a little carelessness, he took this move head-on. The injury he suffered was not serious, but it was not light enough to ignore.

At this time, Akai led the group and brought dozens of companions to surround them. The formation seemed like they could beat the enemy to death with just one punch or kick from each person.

Nagato, who fell to the ground, looked up at the sky and saw no movement. The repulsive force generated by Shinra Tenzheng burst out again.

Faster, wider, and more powerful!

The invisible repulsive force, like a wall of air, quickly pushed towards the outside, bombarding the numerous Konoha ninjas who were surrounding them, sending them flying away, shaking out streaks of dazzling crimson in the air, but they suffered Blood spat out from a heavy blow.

The blood that should have fallen to the ground was also blown away.

As for Akai, who opened the Jingmen, his physical strength was very strong, and his coordination was close to the limit of the human body. When other people suddenly suffered a heavy blow and their consciousness was blurred for a moment, he was the only one to resist it, and with great strength When he started to weaken, he relied on his body's coordination to adjust his body shape in the air, but he couldn't break away from the push.

Only after the repulsive force completely weakened could he get rid of this force and fall from the sky.

Soon, the repulsive force brought sand, gravel and many companions towards Minato, and soon crossed the mark of the Flying Thunder God.

At this moment, Minato's eyes flashed with light, and the Flying Thunder God activated!

His figure immediately disappeared from the spot, and the next moment he appeared on the mark, and the repulsive force passed behind him.

The repulsive force is invisible, but when it pushes away sand and gravel and companions, it is like the light reflecting on the flying dust, which is given form. And Minato, with his excellent and amazing dynamic vision, the moment the repulsive force crosses the mark of the Flying Thunder God , that is, transferred over, perfectly avoiding the all-round Shinra Celestial Sign.

After dodging the Shinra Tensei, Minato raised his hand and threw the kunai at Nagato, and began to form seals.


After typing this last meaningless word, Zizhu felt very ashamed. He felt that he was lazy and not doing his job properly. He had the nerve to publish it even though he had written it so poorly.

Alas, just thinking about this, looking at the subscription numbers one by one, and thinking about the support of so many cute babies, I feel so ashamed.

Sighing at the loneliness, I made up my mind and made a very difficult decision.

Starting from tomorrow, I will code out four chapters every day. If I can't do it, I will chop it off. In this way, I will be motivated only when I have pressure.

Well, it’s decided, starting tomorrow!

Still two chapters a day, and then I can save two more chapters every day\\/lalalal

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