Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 579: The Future of the Ninja World

On the eve of the war, five shadows gathered here.

Gathering the power of all the Ninja Villages just for Ye Zi is an unprecedented event.

The effective information provided by Konoha is always reminding other ninja villages of the fact that Ye Zi cannot be simply regarded as an enemy. The existence behind him called the Heretic Golem is the one that will endanger The key to the ninja world.

Among the five shadows, one shadow is actually missing.

Yu Gao, the Jinchuriki of the Mist Ninja, was killed by Akatsuki. The representative sent by the Mist Ninja side was the right-hand man of the Third Mizukage, named Agatha. His face was painted with patterns. He was good at the art of killing people in the fog, and he was very skilled with a broadsword. .

The reputation of the agouti among the mist ninjas is not low, but his main job is not fighting, and he only takes up this position this time in a temporary capacity as a shadow.

Four shadows, one temporary shadow, and in addition, there are two people standing behind each person.

The two people behind Naruto Namikaze Minato are Nara Shikaku and Konan. The reason why Konan is here is not only because of the information she brings.

Why are the Ninja Village coalition forces targeting Ye Zi alone now? The reason is that the Yu Ninjas in Yu Ninja Village are not dominated by Ye Zi, but Xiaonan.

Once spreading the belief in God in the village, Xiaonan's identity was the envoy of God, and he was also the one who could make the rain ninja obey orders.

In other words, in addition to the five major ninja villages, the ninja alliance also has a rain ninja village that is not weak in combat power.

The two people behind Raikage Ai are Dodai who wears a single eyepatch, and Darui, the elite Kumo ninja who is good at using Lan Dun.

The two people behind Tsuchikage Tenpira Onoki are Tsuchikage's son Huangtu and the elite Jonin Koyo.

The two people behind Kazekage Rasa are Yashamaru and Maki, who are elite Sand ninja jonins.

The two people behind the temporary Mizukage Guibo are Ken and Haruyu. Among these two people, the Kiri ninja named Ken, has superb swordsmanship, while the older Haruyu has great experience in sealing techniques.

If you Konoha decisively handed over Ye Zi back then, why would such a bad thing happen today? Onoki said with a cold face and a very rude tone.

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the matter of detachment, but during the discussion, after Ye Zi was involved, several figures who had a mortal feud with Ye Zi could not hide their resentment.

As for Suna Ninja Village, it was because during the third Ninja War, Ye Zi released Shukaku, causing Suna Ninja Village to suffer heavy losses overnight. It is unknown how many people died and how many buildings were destroyed. This is an inextricable feud. .

As for the Iwa Ninja Village, let’s not talk about the initial grudge. That time Ye Zi infiltrated into the Iwa Ninja Village and killed Onoki’s wife. Although he spared the infant Kurotsuchi, this grudge was settled, and more Not to mention that there were quite a few rock ninjas who died in Ye Zi's hands.

As for the Cloud Ninja Village, it was because Ye Zi had recently killed the Third Raikage and two important Jinchuuriki, Yuki and Kirabi, as well as thousands of companions. This was also a mortal enemy.

As for the Mist Ninja Village, it was nothing more than the time when the third generation Mizukage was killed by Ye Zi, the death of many elite jounin, and the recent incident of the fourth generation Mizukage Yu Gao, all of which were blamed on Ye Zi.

The four ninja villages all have irresolvable hatred with Ye Zi, and the same is naturally true for Konoha Village. The damage Ye Zi caused to Konoha is actually no less than that of other ninja villages. It can be said that Ye Zi is now a ninja. public enemy of the world.

The Ninja Village has never tolerated rebellion against Ninja. Ye Zi has rebelled from Konoha for many years. It is because of your inaction in Konoha that we are in this situation today. Ai held back his anger and did not vent it out, but his tone But he was extremely angry. If he didn't still have sense, he would definitely slam the table and get up at this time.

After the third Ninja War, the Cloud Ninja Village became very powerful. After that, it maintained an unclear relationship with Akatsuki. It wanted to use Akatsuki's power to weaken the power of other Ninja Villages as much as possible, but it didn't want that one day, the Cloud Ninja Village would be in Akatsuki. I suffered a big loss in my hands.

Thousands of Kumo ninjas, the Third Raikage, and two Jinchuuriki. You must know that the Third Raikage is Ai's father, and Kirabi is his brother.

It was fine at the beginning of the negotiation, but when Ye Zi was involved later, Onoki opened the door and released the anger suppressed deep in Ai's heart.

The important matter of the discussion was interrupted because of this, and turned into angry words from Onoki and Ai.

Kazekage Rasa and Temporary Mizukage Agatha were relatively calm. They initially interjected a few words, but then when they saw Ohnoki and Ai becoming more and more angry as they spoke, they decisively chose to shut their mouths to avoid further drama.

Facing the attacks from Ohnoki and Ai, Minato was very calm and silently accepted the accusations.

Shikaku's face looked slightly ugly, but Minato had no instructions, and it was hard for him to fight back with words.

The person who caused the dispute was Ye Zi, but the focus of this meeting was to discuss how to effectively allocate the team to ensure that they could defeat Ye Zi. However, Ohnoki and Ai's tempers were not very good. After being ignited, they finally The best way is to say you won't fight back, and you won't fight back if you hit.

At this time, no matter how much you say, it's useless. You can only wait until the two people's anger subsides a little before the interrupted discussion can continue.

Minato knew this, and so did Rasa and Agatha, so they chose to shut their mouths halfway and did not fuel the anger. At this time, Minato, who was also a shadow-level man, was about to be pointed at his nose and scolded, but Still so calm and patient without getting angry, I couldn't help but praise him in my heart.

What they were afraid of was that if Minato couldn't bear it anymore, then this meeting would probably turn into a fight.

Minato's silent suffering made Ai and Ohnoki's anger feel like they were punched in the air. They had no way to vent the aroused anger all at once. They could only do so a little bit, like a deflated balloon, slowly... Breathe gas.

This feeling was unpleasant. He obviously wanted to pop the balloon, but because of Minato's reaction, he could only deflate it slowly, and there was nothing he could do.

Moreover, why can this woman stand here? Ai suddenly changed the topic and targeted Xiaonan, who was standing next to Minato.

Hearing Ai's words, Xiaonan looked calm and cold, facing Ai's sharp gaze and remained silent.

Seeing that Ai turned to target Konan, Minato couldn't remain silent at this time.

In the beginning, Xiaonan's role was really just to provide information, and he was not qualified to participate in this meeting at all, but it is different now. After all, Xiaonan's identity is equivalent to the shadow of Yu Ninja Village. He can order the ninjas in Yu Ninja Village, and Yu Ninja Village can also be regarded as the shadow of Yu Ninja Village. A good fighting force.

She is now also a member of the coalition and is attending this meeting on behalf of the Rain Ninja Village. Minato responded.

The purpose of the coalition forces was to attack the Rain Ninjas, but as a result, the target they were supposed to attack became a member of the coalition forces and had a common enemy. It can be said that things are unpredictable.

It's just a small ninja village, just obey the orders. Ai Shengliang said suddenly.

Ai was standing and Minato was sitting, looking like he was more than a head shorter.

So, Minato stood up, faced Ai's stern gaze, and said calmly: The Fourth Raikage, now we have the same goal. Instead of venting our anger pointlessly here, we should think about how to win this battle that is about tolerance. The battle for the future of the world.”

Based on Toad Sennin's prediction, Minato directly escalated this battle to a level that would affect the future of the ninja world.

After learning one-sided information about the Heretic Golem and the Ten-Tails from Konan, after hearing Minato's words at this time, he didn't think it was an exaggeration.

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