Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 577 I’m tired

In the world, not everything can have the best of both worlds.

After Ye Zi transplanted the Samsara Eye, he came to find Uchiha Jin and gave Uchiha Jin a difficult choice.

The reincarnation eye in his left eye and the price of the reincarnation technique are the fundamental reasons why Uchiha's mood becomes complicated.

You can also adapt to the reincarnation eye, but are you unwilling to sacrifice your life to resurrect Yan Ye...

You could obviously hide these costs, and then let me resurrect Yan Ye without knowing it, but you had to tell them all without concealing them, and then let me choose.

Even if I choose to follow you for the sake of strength, not everyone can accept death calmly.

What if...I don't agree?

Uchiha lowered his head slowly, silent and hesitant. He did not say these words, but kept them entangled in his heart.

He wants to resurrect Yan Ye. He wants Yan Ye to stop burying his troubles deep in his heart for the art of reincarnation. He wants to stay by everyone's side, sunrise and sunset, living day by day, Let’s face the unknown future together with the people around us.

It is true that he chose to follow Ye Zi for the sake of strength, but after experiencing so many things, Uchiha Shin does not hate everything he has now.

If there was any regret, it would be Yan Ye's regret... Many times, when he saw Yan Ye's occasional sadness, he would also hope that Yan Ye could follow the figure of the man who didn't know where he wanted to go.

Everyone is moving forward for a certain goal. He has followed Ye Zi for so long, but he has never been able to find out what Ye Zi's purpose is.

Unable to touch the slightest bit, he just felt that Ye Zi was moving desperately towards a goal he didn't know.

He could see this.

But now, Ye Zi gave him a problem.

How can we accept death calmly?

Uchiha Jin asked himself that it was difficult to do it, so he hesitated when Ye Zi put the choice in front of him. Since he hesitated, it meant that he did have the idea of ​​​​agreeing in his heart.

He couldn't accept death calmly for a while, but Uchiha Jin didn't know that Ye Zi had already been mentally prepared to accept death calmly...

Looking at the silent Uchiha Jin, Ye Zi did not rush him, but quietly waited for Uchiha Jin to make a choice. If it were not that he could not get the best of both worlds, he would not leave this choice to Uchiha Jin.

He couldn't use his own life to resurrect Yan Ye, because the things he was carrying had bound his hands and feet.

This was his own choice, and Orochimaru knew very well that the crucial choices made by everyone could not be changed, so Orochimaru never tried to dissuade him, but just asked Ye Zi, is it worth it?

Before getting the answer, Orochimaru might have expected it, and that was the case. What he got was an answer without hesitation.

Then...are you willing? Ye Zi looked at Uchiha Jin and thought silently. He had many tough methods, but he chose the softest one.

Sacrifice yourself to help others.

This is not something that is easy to do, but many people can do it.

After hesitating for a long time, Uchiha Shin slowly raised his head, looked at Ye Zi's left eye, and asked: I know that my physique is very special and I should be able to adapt to the Samsara Eye, but has Master Ye Zi already adapted to the Samsara Eye?

Ye Zi nodded slightly. He heard the meaning behind Uchiha Jin's words. This could be regarded as a veiled question.

This is equivalent to...then why should I do this?

Then... why doesn't Mr. Ye Zi do this by himself? Uchiha changed the subject, like a bright knife. Even if he was willing to use his own life to resurrect Yan Ye, he thought that the person who did this would , it should be Ye Zi, not him.

When he started asking questions like this, maybe he had already made his choice.

I can't do it. Ye Zi said solemnly.

Everyone has a scale in their heart, which they will not use all the time, but they will definitely be used, and Ye Zi often has to face this situation of having to choose one or the other.

In order to maintain the balance of the scale, he can only plunder other people's things, and then make the weight of both sides equal.

Is it because I can't do it...or I don't want to do it? Uchiha Jin stared at Ye Zi and confirmed again.

Ye Zi calmly faced Uchiha Shin's extremely focused eyes and repeated: It can't be done.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t do it.

He wanted the best of both worlds, so he couldn't do it himself.

Listening to Ye Zi's answer, Uchiha Shin's eyes, which gradually became fierce, slowly returned to calm.

still have a question.

He looked at Ye Zi and said calmly: What if I don't want to?

Then I will do whatever it takes. Ye Zi replied directly without any hesitation.

Uchiha Jin sighed deeply when he heard this, with bitterness on his face, and said solemnly: Master Ye Zi, you could have concealed the price and let me die in confusion, but you wanted me to die clearly.

He vaguely understood why Ye Zi put this choice in front of him.

Ye Zi looked at the bitter expression on Uchiha Jin's face, and there was also a hint of bitterness deep in his eyes. If he was strong enough, everything would be smooth sailing, so why did he still have to stumble along like this despite constantly trying to gain strength? .

Or is it because it's not strong enough...

Uchiha Shin was silent for a moment, and then said in an extremely complicated tone: I hope... Yanye can be happy.

This is a luxury wish, not a humble one.

Ye Zi remained silent. Although he thought that Uchiha Shin might agree, when he actually heard it, his mood couldn't help but become complicated.

After Uchiha finished speaking, he stretched out his hand.

Without saying a word, Ye Zi handed the glass bottle with the Samsara Eye into Uchiha Shin's hand.

The next day, with the help of Nanako, Shin Uchiha was transplanted with a kaleidoscope and a samsara eye.

Uchiha Shin's physique is indeed special, but without Ye Zi's self-healing power, he cannot recover in a short time after the eye transplant, and it will take some time for him to adapt to the eyes' abilities.

After the transplant operation, Nanako returned to the laboratory to work, and the preparation of the medicine was nearing completion.

The preparations that need to be made are almost done.

Time passed day by day, and Bai Jue brought back not so good news - the union of five ninja villages.

Ye Zi didn't react much and asked Bai Jue to inform him about the upcoming battle. After another half day, he called Yan Ye into the room.

I also want to participate in this battle.

As soon as he arrived at Ye Zi's room, Yan Ye took the lead.

Everyone already knew that they were about to follow Ye Zi to fight against the five great ninja villages.

Ye Zi looked at Yan Ye quietly. Since he resurrected Yan Ye in a dirty way, he has not allowed Yan Ye to participate in any battle. Yan Ye believes that fighting can bring out her value.

I can't die anyway, right? Yan Ye looked at Ye Zi seriously.

Ye Zi reached out and stroked Yan Ye's cold cheek, his eyes gradually warmed, and said, You can't go.

Why? Yan Ye couldn't feel the temperature coming from Ye Zi's palm at all. After hearing Ye Zi's words, his tone became slightly excited.

Feel sorry.

Ye Zi did not answer, but retracted his hand, took a step back, then formed a magic seal with his hands, and looked at the confused Yan Ye with apologetic eyes.


With a muffled sound, a coffin without a lid rose in vain behind Yan Ye. At the same time, Yan Ye's consciousness was suppressed by Ye Zi and sank into darkness.

With a hint of sadness in his eyes, Ye Zi controlled Yan Ye, whose consciousness was suppressed, and slowly stepped back into the coffin. Then he channeled the coffin lid, slowly lifted it up from below, and slowly closed the coffin.

Ye Zi's eyes just moved along with the rising coffin lid. In his field of vision, Yan Ye's expressionless face was covered little by little with the rising coffin lid. Until the coffin lid closed, it was There is no trace of it anymore.

After putting Yan Ye into the coffin, Ye Zi took a few steps forward, stretched out his hands and gently hugged the coffin, pressed his cheek against the rough and cold coffin, and drooped his eyelids slightly.

Yan Ye, I'm tired...

No one could hear the tired whisper.

Ye Zi slowly took a few steps back, controlled the coffin, and slowly sank to the ground. His eyes gradually became firmer as the coffin sank.


The fourth volume is finished.

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